
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Write stories



Mia she is strange but for a reason. See she loved horses, her dad taught her how to ride. They we're close but Mia came home one day to her house burned down in ashes as if it couldn't get worse she saw her dad's burnt body she was the sent to an orphanage and her life started to change.

After witnessing her father's dead body covered in soot, Mia was scarred. Soon after she was sent to an orphanage. Of course you can guess it she didn't get along with any of the children. She was problematic always getting into trouble for the stupidest of reasons. Always breaking the rules like sneaking out after midnight and not eating properly. People taking care of her in the orphanage said that she would never get adopted if she kept on acting like this. Mia of course didn't care,she only cared about her father. She was only troubling herself because every time she thought of her father she thought of his burnt body. It was not a pretty sight for her to see every night in her dreams. It was an average orphanage day, she was walking around a quarter past midnight. Then she saw a horse it's maine was beautiful. It blended in with the dark blue sky it looks so beautiful. The horses mane was spectacular it glistened in the dark sky it was so gorgeous as it flowed in the soft cold breeze.

Mia was astonished she had never seen this type of horse. She wanted to ride it she wanted to pet it, it made all of her bad thoughts go away. Mia walked a little closer but the horse heard her and ran away. Mia went back inside to sleep but stayed up all night wondering if she would see the horse again. Morning came and she was very well behaved all of a sudden. It freaked everyone out she was eating properly. It was kind of scary she participated in the activities now she made new friends. She had 5 friends their names are Becca, Emily ,Cassie, Maddy and Caitlin. As you can tell they are all girls. The orphanage doesn't allow the boys to be friends with girls or girls to be friends with boys. So they are always separated by sex. Mia tried her best to behave she really wanted to sneak out again. Every night she sneaks out to she if she can catch a glimpse of the horse. Unfortunately it never came back after that night. She said that '' I will wait for the horse to come back but I need to pass the time until then.'' So she made some friends but on her big girl boots and tried to fit in. Since it was a while since she last saw it, she thought that she didn't see it because it blended in to much . That wasn't the case though it just wasn't there. She looked harder but still could not see it. She was about to burst out in tears then she heard and saw the beautiful horse again. In the corner of her eye she she caught a glimpse of a boy." That's weird what is a boy doing over on the girls' side". She thought to herself.