
Let’s Read The Word

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A Dangerous Attraction

A Dangerous Attraction




Mia and Enzo are both leaders of a rival mafia that is highly respected and feared. Although they are rivals, the war between the two organisations has ended with the signing of a business agreement. But just as their business is booming, a new mafia boss appears. He stole their clients, their earnings and foiled their biggest coups. He has declared war on them both. To avoid an unnecessary loss in this battle, Mia has no choice but to ally herself with Enzo, her enemy.

She stands outside the pub and wonders if she's really going to do it. She knows it's the best choice she can make of all the others. She can't lose any more of her good people to a new little mafia. Especially when she and her rival have the same target. She looks around cursing that mobster before entering that pub. Everything around her was red in that pub. This situation irritates her. No one was there to escort her to him. She can't believe that she has to look for him herself when he is the one who arranged this meeting with his stupid rules. Mia heads to the VIP area looking for his whereabouts. The mobster sees one of his men and goes to tell him that she has a meeting with her boss. The guy smiles surprisingly after leading her to a big red door. He tells her to wait before disappearing behind the door.

- You can come in. He says after returning to his original seat.

She sighs before entering. She opens the door and sees a tall man standing with his back to her, looking out the window. Mia is interested in his appearance as she hasn't found any pictures of him. She makes a noise to get his attention, which Mia manages to do.

- Well... We weren't expecting you!" he says with a smile as he turns around.

At first she couldn't say anything. He was really handsome and attractive. She couldn't take her eyes off his deep green eyes and his shaved black hair. He was wearing a shirt that molded his muscles. His words suddenly hit in her brain and his thoughts were right. He was testing her with this encounter to see if she would show up without her men. He raised an eyebrow before his smile widened.

- What? Don't tell me you're already intimidated before I start doing that...

- Shall we start talking business or do you still want to make jokes? she asks him without showing any emotion on her face.

- I could make some later if you don't die first... He tries to scare her but to her surprise she smiles.

He walks towards her until he stops right next to her. His body almost brushes against hers. She holds her breath as his musky scent makes her lose her train of thought.

- I'm listening...

- We have a common target or problem, call it whatever you want. You know Marco is getting more powerful by stealing from us, right? She asked, glaring at him.

He was silent for a moment before circling around her like a lion about to trap its prey.

- Do you want me to help you get rid of him? I don't know whether to ally myself with my rival. He answered her after sitting down on the nearby sofa.

- And why not? If you help me, you help yourself. She asked him, imitating him and sitting on the sofa.

- I can't tell if you're stupid or brave... Coming alone and unarmed to your enemy.

- I think the exact word you're looking for is fearless.

- Aren't you afraid to die?

Her enemy leans towards her. He squints slightly before running his tongue over her lips.

- I am not afraid of you...

- Me or death, it's the same thing, sweetheart. Says the mobster as he brushes a lock of hair away from Mia's face.

His hand slides from her forehead to her cheek, which he caresses for a moment before withdrawing it.

- Do we have a deal... sweetheart?" she retorts, articulating the last word animatedly.

He chuckles, amused by the turn of events and especially shocked that she had the guts to call him that. Ever since she came in, he had wanted to touch her, to kiss her and taste her red lips that looked like two rose petals.

- Maybe we do... Why? Do you want to leave already?" challenges Enzo, bringing his face closer to her face.

- Why? Can't I leave anymore? Are you going to kill me, Mr. D'Angelo? Mia challenges him in turn by moving closer to her rival's face.

- How could I dare to deprive the world of such beauty? It would be a shame...

- Your sweet words don't work on me.

- Doesn't it? Then why do you look like you're about to kiss me?

- Maybe because you're my type?

In business, seduction is important and she excelled at it.  Seducing Enzo to get what she wanted was not difficult as he was attractive and very handsome. But this time, seducing him was not premeditated. It was spontaneous. She couldn't help flirting with him. Today, she wants to play with him a little. During their staring game, she got lost in his dark green eyes that got darker as they stared at her. She licks her lips to provoke him and he pulls her closer to him, pulling on her arms. Their proximity has driven them mad. Their faces are only inches apart. They throw themselves on each other's mouths at the same time. The kiss intensifies and becomes more and more passionate and animal. Their tongues search for each other, find each other and mingle in a frantic dance. His hands in her hair pull it slightly, causing her to let out a moan. Her hands on his chest go lower and lower...