
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Lihle Maphisa writes



Two years into a marriage Amara McKenzie estrayed from her family because she wanted to marry Jaden , her fathers felt she was to young to get married instead she should focus on building her artist career . Amara went ahead and married Jaden without the consent of her family as she was head over hills for him. On one fatal night she receives a call that will change her life for the worst . As both Alpha and Amara deal with the unfortunate events of losing their partners in a fatal car accident ,they find out their spouse were cheating on them. As these two worlds collide will hell break loose or is it fate ?


I sat up all night waiting for Jaden to come back home i couldn't reach his phone , the sun shine peeked through the curtains as i kicked off the blankets he wasn't replying to my texts i was so worried about him where he could he be? I collected my phone amd sent him a text as it only got one tick . Sighing i got up from the bed and approached the bathroom i washed my face and looked at my reflection through the mirror i was looking rather stuffy this morning. I tied my hair and made breakfast having my morning coffee . My phone rang in the room , i looked at the call it was Jaden , placing the phone on my ear i replied " Babe where are you I'm already up" the were sirens and a lot of noise in the background , i sat down on the couch as the person replied " is this Amara McKenzie speaking " my heart began to thrust through my ribcage , the sudden heat i felt was not usual " who is this?where is my husband?" I said with my heart beating like a drum , " you speaking with the metropolitan police officer Mem , your husband has been involved in a car accident and I'm afriad to inform you he is no more " i held my mouth dropping the mug on the floor my eyes piling up with tears " No ! " i gasped holding on my chest crying," give Jaden his phone, NO" My mind felt like a foreign land my heart shattered to the floor . " My condolences Mem" My whole body trembled as i ran to the bedroom and wore my hoodie and tekkies , i failed to believe my husband has passed away i needed to see him , i had to see the love of my life. I took my car keys and drove to the accident scene.

The were motor vehicle pieces scattered across the road as the was yellow tape at the scene. I ran to the barricade the police officers held me , i cried shaking myself off as i could see two bodies laying on the scene covered with a white sheets. " Please , I'm his wife I'm Amara McKenzie " the police offices didn't budge just holding on me tightly " we can't let you in Mem , you will have to follow the ambulance to the mortuary " . I stuttered still in shock " Are the any survivors?" The police officer shook his head " I'm afriad not, I'm sorry" i grabbed his uniform and screamed " No ! No , Jaden No ! Please , no my husband " i cried sitting on the road as they helped me up " Mem we are leaving now you can come with us to identify the body" I didn't know if i was ready to go and identity my husband of 2 years , we are newly weds this can't be happening we were still in our honey phase just bought a apartment together , we had our lives ahead of us , married soon to have a family as my career as a painter was booming he was also happy in opening up his every own wedding planning company, i was happy for him . We were happy.

I followed the ambulance to the state mortuary , i was kept in the waiting room as they were preparing the bodies. I paced the room uncontrollably crying and comforting myself thinking that maybe the was a mistake maybe Jaden is at home right now wondering where i was. Other families were let into the room to come and identify the bodies too. I haven't called Jaden's parent's yet , i wanted to first see if it was really him before tourting them like this . A guy stand out from the families , his eye's were puffy red as he brushed his hair backwards scratching his sculp he was losing it too , with a ring in his finger it was clear he was married too , i looked at him as your eyes met , quickly breaking the eye contact i looked at the diamond ring in my finger and broke down , my heart was bleeding as i silently prayed hoping my husband is not in that cold room , hoping the love of my life is not laying lifeless in that room . We sat down as the families went in to identify the bodies they walked out exhaling and sighing meant it wasn't who they were hoping for. The mortuary attended walked in the room and asked for both me and the guy . He got up and approached the door as i dragged my feet , each step taking a lot from me emotionally . I walked in the room as they were laid on the floor still covered in white sheet. The guy looked at me as he wasn't sure to either open up the clothe or not . His black eyes piercing in mine , i held my chest and keeled before the heads as he opened up the clothe revealing Jaden's face , my heart skipped a beat seeing him laying down eyes close , i cried and lifted up his head " Jaden , No ! Baby please wake up , No !" I looked up holding his head on my thighs as i screamed my lungs out , " No ! Jaden please , don't do this to me we just got married please , don't give us up like this" i laid my head on his chest and continued crying.


I looked at her as she screamed crying , i lifted up the sheet and saw her beautiful face , I saw my Jennifer she had bloody strains on her face , i held her face and broke down ." Jenny?Jennifer "oh my baby" i brushed her face as tears dropped on her face. Jennifer and i had been married for 5 years now , we are highschool sweethearts she is my bestfriend the only woman i have been with . We haven't been not happy for months now because i got so caught up in my business and haven't had a chance to spend time with my wife. I am a well known lawyer run the top law firm the country . Jenny knew i was trying to better our lives in any possible way . As much as she complained about me being an absent husband she supported me in a very big way . Jennifer was who i was doing it for , she was my world looking at her lifeless body my whole world crashed to the ground. I held her hand as i tried collecting the other it was stuck i lifted up the sheet that was separating her and the man next to her and couldn't believe my eyes , Jennifer and the man's hands were locked togethers. Like they were holding hand when the crash happened. The lady crawled away fron the man's body screaming " No ! NO ! " My eyes filled with tears and anger . I was raging , how could she? She died while cheating on me ! I dropped her head on the floor and got up from her body screamingin rage " Cheater ! " She looked at me crying , i walked to her and grabbed her wrist tightly " Your husband is a homewreaker " she looked at me flinching with tears escaping her eyes. She muttered " don't you dare ! I won't let you tarnish my husbands image like this " I chuckled to her words as she uttered them boldly and loudly . " Are you stupid? Can't you see these people were cheating on us ! They deserved to die ! May they both rot in hell where they belong " She fought my hand off her wrist and looked at me " If your wife was so loose then don't say that about my husband, I know my husband and he loves me and only me , he would never break my heart like k husband was cheating on you with my wife ! You will pay for this ! You will pay for your husbands evil deeds" She blinked tears rolling down her cheeks. I looked at her and walked out the room to the my car that was parked outside, with the cold breeze hitting my face i got in the car and drove back to my house in tears .

