
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Peaceful peace



Amy was a poor girl who had always wished to marry for genuine love. Jack was a very wealthy billionaire who did not care about love. They have been forced into an arranged marriage for business reasons,not because they loved each other. At first, they were like strangers. But quickly, real romantic emotions grew between them even though the marriage began as fake. However, many troubles came their way. Jack's wealthy family did not approve of Amy. Secrets and lying people from the past attempted to ruin their marriage. Jack's business was additionally in trouble. With a lot of these problems, their unlikely marriage was in danger of ending. Can individuals who started as strangers fight through each difficulties to remain deeply in love?

"You can not be serious!" I shouted at my parents, my belly churning with dread. We have been sitting in our cramped dwelling room when they dropped the bombshell on me.

"I'm afraid we're, Amy," my father said solemnly. "An arranged marriage is the only way to ensure our family financial future"

He paused a little before he continued calmly "Amy, you know exactly what our family is going through of recent, we are not happy with this decision either, but it seems to be the only way out of this financial crisis we are in".

My heart pounded in my ears as the news washed over me like a tidal wave. An arranged marriage? But that is against the whole thing I had dreamed of as a young girl.

Ever since I was young , I had fantasized about falling in love with my perfect soulmate. I imagined us having romantic dates, him Showering me with affection, and ultimately walking down the aisle in blissful tears as we devoted to spend our lives together. Money held no importance to me .

I just wanted the magical connection of true love where I can find happiness, peace of mind and fulfilment.i had always dreamed of getting married to a man who would love me, defend me , and support me in any circumstances.

"With whom am I supposed to marry?" I requested apprehensively, fearing they had already picked someone old, cruel or otherwise understandable as my husband.

My mom took a deep breath. "The Westbrooks. One of the wealthiest families in the country."

"You mean...That stuck-up billionaire Jack Westbrook?" I stammered in disbelief, recalling his arrogant sneer from the society pages.

Jack Westbrook was the cold, calculating heir to the entire massive Westbrook corporate empire. I had never seen him face to face but I have heard alot about him,he was Rumored to be heartlessly focused only on money and power, he was the last person I would have chosen as a romantic partner. We were quite literally worlds apart in every way.

"His family's resources are the only way we can save our struggling business and provide for us all," my dad explained further "Jack agreed to the arranged marriage in exchange for our companies asset and connections which could be of advantage to the Westbrook Enterprises."

"So it is a loveless business deal for him," I said bitterly, my desires of wedded bliss crumbling to pieces before my very eyes. "And what about my feelings? Am I not supposed to have a say in who I should marry? How can my own marriage be arranged by you people, for God sake, this is a life long decision and any mistake ending up with the wrong person,I may be doomed for life, don't you people care about my happiness?" I cried out.

My parents exchanged a pained look .l had actually known that Money issues had become so dire of recent that it has made our family to become desperate. yet, arranging my marriage to a wealthy total stranger felt like a devastating betrayal.

"We wished there was another way, Amy dear," my mother stated, with tears almost dropping from her eyes. "But if this deal doesn't fall through, we will be completely ruined. Our only chance is for you to make this noble sacrifice for us all".

I stared at the faded floral wallpaper, wiping away my tears. My belly twisted into sickening knots. This is totally against every love story I had envisioned, every instinct of following my heart.

Yet their words rang through- with out this arrangement we may also soon end up on the streets without roofs on our head begging for what to eat,

and I wouldn't let this happen to My beloved family,as an only child to my parents, if this is the sacrifice I would have to pay for the happiness of my family , so be it .

Drawing a shaky breath, I gave a reluctant nod. "Alright...I'll do it. For our family."

My agreeing to marry jack was met with looks of tragic comfort from my mother and father. As my mom pulled me into an embrace, I could not help but wonder if I had simply made a horrible mistake that might haunt me forever.

I would be marrying for everything except the sole reason I had constantly dreamed - marrying for true love.

That night I lay down on my bed but I couldn't sleep. I still couldn't believe I agreed on an arranged marriage to a stranger, without been given enough time to think about it.

"No this is not going to happen, there would definitely be enough time for me to think and reconsider my decision, hopefully the weeding should be about two years time, before that time I will definitely look for another solution to our financial crisis". I thought to my self, as I felt a little bit relieved.

Still not sure if my thoughts where right I ran to meet my mom to get a confirmation.

Mom was seated alone in the sitting room and from her appearance I knew she couldn't sleep too, she looked trouble.

"Mom ,when is the wedding taking place" I inquired with eagerness to hear her response.

She took a deep breath before she answered "your weeding is in a couple of weeks dear" "weeks? " I shouted as I ran back to my room in tears.

I know I wanted to make this sacrifice of agreeing to this arranged marriage for the good of my family, but why is the wedding taking place in a rush,? I just got to know this morning,that I would be getting married to a stranger, and then boom, it is happening in a couple of weeks?

I thought to my self as hot tears of disappointment rolled down my cheeks.

The thought of my arranged marriage to a stranger, and the fact that it was even taking place sooner than I expected breaks my heart into pieces.

Little did I know, that the worst was yet to come on my wedding day when I came face-to-face with the cold, ruthless businessman who was to be my husband...