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The Key To My Heart

The Key To My Heart

Author:Eliza Crown



“You don't really think you deserve him, do you? Let me get this straight to you, someone lowly as you shouldn't be fantasying on how to climb the social rank, you don't deserve it.” she spat out hatefully. —------------------- Arnie Pearl Goldcoven is an eighteen years old extremely famous popstar in America, popularly known as the goddess of beauty and the queen of music, who grew up with not just a silver spoon but a golden one. She had everything a girl could ever wished for, is it beauty, wealth, powerful background, popularity? Yea, everything except true love. One might think with all she had, it will be easier for her to get true love and friendship, but it's heartbreaking to know that everyone who ever get close to her want her for just her wealth and popularity. She didn’t realise this until her first love and best friend, the two people she trusted most and gave her heart to betrayed her and shattered her heart into a thousand pieces. For this reason, she decided to put down her wealth and stop her musical career, and starts living a discreet life of a nobody. This she did by giving out scholarship to commoners in Pearl highschool, a school built by her parent on her name as a compensation for neglecting her in a time when she needed them most. A school strictly meant for celebrities, powerful, noble families, and political money. "Will she ever get true friends?" "Will she ever find true love?" “Is there anyone who can unlock the key to her sealed heart?” "Will she ever survives as a commoner in Pearl highschool?" "What happens when she comes in contact with the world most cutest, hottest, dominant and wealthiest popstar king, Philip Diamond, whose father forced back to highschool after obtaining a master degree in music inorder to take over his business and presidential seat?"

~ Pearl ~

Dressed in a white ballon silk dress, and a beautiful smile plastered on my face, I walked down the hill into the valley of flowers, touching and smelling the sweet fragrance emanating from the different beautiful flowers I paased by.

Let me tell you something you need to know, breathing in the sweet fragrance valley breeze and surrounded by thousands of fascinating and colorful flowers can help in calming a distressed or disturbed mind if you really wanna go with its beautiful nature song of sweetness.

I ran down deep into the valley of flowers, my white balloon silk dress flowing in the cool evening wind, and my waist length golden brown hair swimming along with it as thousands of beautiful and magical butterflies all surrounds me, giving me that extreme happiness i wished to forever drain myself in.

I laughed, dance and swing around happily, loosing myself in the beauty the thousands of butterflies created for me.

I was so lost in my own world of fantasy that i failed to see where i was going, until my leg accidentally hit a small rock and i felt gravity pulling me fast towards the ground, but was quickly caught by two strong and beautiful hands, breathing in the most fragrant and alluring smell of sandalwood ever.

“Are you okay, Miss?” Asked the most sweetest and tender voice i ever heard that cause this new sensation to erupt in my body which made my legs go jelly.

I nodded in response unable to get words out of my mouth, and slowly looked up to see who my saviour might be,only to see the most strikingly handsome and hot looking guy I ever set guy eyes on.


I drool shamelessly and couldn't help but stared deeply at him, forgetting that he was still holding me in his strong muscular arms, until he interrupted my thoughts and asked in the most heartwarming voice ever. “Are you alright, Miss?”

Blushing so deeply, I smiled shyly at him and got out of his hold, and shook my head in response then say to him in a very sweet voice. “Thank you!”

He smiled adorably and moved closer to me, his eyes sparkling like the bright stars in the sky as he drew me closer with his right hand and use his other hand to pinch my soft whitish cheek lightly, then stared deeply into my eyes with so much love and care, and gradually our lips moved closer to eachother and we were about kissing, when suddenly, the noisy tone of my ringing phone interrupted us, and I jot awake from my dreamland.

Ring! Ring!! Ring!!!


Can't a girl have a beauty dream again? I hissed in annoyance and shift closer to the nightstand beside my bed, took the ringing phone and picked the call without bothering to check who the caller is.

"Yes!" I said sounding annoyed.

"OMG! Are you kidding me? Don't tell me you're still on the fucking bed by this time of the day, when you have a damn meeting with the seven stars shareholders in the next thirty minutes." the caller said astonishly.

"Who the hel........" As if being splashed with a bucket of cold water, the sleep disappears immediately and my sense comes back to normal.

"Lillie!" I called to be sure it’s my manager.

"Oh! Has the Princess also forgotten my name?" She asked sarcastically.

I jumped out of my classic furniture bed, wore my cozy slippers, still holding my phone to my ear, I asked "Tell me you're joking?".

"Tada!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twenty minutes more!" I can imagine her rolling her eyes at me.

"OMG! I'll be right there!" I ended the call and placed my phone back on the nightstand, and was about to rush into the bathroom, when my eyes caught the portrait of my ex boyfriend and once best friend, hanging on the wall opposite my bed. The portrait we took in one of our happy days together.

Oh, happy days!

I slowly walked to the beautifully carved gold frame, and slowly rubbed my fingers on it feeling a pang of pain in my heart. Yea, these are the two people I once thought will always be there for me even though the whole world is against me, because they were the ones who were there to make me happy when my parents neglected and chose their flourishing businesses over me.

