
Let’s Read The Word

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Group Pet: the 3-year Old Big Shot

Group Pet: the 3-year Old Big Shot



The Wen family had recently received a prominent figure. A toddler aged three, who is unexpectedly the family's matron? Not only can she control beasts and refine pills, but even capturing ghosts and exorcising demons with ease? The Wen family declared: No! This can't be true! We are staunch materialists! Wen Xiaoruan, with a peach wood sword in her left hand and a talisman in her right, stood atop a tiger, cooed: "Hey! Demon! Dare to take away the luck of the Wen family, give me your life!" After this little one's actions, the Wen family was startled to discover that their family business had suddenly improved, and the luck of the younger generations had also gotten better. Even their bodyguards found money when they stepped out. Everyone huddled around Wen Xiaoruan, tossing her into the air: "Little madam! You are our deity!"

"'First time?'"

Inside the dim bar, where the light flirted its way through the crowd, the atmosphere was captivating.

Wen Tinglan lazily lounged in a corner booth, facing a woman with a slim waist and long legs.

Raising an eyebrow, he gave her a nonchalant once-over.

Blushing and lowering her head, the woman smiled coyly, "Handsome, are you sure it's your first time in a bar?"

Wen Tinglan lifted the corner of his lip in a sardonic grin.

"Yes, it indeed is my first time."

Taking out his cell phone, he opened the QR code scanner, "How about we add each other on WeChat?"

Would he, the grand Wen, stoop to adding girls on WeChat if not for his friends bamboozling him?

Just then—

"Wen Tinglan!!!!"

A childish voice tinged with anger incongruously rang out in the bar.

Wen Tinglan stiffened, instinctively looking up.

And he saw a tiny carrot-topped figure, hardly as tall as a table, dressed in a gray robe, with a top knot on its head, and slinging a bulging crossbody bag. Hanging around its neck was a baby bottle, as it marched towards him in apparent fury.

Judging by her age, she is no more than three years old.

This little one is as adorable as a finely crafted piece of jade. Her face is as soft and tender as a dumpling, with wide innocent eyes, a pinkish nose, and chubby cheeks puffing up in indignation.

This sweetheart's charm even softened the temperament of Wen Tinglan, who was ordinarily aloof and untamed.

"Little girl, how do you know my name?" he asked with patience.

The child walked up to him huffily, tilted her head back, and glared at him, "Didn't you promise to pick me up from the airport? Where were you? I was waiting for you for a whole five hours!"

Wen Tinglan felt rigid, realizing the problem brewing. His grandfather had instructed him early that morning to pick someone up from the airport.

He had taken a leave from school and was on his way to the airport when some friends invited him to the bar.

It was his first time at the bar, and he was so excited that he completely forgot about picking someone up at the airport.

"Hey handsome, who is she?" The woman across from him got up angrily, "Why does she look so much like you? She can't possibly be your daughter, can she?"

Wen Tinglan's face stiffened as he turned to look.

By golly, the little girl did bear a striking resemblance to him.

Could she really be his illegitimate child who was lost to him?

No, that's not possible! He was still young, three years ago he was still in middle school! It's implausible that he could have a child this old.

Wen Tinglan shook his head, about to clarify things.


With a crisp noise, the woman retrieved her hand in anger, picked up her handbag from the seat, and glared contemptuously at Wen Tinglan.



Wen Tinglan watched helplessly as the woman walked away, anger ablaze in his eyes as he glared at the little one in front of him.

"Hey! Brat! You know you ruined my moment?"

"I can't believe that old man had me pick up a burden like you!"

Annoyed, Wen Tinglan ruffled his red hair, took out a cigarette and clenched it in his mouth, looking as disheveled as possible.

"I'm not a burden, I'm your aunt, Wen Xiaoruan!"

The little one was neck rigid, shouting loudly in the noisy bar, her face turning red.

"Tch! Aunt? Then I must be your grandfather!"

Wen Tinglan was so upset that he wasn't mincing words.

"If you don't believe me, look at this!"

A letter was handed to Wen Tinglan.

The youngster looked relaxed, her eyes deep, filled with a subtle disdain barely visible under the surface.

"Go ahead and look! Are you saying I should be scared of you?"

Wen Tinglan confidently took the envelope from her, opened it, and took a quick look under the dim light.

The next second, his pupils dilated drastically.

"Holy crap! You little rascal, you're really my aunt...great-aunt?!"

Wen Xiaoruan raised her eyebrows, her baby face appearing unusually mature, "Guaranteed to be true!"

After saying this, she picked up the milk bottle hanging around her neck and took a leisurely sip.

