
Let’s Read The Word

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Once Upon A Summer

Once Upon A Summer




Life wasn't faithful for Hazel. With a job at stake, a pile of debt and a stressful life. Hazel is a hardworking woman who has dreams and ambition of becoming a successful independent woman. Running from one job to another has never been easy for her. She believes investing herself and time is the most important skill in becoming successful. However, sometimes, being overly truthful put you in a lot of trouble... One mistake is enough to demolish all the hard work Hazel has built and all that was left, was for her to Amend for mistake that she may or may have not partake in.

The loud beats of music was blaring from every direction.  Thumping loudly with the beats. Men are drinking, strippers as dancing, other doing other nothing. Just sipping on their drinks. The room was filled with people. Her eyes scanned the surrounding immediately she set her foot inside. Even before she finds her way inside, she felt her blood pumping. If she wants she can equally turn back an leave. Yet, something was pulling her back. She needed to enjoy her day. She needed the drink, the dance to cool off her mind from everything. There's no going back.

She ventured her way inside, marching towards the counter and grabbed the empty stool. "Welcome Miss. What would you like to have? We have different drinks from-"

"I want a strong one" She cut him off before he could complete his statement.

"Okay Miss" The bartender ushered back turning to get her the said drinks. She fished out her phone and began surfing through her social media account. A message popped in.

Where the hell are you!!

Something was irritating about the message. Where and what she does is not anybody's business. She supports herself. No one does. Another message popped in almost immediately.

Pick up the damn call!

This time around, she switched off the phone completely slipping it inside her bag. "You sounds irritated" A voice said beside her.

Turning to the source of voice, I would be lying if I said my heart didn't escalate at the sight before me. He has that kind of look that will make you stare at him more than once. And his eyes, damn! His eyes are enchanting. And what made it more worst is when his lips curved up into a smile.

Damn! He's so hot.

"Hello??" I was literally brought back to reality when he waved his palms in front of my eyes. I didn't miss the smirk that was replaced by his smile. God! He caught me checking him out.

"Yeah. It was just a minor issue" I profound grabbing the glass of drink the bartender kept by my side.

"Are you sure it's okay for you to drink that?" The guy said his eyes going to the almost empty glass.

"I'm very sure. I just want to get drunk and forget about what is happening in my life" I hushed out. Not sure whether he heard me or not.

"Getting drunk won't solve the problem"

"How sure are you?"

"Because I experienced it. I know what it feels like" We stared at each other. For some reason, there's something about him that piqued my interest. Was it the way he speaks, or the fact that he's handsome and hot?

I gulped down the remaining drink in one go. In less that what could be labeled as one minutes, the drink started settling in. I felt my head getting heavy.

"By the way, I'm hazel" I announced placing my hand on the counter.

"What a beautiful and sexy name" A light chuckle erupt from me.

"I bet that word is unlikely fit. How about you?" For some odd reason, I felt the need to get to know the stranger in front of me.

"You will probably not remember it tomorrow. And it's likely we'll not meet again"

"Why do you say so? I have a good memory" I said pushing my lips forward. He shifted his stool close to mine. Leaning his face over. The mere inch that was left between us wasn't helping matter.

"Because I know you will not" He hoarsed out his voice sending ripples down my skin. I don't know whether it was the drink kicking in or something else. Yet, I found myself leaning my face forward leaving a tiny space between us.

"I guess we're gonna enjoy the night. With no strings attached" With that, I closed the remaining gap between us. Connecting our lips together.



Just like every other day especially Mondays, Hazel was caught up in the early morning traffic. She's the kind of person that takes her job very serious. And she's known for that. Which earned her an award of the year. She always make sure, her work get completed before the deadline. And that earn her respect from her superiors. One of the goals she wants to achieve within the year, is to earn  a promotion which is what shes's working for.

She glanced at her wrist watch in frustration. Surprisingly, today seem to be different from other days. From the time she woke up from bed in not her usual time, she knew her day is not going to be pleasant. She feels it at the pit of her stomach. And that was exactly what happened.

Hazel hissed out in frustration. Seeing as the traffic isn't going anywhere and shes's getting late. She pulled the door open and made her way out. "Hey Miss-" Before the man could say more, she handed him two dollar. It was supposed to be three dollars, but he didn't take her to the destination. So, splitting the bill is fare. After all, she'll have to trek to the office. Horn blared from every direction. The traffic is getting out of hand. People have places to go. Parents need to take their kids to school and vice versa. Hazel got startled by a horn that almost turned her ears deaf. She turned in anger. "Can't you lower your your honk down" She uttered through gritted teeth.

