
Let’s Read The Word

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Ink Love

Ink Love




The world has a vast variety of gifted beings. This is a story of two beings with the gift of ink. Being smart is not a talent, it's a gift. Benson has that gift. He loves his books and education. Lara, a tattoo artist also loves her books but they aren't school books, she loves tattoo books and she also has the ink gift. If fate were a man, it would be a cruel man. Their paths clash and to say the least, love is not always the product of two people meeting. A tutorial class leads to the popular girl catching feelings for the nerd and soon, actions stir up certain things and a lot of stuff begin to pop up, even Benson's dad! But not all that glitters is gold. Would Benson and Lauraine have the strength to stop their emotions from blinding the truth or would? Benson? Dad!? Benson fell to the ground as he saw the man he called dad. WHAT WAS GOING ON? ...Indeed the nerd and popular girl were never to meet


My day started as it always did, me waking up exactly fifteen minutes before my alarm went off. I didn't even see the need to set my alarm anymore since I was used to getting up before it every single day. The only reasonable thing to do was lie in bed and wait for the alarm to go off. So I did that. Scrolling through my phone, answering the messages I had.

Soon, the alarm went off and I started my day, getting a shower and trying to get my hair look presentable but that wasn't working, then again, it never worked so I just put on my beanie and flew down the stairs to get breakfast.

The house was quiet and not smelling of pancakes and sausage. This could only mean that mom didn't come home from her night shift. She must have taken the morning shift too. I had to make do with whatever I found, which wasn't much.

After three bowls of cereal, Ace texted saying he was on his way. Ace is my best friend and we've been best friends from kindergarten.

Ace was the ideal storybook jock, black hair, body of a Greek god and had all the girls. Did I also add that he was a black guy...a black bi guy! Yeah, it still shocked some people but I always seemed to have known even before he came out when he turned thirteen.

Me on the other hand, I  was the complete opposite. People wondered how me and Ace were still friends. My usual response was  'it's mostly because Ace and his friends weren't in a storybook so, they didn't have to bully nerds or pick on guys who weren't on the football team.'

The loud honking that made all the animals on our street go crazy was my notification that Ace was here.

"Yo little guy! Time to get to school!" Ace shouted from his car

"I'll be down soon!" I shouted back. I never used to shout, Ace was rubbing off on me.

I cleaned up my bowl and locked our apartment, leaving the key under the flower pot for mum. Ace was in his now grey sports car. I could have sworn it was just last month that damn thing was a hot bumblebee yellow. Pretty sure he changes the color every month. I opened the passenger door and threw my bag in his face.

"I drive you to school. The least you could do is say thank you, not throw your bag in my face!" He laughed and threw the bag to the back.

"And I do your assignments, you'll do my biding."

The drive to school was almost silent, that is till Ace started blasting Lil Wayne through his super loud speakers, making us look like a moving party house. I wasn't the biggest fan of Lil Wayne but I didn't hate the guy's's just that Ace was too loud! I turned down the volume to what normal human beings use to listen to music.

"Hey B!"

"Yes Ace?"

"Did you do our assignment?"

I looked at him with a raised brow, he always did this when he didn't do HIS assignment.

"Our assignment?" I asked like I didn't know what he was talking about. I know we're best friends but I can't jus let him get my brains for free.

"Yes, our assignment. Don't tell you didn't do it!" He pouted like a little girl. It was insane how this same guy was the captain of our school football team.

"When would you ever do your own assignments? You gotta take them seriously you know?"

"Chill B, assignments aren't the end of the world plus you stress too much. "

I sunk into my seat, pouting with my hands crossed to show my annoyance. Ace was too carefree for 'our' good but what can I say, he was a good friend.

The sound of reckless, hormone filled teenagers made me realize we had reached school. As Ace and I didn't have any classes together today, it was bye-bye till the end of the day and I had to hand him the assignment. Which was against my will might I add.

The halls were buzzing with students trying to get ready for their first periods. From my locker, I could see Ace and his team high-fiveing themselves. They turned round to 'hi' me. To them, any friend of Ace was a friend of theirs. I waved at them as the bell rung for the first periods to begin.

My first period was physics and as usual, it was boring. The rest of the day wasn't any better, except at the cafeteria where the new school whore was announced. It was none other than Patricia.

Patricia had been 'done' by anyone who just wanted a little company at any time. It was just how she rolled. Finally it was last period...the worst of all periods. It was our maths class, taught by the dreaded Mrs Gretchen.

Mrs Gretchen had grey hair and never smiled. She was like a stone  giant.  Soon enough, even Mrs Gretchen's class was over and that signaled the end of my stay in this jail house.

Everyone was rushing out as fast as possible and so was I, until Mrs Gretchen asked me to wait back. This couldn't be good.

"Mr Scott, please wait back would you?"

She asked it like a question but knowing Mrs Gretchen, it was more of an order.

"Yes ma'am." I waited till the class was empty then I walked up to her table.

"Yes, Mr Scott, I have something I need you to help me with."

"Yes Mrs Gretchen?"

"I want you to tutor Lauraine Michael. Can you do that?"

Lauraine Michael was the most popular person in school, even Ace wasn't in her class and Mrs Gretchen wanted me to tutor her! This wasnt going to be easy in any way! Lauraine was... Lauraine! But I couldn't even say no, Mrs Gretchen would kill me so I did the most reasonable thing.

"Yes Mrs Gretchen." I said with as much frustration I could put into my voice but Mrs Gretchen didn't seem to notice or she just ignored it cause she smiled!

"Thank you Benson! Can you start today?"

"Sure ma'am."