I couldn't believe Jenny cheated on me , she cheated on me with a poor man , i am everything a woman wants, i am handsome , got money i was someone to die for. I walked into the house and slammed the door as the bang echoed in the house, the house felt empty felt cold . , i walked upstairs to bathroom and rinsed my face as i opened my eyes i saw Jennifer standing in the mirror she looked at me and smiled . I looked at her bottling tears " Jennifer why?" She looked at me and held my chin " Alpha i know i wronged you" how could this be true , i looked at her " You and me made a vow Jennifer for better or for worse , i can't believe you let me down like this ? I'm hurting Jenny" i launched a fist in the mirror as it shattered on the sink. My knuckles were bleeding, i looked at the mirror as she has disappeared. I looked around the room losing my mind , i walked out the bathroom screaming " where are you ! Show yourself you cheater ! You disloyal whore ! You teared us apart Jenny ! I did nothing wrong to deserve this shame you putting me through, the hurt , betrayal you putting me through! " i sat down on the floor and held my head in my hand crying " you were unfaithful Jennifer, you died in the arms of another man , My wife died in the hands of another man " i broke down in tears and cried.


I couldn't talk for a whole hour , I just drove to my apartment denial of what i just saw and what that man told me i failed to believe that my husband was cheating on me ! No Jaden wasn't cheating the must be and explanation for all this. I got home and walked in seating on the couch , i called Jaden's sister Abbygail. She answered the phone " Hey sister in law " i couldn't utter a word from my mouth just in pain , i sobbed " Abby " I called out her name and cried hard. " Amara what's going on? Talk to me please. I held my mouth and got up the couch pacing in the room , " It's Jaden , his..his no more Abbygail" i uttered those words letting out hiccups. It hurt so much i couldn't even talk anymore , " No Amara ! No Amara , where is my brother? If this is a joke you better stop with the games Amara please" i shook my head like we were talking face to face . " No I'm not joking , i saw him Amara , i saw my love laying on the floor lifeless , i saw him " . I heard her break down and cry on call as , voices were talking to her in the background and the phone was picked up by her husband " Amara what is going on ? " i swallowed a bulk of saliva " Thomas , the love of my life is gone , Jaden has passed away " he muttered in confusion " No how ? What happened Amara?" Stuttering " Car accident , he was in a car accident " I placed the phone on speaker as i drank water from the sink my mouth was dry . " Listen to me , stay at home okay we are coming over don't go anywhere " i dropped the call as i was still lost in my grieve. I couldn't even call my parents cause Father wrote me off the family when i married Jaden . He was so against my relationship with Jaden that he made me choose between my family and Jaden . And i chose love , i chose to be with the man i wanted and loved dearly. I sat down on the couch hugging myself as i curled into a ball , holding myself tightly and crying. A knock on the door interrupted me , i got up and walked to the door and opened up , Abbygail hugged me holding me tightly as Thomas walked in the house. " I'm so sorry Amara " i held on her tightly and buried my head in her shoulder. " I'm completely shattered Abbygail , I'm in pain " she walked me in the house and sat me on the couch wiping my tears " I know you must be honey, you must be " I shooked my head holding my mouth " His gone Thomas , he left me all alone and you know what hurts? The fact he didn't die alone , he died holding another woman's hand Abby, feeling so confident about myself , saying to myself i know him and i know what he wouldn't do to hurt me , and all that now feels like lies Abbygail because of something so stupid , they were holding hands Abbygail so tightly even the mortuary people could separete them " I could see the shock in her eyes, " So you think Jaden was cheating on you" i shook my head continuously " No , i don't want to believe that , i don't want to cause that will break me the most , that will shattered my soul , i don't know if I'm going to survive this whole dilemma, I'm not strong enough for this , it came unprepared " Thomas handed me a glass of water as i gulped on it , he sat down and gave me a hug " It's okay Ammie , we all know what kind of a man Jaden was " I looked at both of them " I'm going to ask you guys this only once and once it will be , was Jaden cheating on me ?" They gazed at each other and i got terrified of the answer they were going to utter , Abby licked her lips and looked at her husband " i think i have to call back home and inform them about Jaden's passing " She got up the couch as Thomas followed her to the kitchen " i think it's best we tell them face to face honey " I looked at them as they avoided my question, did this mean Jaden was really cheating or they found my question disrespect towards my late husband but though what was i think ? How can i doubt my husbands character like this? I knew Jaden i shared the same bed with him every night and he never showed signs of misbehaving in our marriage. He didn't seem to be cheating on me. I looked the art work i was working on and tears flooded my eyes, i can't believe his gone as i was just painting a portrait of him and his gone , how will i finish off his portrait while his no more , he won't be able to see the finish portrait of him. Why did you have to leave so soon my love? I sighed and got up from the couch covering the painting with a white sheet as tears dropped from my eyes. Abbygail hugged me from behind holding on me tightly , " It's going to be okay Amara you family and we will support you through this , i know how much you love my brother and I'm sure he didn't want to leave you , but we have to rest assured that he is in a better place now , we just have to go inform My mom and Dad about this " i nodded my head and went to the room to get dressed so i get prepared to go drop the bad news to Jaden's Parents they will be broken because of this .Thomas drove us to Jaden's Parents house as unprepared as i was this need to be done.