"And, by the way, you were very rude when you spoke earlier. My great-grandfather, he's long dead."

"As for my nephew, in terms of generation, you should call him your great-great-great-grandfather."

Her way of speaking was somewhat peculiar.

It seemed that her mind has an adult's way of expression, but her three-year-old body just couldn't keep up.

Wen Tinglan: "...."

He was indeed grateful to his large family.

What age is this, and they are still discussing generational differences.

Now he was in good shape, with no liquor consumed, no Wechat connected, and an extra three-year-old great-aunt out of nowhere.

Damn it!

Wen Tinglan tried to keep his feelings in check, producing a smile that was uglier than a cry. "My lady, my apologies. Let's go, this is not a place for you. I'll take you out for food."

After speaking, he kindly looked at the large backpack she had on. "My dear lady, you've been carrying this heavy bag, you must be exhausted. Let me carry it for you."

Two girls passing by heard his words and looked at him and Wen Xiaoruan curiously, murmuring in disbelief.

"This guy looks quite handsome, why does he seem a little off?"

"Calling a three-year-old 'my lady', has he lost his mind?"

Wen Tinglan: !!!!!!!

It's you who's lost your mind! Your whole family has!

Knowing that they couldn't stay in this place any longer, Wen Tinglan grabbed the back of Wen Xiaoruan's clothes and physically lifted her to leave.

"How dare you! Put me down this instant!"

Wen Xiaoruan began to struggle furiously, her little feet kicking wildly in the air.

Wen Tinglan carried her to the dessert shop next to the bar before letting her down.

Initially, Wen Xiaoran was furious. But as soon as she saw the delicately made desserts in the display window, her eyes lit up, and all her anger vanished.

Before Wen Tinglan could respond, she was on her little legs, scampering into the shop.

"Welcome!" The shop assistant greeted her with a warm smile, "Little girl, we are about to close the shop. Would you like to buy a dessert?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Wen Xiaoruan swallowed hard, leaning against the transparent window, "This one, and this one, and that one! I want them all!"

The little one's eyes were shining brightly, so cute it was beyond words.

The shop assistant was charmed by this adorable child. "Little one, where are your parents?" she asked.

"Um... I don't have any parents." Wen Xiao Ruan blinked her large eyes, looking at her earnestly.

The shop assistant's heart ached instantly.

Such a lovely little girl, yet she was an orphan. It was so heartbreaking.

"Here, these pastries are for you" the shop assistant offered, "Don't run around alone, okay? Stay here and wait for your family, alright?"

Wen Xiao Ruan received the delicious pastries and her eyes grew wide.

She held the pastries in both hands and stuffed them into her mouth in one 'om-nom' bite.

Oh dear! They were so fragrant! So soft!

So delicious!

Zhao Qian Qian's heart melted at the sight.

What a cute girl!

She's too adorable!

Wen Xiao Ruan ate three pastries in sequence. Only then, with her belly round and satisfied, did she reach into her bag and pull out a triangular yellow charm, which she passed to Zhao Qian Qian.

"Sister, this is for you. Thank you for the pastries."

Zhao Qianqian looked puzzled at the yellow talisman in her palm.

How did the little one get this? How curious.

Just then, Wen Tinglan walked in with a dark face, exuding resentment. "Why did it take you so long to come in? Didn't you see me waiting for you outside?!"

"You even eat what strangers give you, aren't you afraid of being kidnapped?!"

Wen Xiaoruan was full and in a good mood, not bothering to argue with him.

"I'm your aunt, be careful, I'll tell your grandpa when I see him, accusing you of disrespect and not caring for the young! Report you for sneaking off to the bar!"

With one word from Wen Xiaoruan, Wen Tinglan quieted down.

Old and young, this little fellow really had it all.

He was the first to not pick her up from the airport, and he disrespected her afterwards.

Plus, sneaking off to the bar was not acceptable. If he was caught and reported to his grandpa, he was sure to be in trouble.

"Alright, it's my fault."

He knew when to hold and when to fold.

"What do you like to eat, I'll buy it for you."

Wen Xiaoruan pointed proudly with her chubby little hand, "This one, that one, and this one too, I want them all!"

Wen Tinglan stared in surprise, "So much! You are a pig... you've been living in the mountains for a long time, haven't you? Fine, whatever you want to eat in the future, I will buy it for you."

Received and accepted, he endured!

Wen Xiaoruan hummed with contentment, her arms loaded with four or five cake boxes, and swaggered off.

Before she left, she didn't forget to remind Zhao Qianqian, "Oh and miss, be careful on your way home tonight. If you encounter any situations, avoid them at all costs, or else there could be a bloody disaster."