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The Forbidden Mate

The Forbidden Mate

Author:Philip Ramos



Selene Russel was just an abused Girl, seeking a normal life, after running away from her past. That is until the arrogant Alpha sets his sights on her. Their lives take a turn as theirs is a forbidden love, destined to ignite a war in the almost peaceful werewolf community. As the last of an extinct werewolf species, she carries a dark secret that could shatter everything she holds dear. Will their love defy all odds as they fight for their happiness?   Follow Selene and Damien on their journey filled with lies, deceit, betrayals, and a secret that threatens to destroy everything.

My heart beat wildly in my chest as I darted through the forest, the moon providing guidance with its ethereal glow.

I was tired from all that running, but I just couldn't stop. I had to get away from him, from this place, from what I had done.

I heard an owl hooting and cast a furtive glance over my shoulder. I can't stop now, even though my heart feels like it'll pop out of my chest anytime now. Someone must've found him by now, perhaps one of those of His numerous friends who enabled him. Suddenly overwhelmed with fear, I pushed myself to the limits of my endurance.

After walking for a few days, I came to a community. The problem was, I didn't know the name of this pack and I had to be careful, because the pack I came from, Hurst Pack,has been enemies with many other packs for some reasons I didn't know and didn't care to know.

I never had the luxury of sitting down under the moonlight like the other children to listen to stories about our pack.

I suddenly heard a sound and quickly hid behind a tree. I peeped from there but couldn't see anyone and the only sounds I heard were the sounds of birds chirping and the current of the lake ahead. I released a deep breath and limped towards the lake.

The only thing I had eaten since I left my home was wild fruits. I was fortunate not to have eaten a poisonous plant.

As soon as I was a few feet from the lake, I fell on my knees and winced as pain coursed through my entire body. I gently lowered myself to a sitting position as I glanced around my environment, my heart beating wildly as I recalled everything that had happened.

Three days ago;

I hid behind the door, my palms clamped tightly to my ears in a bid to shut off the agonizing scream of my mother as my father pounded her with his fists, like she was a punching bag.

Even with my hands on my ears, I still could hear her muffled screams and each one of them pierced through my heart. I swallowed a choked sob because I knew what would happen if he heard me.

My mother and I were just like slaves to him, subject to his maltreatment, and each time he punished her, he didn't like to be interrupted by my sobs, or else he'd turn back to me.

He continued beating her and I could see blood trickling down her nostrils. I muffled a sob that threatened to break free and decided that I'd had enough. She was In that situation because she tried to save me from him.

"Dad.'s's enough," I stuttered as I stepped out of my hiding place.

He stopped and suddenly whipped his head back, glaring at me murderously.

"You," he snarled as he took a step forward and I gulped. I didn't need someone to tell me that I was going to be his new punching bag.

"Please…please stop..let her go," It came out like a whimper and I shuddered as I saw him clench his fist.

I stumbled backward and he lunged at me, wrapping his blood stained fingers around my slender neck and tightening his hold. I choked and no words came out as I tried to beg him, not like begging him would even do anything to help my plight.

My mother was curled into a ball on the ground and I saw her struggle to stand up.

"You stupid bitch!" he said through gritted teeth as he lifted me, high above the ground. I clawed at his fingers to be freed of him as I was feeling the life slowly waft out of me.

His eyes darkened as I saw him bring out a switchblade from his pocket, with his other hand.

I shuddered with fear. He had only used a knife on me once before when he saw me talking to the baker's son and assumed that I was begging him to sleep with me. He called me a stupid slut as he cut my thighs. That was the first day he gave me to his friends, telling them that I was just a whore and it was time to show my usefulness.

He threatened to kill my mother and me if I ever told her.

I blinked back tears that threatened to come out because he hated any sign of weakness, that gave him the motivation to even worsen his punishment

"Please…please I'll be good…please. I promise.." His eyes glinted with mischief and I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I didn't know what he wanted to do to me, but I knew very well that it would be bad, really bad!.

"By the time I finish with you, you'll be good," he shot out and I whimpered as he raised the knife.

Suddenly, I saw my mum's arm, holding his hand tightly, preventing him from cutting me.

"Stop..stop this, Mark.."

The anger on his face was unlike any I had ever seen as he suddenly dropped me, making me land Butt hard on the ground.

The next few seconds were a blur as I saw a raised knife stabbing through her chest.

Someone was screaming, but it didn't sound like it came from my lips. I felt myself going up and then falling back down on the hard floor, it was as if someone was hitting me repeatedly, but I was just too numb to feel anything and saw only a light, it was glowing so brightly that I wanted to be it. But then, the darkness finally overwhelmed me.