The driver couldn't say anything. Not when the woman was throwing daggers at him. He shifted his gaze to the other side. Hazel wasted no more time and began her journey to the office. Her handbag was tightly secured around her shoulder as she held the other one containing some of  the important document with her other hand.

A smile made it's way out of her lips seeing the company in view. She spared hr wrist watch a glance. It took her fifteen minutes instead of seven minutes from where she left off.  It was a hell lot of trekking but it's worth it. She heaved in and out a deep breath before making her way towards the entrance. "Good morning Miss Dalen" The security man greeted her with much enthusiasm as usual.

"Morning Joe" Hazel ushered back with an equal smile. The man has been with the company even before Hazel came three years ago. Hazel could remember when she walked in the company as a new employee, the man accepted her with open arms. And Hazel couldn't forget how he had told her not to imprint his name with Sir. She should call him by his name. Joe. At first, she wasn't used to it as she feels it is a good harmony to regard your elder ones with respect.

She sauntered her way in, her heels making a click sound. "Morning Miss Dalen" She was being greeted by the employees. Nevertheless, getting glances from them. However, that didn't bother Hazel. Instead, she held her head high. She fished out her Staff identification card. The machine made a beep sound indicating her verification.

Hazel catch a glimpse of the elevator closing making me her to rush in before It does. There were three people inside, with her four. They ushered a brief greeting. She tapped her foot continuously as she waited for the elevator to reach her floor. As she was in that position something catches her eyes as she stood behind the two girls. If not mistaken, she saw her picture. The two girls turned around and spared her a look. Hazel was sure something is wrong. She quickly fished her phone out of her bag and scribbled through the internet. She was attacked by the headlines



Hazel eyes went wide as she played the video of her slapping her boss across the face. She couldn't believe what her eyes just saw. Her face was all over the media. And to even make matters worst, They aren't saying anything about the reason for the slap. They are putting the blame on her. From the comments section, she could tell, they're all siding with him without knowing the full details. The reasons behind her smile. Immediately the elevator door opens, she stormed out. She was angry.

Her heels were cracking on the floor as she advances her way towards the office, burning with almost anger. She was attacked by the stares from her co-workers. All eyes on her. At that moment, she could guess the news has reached the. Not when they're throwing accusation glares at her. When they knew the truth but kept mute. Because they were afraid. Afraid of speaking for themselves. Even with the familiar look, Hazel didn't bother, she made her ways to her cabin, her foot coming to a halt at the scene in front of her. "Who did this to my office?" She said trying as much as she can not to unleash her anger. No one utter a word.

"Miss Dalen, your attention is needed at the meeting hall" Zoe, Mr. Kane's secretary. Eric's father.

Hazel pushed the door to the meeting room open . Her eyes landing on the top members of the company. Eric's father, Mr. Wilson, the top shareholder of the company. Some other people and Eric himself. She didn't miss the smirk that gathered on his lips. The need to land her fist on his face grew. Yet, matters need to be taken care of. "You call for me Mr. Kane" She uttered as calm as she can.

There was no joy on the man's face. That's for certain. Hazel has already made up her mind.

"I guess you have seen the news already" he commenced.

"Yes Sir" She sticked to short reply.

"And you know how important this company is to me. I don't allow any slight harm to come to my company"

"I do Sir"

"I know you're a hardworking woman and have bought so much change to the company since your arrival. That's why, I want to give you a second chance" Hazel didn't say anything. She waited for the man to finish his talking. " I can allow you to continue working in the company and might even promote you as the Accounting Director, but only if you cooperate with me"

"I don't get what you're trying to say Sir" Hazel responded back in a total confusion.

This time around, Mr. Wilson was the one who spoke up. "What Mr. Kane is trying to say is, you should apologize to the media for your actions an-" Hazel was quick in cutting him off. She knew nothing good from come out of the meeting.

"I'm sorry Sir, but I can't agree to your demand. I'm willing to resign than to see the unjust happening" with that being said, she turned on her heels and walked out with pride. She'd rather give up on her position and the so called promotion than to let him get away with his behavior. And she'd make sure she exposes all his acts before she leaves the company. For good.