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Girlfriend For Rent, A Billionaire Affair

Girlfriend For Rent, A Billionaire Affair




Fake girlfriend needed My client needs a young woman above eighteen to pretend as his girlfriend for three months. Pay is three million US Dollars. Criteria for selection; You must never fall in love with my client. You must either be middle or upper class. You must be single with no kids. You must be willing to live in my client's family mansion in Beverly Hills. ****** Recently heartbroken Miracle Holmes needs money and tries her luck in the odd girlfriend search despite not being qualified. The moment she sets her eyes on the ruthless billionaire Leonel Hamilton, she knows it would be difficult to resist his charm. She doesn't realize that it might end badly for her because the rules aren't isn't as simple as she'd hoped. She must decide whether to play along or flee.

My ears perked up when I heard a loud cry from my neighbor's house and someone calling for help. I grew worried and rushed out. Little did I know that my curiosity would lead to a shocking discovery, and I was about to receive my first slice of heartbreak.

Sixty-four-year-old Gwen had fainted while having marathon sex with a young dude. Many emotions ran through my mind: amusement, sympathy, and finally horror at the sight of the young man responsible for her predicament.

The last person I expected to see half-naked and sweating like a faucet was my boyfriend, Drake.

A lump formed in my throat as I struggled to process the scene. With all the stories of cheating circulating, I had begun to suspect Drake's suspicious behavior—his unexplained money despite being jobless, his lavish spending on gaming at the casino, and other activities—but I never imagined he'd be cheating on me with an older woman.

Without thinking straight, I marched straight to him. “How dare you!” I cried out and slapped him across the face. My hand stung from the force. “You're a disgusting pig!”

He was shocked to see me. Tears flowed uncontrollably down my cheeks, despite my best efforts to hold them back. Gwen's fifteen-year-old granddaughter was frantic and tried to revive her.

Drake's hand flew to his cheek. “Mimi…baby, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?”

I struggled to contain my emotions, speaking through trembling lips, "Drake, you're fucking someone old enough to be your grandmother? A married woman whose husband is lying helplessly with a stroke?”

Drake's response was a stinking lie: "I don't know what you're talking about. I came over to help with plumbing."

His excuses were growing more ridiculous. He lacked any skill, and I was more handy than him. My tears kept flowing, and I wiped them with the back of my palm. "Why, Drake? Why cheat on me and lie to my face? You're an asshole!”

His face became hard, almost unreadable. “So what if I cheated? What's so special about you that I cannot cheat on you? Gwen is older, but she's better in bed. You're just a wallflower, boring as fuck!”

My tears streamed in torrents now as I struggled to make myself speak. “You can't possibly blame me for that! You took my virginity, and even if you wanted to cheat, you had other options and not an old woman! How can you be so selfish? It's over!”

Drake rolled his eyes. “Good riddance.”

My mouth hung open in shock. A part of me wanted to plead with him, but my hurt overpowered that desire. I felt that he owed me an apology, not the other way around.

I struggled to compose myself and asked, "You took all the money from my savings last week, claiming it was for your mom's medical bills. Can I have it back?"

Drake sneered, pulled out the cash, and flung it to the ground. "Now stop yelling like a banshee and get a grip." I watched in disbelief as he jumped on his bike. “One more thing: don't come back begging. I'm done with you.”

He sped away, leaving me stunned and heartbroken.

"Please, Miracle, can you help me lift my mom? She's awake but still on the floor," Gwen's granddaughter begged.

She was terrified and I felt sorry for the poor girl. Gwen was naked and her hair was damp from the water used to revive her.

I helped lift her onto the bed, and when our eyes met, I knew that her affair with Drake was intentional. I had seen her watching me with Drake many times, as I lived with my aunt, who was a next-door neighbor.

"Shame on you," I spat out, my voice bitter with anger, before turning and running away.


“I'll take the offer. I'll do anything to get out of here,” I cried on the phone to my best friend.”

Dani’s squeal nearly blew out my phone's speaker, leaving me wincing in pain and wondering if my eardrums would ever recover.

She had brought up a suspicious

contract weeks earlier, where she had used my photo and personal information for a gig involving a billionaire seeking a contract girlfriend. At the time, I had refused due to my commitment to Drake, but now that he had shattered my heart, I had no reason to hesitate.

“Get your beautiful, heartbroken self down to Beverly Hills and make some cool cash. Be grateful that your cunt-lapping ex dumped you for that old woman. He did you a favor. If only I looked half as stunning as you do, I'd be swimming in cash by now.”

My doubts began to grow when I booked my flight. I needed the money, but I didn't want to land in trouble.

“The pay is three million dollars, Miracle. Take the offer and become a millionaire, or continue struggling as a sales assistant with a broken heart,” Dani said sternly.

Five days later, I flew to Los Angeles, looking confused as a fish out of water.

“The client in question, have you seen him before?” I asked Dani at the airport after she assaulted me with a hug. When she shook her head, I groaned.

“Dani, I hate taking risks. I lied to my aunt about getting a job here. What happens if this doesn’t work out?”

Dani was too excited to care. She booked an Uber, and we drove to Beverly Hills and pulled into a sleek, all-white duplex with a line of luxury cars in its circular driveway.

I was staring face-to-face at wealth, and it made my knees buckle.

With an overly bright smile, a good-looking man with a strong Irish accent walked over to welcome us. "Ah, there you are. You must be a miracle."

Dani responded instead, bobbing her head.“She is, and I'm Dani.” Dani wasn't allowed inside, and I had never been more afraid. Mr. Irish accent successfully dragged me into the waiting room, and I felt like a sheep to the slaughter.

"My name is Calvin, and rest assured that this contract is real."

My eyes were restless, bouncing around.

"The lawyer has already outlined the contract. You must sign it before my boss sees you. Let me warn you, though. He's not thrilled about this arrangement, so he might come across as a bit harsh. Just remember, there's a huge amount of money on the line.”

"Is he a demon? And who is making him do this?" I asked warily. Calvin laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"He's no demon, but he can be a bit demanding at times. Keep that in mind and remember that you have me to back you up.

"Thanks for the reassuring words, "I said flatly, and he winked, checking his smartwatch and handing the contract over for me to sign.

"He's ready to see you now. Come with me” Calvin said moments later. My wobbly feet and racing heart made me tremble.

When we got upstairs, a tall, ash-blonde-haired man in a navy blue jacket stood behind a door. I hadn't seen his face, but judging from his hair, he wasn't old.

I began to doubt myself. What if he considers me a wallflower and thinks he deserves someone more beautiful and experienced?

My heart skipped a thousand beats when he turned around and met my gaze.

Fuck my life!