The two people I foolishly gave my heart and love to only for them to shatter it into a thousand pieces. The two people I once thought without them, my life will be lonely and meaningless only for them to slap it back on my face. The two people I never for once thought they will betray me, only for them to cruelly leave me on a mountain of cold ice.

I know I shouldn't have kept the frame after their betrayal, but I kept it in order to remind me that in this life I should never trust anyone blindly again because humans will always be ruled by their selfish desires. You can only know the hearts of people when you're nothing.

Life is indeed cruel, but humans are the cruelest!

I took my hand off the frame and wipe off the streaming down tears on my face, released a sigh of depression and went to the bathroom to have my bath.

I still have a meeting to attend!

I'm Arnie Pearl Goldcoven, popularly known as Princess, daughter to the most powerful and wealthiest family in America, crowned as the Queen of voice and goddess of beauty due to my sweet angelic voice that got everyone drooling and beautiful rare features that got everyone thinking.

I released my first song "All alone" at the age of six when I lost a golden award of the year best pupil to someone else due to the fact that my parent refused to show. I was so heartbroken that I refused to eat or talk to anyone for days. I wrote the song in tears and sorrow, feeling the pains of having a parent that didn't have my time or ever showed me what it means to be loved and protected, after which I released it.

The song went viral and goes trending, and I became very popular. It was during this time I was signed in the seven stars industry. I later released another trending song "I wished to be loved", this force my parents to build a highschool on my name as a compensation for neglecting me all the years.

I became a very wealthy and famous superstar from a tender age which got lots of celebrities envious. Even though I own a lots of wealth, some of which I inherited from my grandparents, I didn't let it get to my head. All thanks to my lovely nanny ‘Lauretta’ who taught me morally to always treat people with respect and humility.

As the journey goes, you will get to know more about me.


I'm now standing at the front of the large wall dressing mirror in my bedroom, checking out my outfits of one shoulder red corset knee length gown, crystal stones made silver heels, my hair made in beautiful curly waves, with silver stud earrings in my ears, silver with touch of crystal stones necklace around my neck, silver touch of crystal stones bracelet in my hand, and a silver touch of crystal anklets around my left ankle.

Pleased with the way I looked, I picked up my silver made with touch of crystals purse bag, put in my two phones, ID cards, credits cards and room key cards inside it, then checked if there's anything I forgot and walked out of my large spacious bedroom to the long hallway, heading towards the living room by taking the long expensively built stars.

“Morning Miss!”

“Morning Miss!”

“Morning Miss!”

“Morning Miss!”

I received greeting and bows in which I respectively responded from the bodyguards guarding the hallway and long stairs that leads to the living room, and maids moving around.

Taking the last step of the stairs, I walked into the living room area after the two guards who are guarding the entrance of the stairs bow in greeting to me and I responded accordingly.

Walking into the extremely large spacious and expensively furnished sitting room, I met my personal assistance Kelvin, who is also like a brother to me because he's more than a friend, sitting on one of the sofas with his legs crossed in styles and pressing his gold built limited edition phone.

“Hey Pearl, good morning!” he greeted and stood up on his feet immediately he noticed my presence.

“Good morning to you too Kel!” I returned back charmingly.

“You look gorgeous as usual!” he complement, smiling warmly at me.

“Thanks Kel! You don't look back yourself.” I returned the complementary, feeling satisfied at how handsomely dressed he is. “I think those old men at Seven stars should be running out of patience by now.” I chuckles, checking the time on the wall clock.hanging in the living room.

He chuckles lightly. “We better be on our way.”

I laughed and we both left the living room to the outside of the mansion, where my newly bought black made with silver colors limousine and other security cars are waiting.

Seven stars industry idea!

“Miss!” the chauffeur bow in greeting and opened the door of the limousine for us as we stepped into it and took our respective seats.

The driver was about igniting the engine, when Kel suddenly stopped him and excused himself. “I will be back in a minute.”

He got of the car and dash towards the mansion in hurry. “I wonder what he might have forgotten.” I thought and brought out my phone to go through my I.G and the latest gossip in time.

Not so long, Kelvin came back with a small paper brown bag and handed other to me, gaining a questioning look from me. “What's up?”

“Open it!” he simply stated, took his seat and began pressing his phone as the driver drove off.

Following his instruction, I opened the paper bag and was surprised to see two toast breads, omelet and a drum stick with a sealed paper coffee cup.

Moved by his gesture, I smiled and say to him warmly. “Thank you!”

“it's my duty.” he stated casually and continue to do whatever he is doing on his phone, while I dig in into my meal and silence engulfed us.

Few minutes later, he looked up again calling my attention to himself. “Uhm Pearl!”

“yes!” I answered, taking a last bite from my toast and sipping in the hot coffee.

He continues."Your parents request to have dinner with you at the Goldcove's mansion by 7pm tonight.”

"Okay!" I responded with a nod, wondering why they suddenly want to have dinner with me. “Is there anything else?”

“that's all for now!” he stated, looking back at his phone and continues with whatever he's doing on it.