"Wake up! wake up, you stupid slut!" I suddenly jerked up and winced as a hot pain seared through my body.

Did I faint? I gasped as the events of the past hours came rushing back to me. My mother was dead…murdered by my father.

The tears started to drop and I realized I had been lying on the ground. My Dad was looming over me, glaring at me murderously and I glanced at the knife on his hand, still stained with blood…of my mother.

A hot pain seared through my thighs and I looked down to realize that my skirt had been ripped off, and my thighs had been slashed raggedly.

"You stupid slut! don't you know it's time for me to have my breakfast!" he barked as he toyed with the knife.

"Or do you want me to cut off your ears?" I didn't need to be told twice, I quickly stood up, wincing as I did.

"You weak, stupid little slut! I just hope your mother taught you how to cook" he sneered and I swallowed hard.

He just killed my mother and was acting fine, like he didn't do anything like she was just something he got rid of.

I wanted to ask where he kept her body, I wanted to scream at his face, but I just couldn't.

"Hurry up!!," he yelled.

In Times like this when he was in one of his moods, it would be better not to upset him further as he would punish me again.

"I'm sorry," I muttered and scurried off.

I moved to the fridge and opened it up, to see what I could quickly fix. I sighed as there was nothing inside but water and an apple.

I hadn't eaten anything since the previous day so I quickly munched the apple when the door suddenly opened and I spun around to come face to face with my father who held a menacing look.

"What the fuck are you doing instead of fixing me, my breakfast?!," he thundered and I shuddered.

"There's no..," I couldn't complete that as I received a thunderous slap that deafened me for a minute.

"You stupid abominable slut!," he yelled as he began to kick me, my thighs began to bleed again and I curled in a fetal position, My hands on my head, to prevent him from hitting me.

The pain seared through my entire body and something else coursed through my veins. Anger, pure rage.

If I stayed here, I would end up like my mother, dead. I didn't even have the will to live anyway, but I had to, I had to try.

With every ounce of strength I could muster, I pushed myself up from the ground, suddenly fueled by my survival instinct.

I didn't know where he picked a knife from, but as the blade glinted and he held my arm, to cut me, I screamed,trying to free myself from his grip and made to run away.

"You stupid slut!!,you abomination," I heard him scream as I raced towards the door. I wasn't fast enough as he grabbed my arms, holding me back and muttering curses. The floor of the kitchen was now bloody and he raised the knife towards my face, I struggled as I kept pushing him away and his grip faltered as the knife dropped.

I saw that as my opportunity and I quickly picked up the knife, pointing it at him as I took a step backwards

"Don't come closer! Don't!," I said, cursing myself inwardly as my voice didn't come out as loud as I intended.

"Drop the knife, slut!" he yelled as he took a step forward.

I doubt he even knew my name. Slut was the name he had been calling me. If it wasn't slut, it was bitch or whore.

He lunged forward and the only thing I saw was blood, as I let out a blood-curdling scream. I did not…

I HAD JUST KILLED MY FATHER!!!. I stepped away from the scene, taking slow steps backward until I got out of the house.

I began to run. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to go. His friends would be back anytime soon and I didn't want them anytime soon. They'll kill me.

Everyone in the community was aware of what my father did to us, but they never did anything, the few who did were met with my father's fist. And Hurst pack didn't have an Alpha that cared about its people. So my mother and I were left to the mercy of my father's abuse.

My father wasn't like this at first, he was normal, and we were a normal family, until when I was thirteen, when he lost his job. He changed, he began to spend more hours in pubs and found solace in bottles of liquor. He began to get irritated and angry over little things, and then the abuse started. He started to beat Mother and then me.

And one day, he called me an abomination. Stating that he should've thrown me away when he found out. I was an Omicron wolf, the last of an extinct rare breed.

Omicrons are known for sending off intense sexual energy to wolves of the opposite gender. He claimed that it was why he had done what he did. He also said that it was why he had been trying to keep me from other men, to avoid assault from strangers. He preferred his friends to assault me. It was also because of that, I had to mask off my scent with heavy perfume.


I heard a sound behind me, breaking my chain of thoughts and I glanced back in the direction of the tree, engaging my wolf's sensitive ears to listen for any sound of approaching footsteps.

I was still scared of my father's friends coming to find me here.

I began to walk into the town, conscious of how tattered I looked. I hadn't had a bath since I left.

It was early in the morning, so the streets were still lonely, but I could hear the sounds of laughter coming from the houses nearby and my heart sank, as I remembered how our house used to be.

I gasped and stood frozen, my breath hitching in my throat as someone tapped my shoulder, from behind.