
Let’s Read The Word

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A Lonely Rogue

A Lonely Rogue




Born into the wolf pack, my parents disowned me, convincing the Alpha to banish me from the pack. I don’t follow rules though so honestly, it suited me well.I'm actually grateful I learned to live alone before all went to hell and now well I am a rogue, I don’t associate with anyone and nor do I ever ask for help.Wandering through the forest as I do every day, I never expected to meet him. Hell I didn’t even expect to be challenged; who would have expected there would be a mate out there for everyone.Too bad I’m not going down without a fight……

His loud and booming voice barely roused my senses as I briefly acknowledged his words.

'You will do as your mother says'!

Pfffffft, yeah right; me follow orders, no way in hell. My father had always been walking a fine line with me and threatening me the way he had resorted to recently did nothing for our friendship.

'I will do as I please'.

Dad stood over me, his eyes a distant black; if I were just any werewolf, I know this would intimidate me but then again I wasn't. My Dad's use of his title was such a turn off; it was really a poor excuse for parenting. He may have been important in our society but that did not give him the right to stomp on me.

In my opinion my own father should have known that if his blood ran through my veins, I could resist his commands, after all we were supposedly blood relatives.

I hoped for once he would listen to what I had to say but like usual I assumed my words would mean nothing.

'Dad please, you know that trick doesn't work on me'.

Not taking my comment too lightly; Dad slowly inched forward, his figure creating a shadow over me, he was now that close. I never hesitated to take note of his tense stance, the way his muscles begged to attack me.

Looking ready to shift; his body was shaking in the usual way when someone tried to keep their animalistic side at bay.

'Vera Thurmont! You will do as I say; now get out of my house and go feed your precious inbred sheep'!

So Dad still holds it against me that I left the ram gate open one day, leaving the rams to impregnate half their children. How was I supposed to know sheep were that stupid! If I didn't mention it before, I suppose I should now…..

My family runs a sheep farm here in the Crescent Pack, now as fun as that sounds; getting to eat the little buggers whenever you want……it's not. Unfortunately for me, I had to be tasked as the one to help look after the sheep when Dad was busy and since he was Beta……that was very often.

Beta in our pack was pretty much another word for the slaver driver of the Alpha, although I'm sure if Dad heard me disregard his title with such disrespect, I would soon find out what a slave really was.

Being shoved out the front door for it only to slam hard enough to crack the hinges; this was not a new routine to me and this was simply an everyday occurrence.

I was never allowed to tend to the large flock of sheep that grazed the many hectares of land we actually owned; being appointed with the task of only having to look after the sheep which were 'my' creation.

Hearing the low growl echo over the porch, Dad must have been serious this time, as if his little intimation technique didn't give it away.

Striding over to the sheep; I really did feel a bit like some lunch, maybe one of the 'inbred' suckers would do……

Meat was meat regardless where it had come from and I was yet to see much difference between the sheep I looked after and the large flock, I was sure the difference in taste wasn't even noticeable.

Eyeing off the helpless sheep, its frantic pacing back and forth in the little pen did nothing for it. These animals knew when they saw me; they were in trouble. Just looking at the way the sheep hunched together, trying to push each to the front, they knew what was coming.

Leaning over the fence, the sheep began to shake; such helpless animals they were, only good for eating in my opinion. Trying to be the animal's best friend farmer that I saw regularly on television, I held my hand out waiting, but of course none of them would approach.

The fact that I was a werewolf and I most likely stunk of predator, you would think would be the first clue.

I was sure any onlooker would think I was on the edge of hysteria, my voice coming out relaxed like I was talking to any other person.

'So which one of my little suckers would like to be today's meal'?

If only the sheep could understand me; really they just didn't want to be eaten, that was obvious. Maybe I'd pick off the small and most skittish one; she was always the first to get to the corner being the smaller of the few.

Making my decision, yep it would be her. Climbing back off the fence, this would be so much more fun in wolf form, so I figured I'd give it a try since Dad wasn't around to scold me.

Stepping back to shift into my wolf; I felt my bones changing, popping into my canine form as a surge of relaxation hit me from changing. My senses like always were sharper, the fur now hiding my body keeping the warmth inside me.

Being a wolf always felt good, especially now I could see the sheep barging against the back fence, knowing what was coming, knowing they were going to die.

I know the technical term for us is werewolves but really, we're just oversized wild wolfs, who think it's fun to prance around in our own little groups of families as humans.

The feel of my fur moving against the soft wind, made me tremble with pleasure. I was just an average size for a werewolf, slightly bigger than our natural lookalikes but small enough to be classed as an ordinary wolf with a serious steroid problem.

If I was to describe myself, I would say my fur is a clean and crisp shade of white, common in our pack but rare among others. My mother had always told me it had something to do with genes and heredity; not like I care.

The long and toned hind legs I carried I knew were something I had also inherited. Our pack was built like fighters; large ears used to detect even the slightest noise along with the thick coat to protect us from the ever changing weather were just a few of the traits I had noted.

Putting all my weight on my back legs, I prepared to jump the pathetic excuse for a fence, waiting for the moment to strike when the sheep thought just maybe I was after them. Of course that wasn't going to happen but a girl could dream.

Seeing an opportunity when my sheep was suddenly at the front, I threw myself at them; bounding over the fence, only metres from my target, I had great speed and yes I did like to brag about it.

Merely thirty centimetres from my target, claws almost close enough to snare and rip apart the sheep; my senses let me down, forgetting to warn me of my onlooker.

A large dark brown wolf; almost chocolate in colour bounded in front of me, grabbing a hold of my throat and throwing me across the yard.

His body structure too resembled my own, his skeleton somewhat larger than mine though due to my father's bloodline.

Everything happening so fast, I didn't even have a chance to react before he was literally standing over me, teeth barring; spit falling from his chin; the usual.

It was my brother Dingo, well that's what everyone called him anyways; his really name was actually Sebastian.

If only it was times like this that the little mind link trick our pack possessed like every other would fail; 'are you flipping crazy Vera! Dad would hang you out to dry if he saw you eating those sheep'!

Chuckling in my head, I even got on my brother's nerves; who would have thought. Admittedly we fought a lot and that was an understatement but he was always going to be my brother.

'I'm not crazy, I'm just hungry, Dad said I could'.

'You know for a fact Dad did NOT say you could'!

Yawn; this guy was as bad as everyone else, under both the Alpha and my Dad's spell to follow their rules and be a part of the pack. 'Whatever Dingo, or should I say Sebby……I know you love the pet names……'

Dingo growled, lowering his head over mine; 'you so asked for this little Sis'!