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The True Alpha Queen

The True Alpha Queen

Author:Rose Lantern



Werewolves used to be protected as the moon goddess loves her children dearly. Making her own night stalkers born of the dark side of the moon to watch in the shadows of her absence they were known as the Elites. Exclusive to defend her children they too are her children, this made some of the others question her wisdom to make them defenders to begin with. soon a battle rages and they are whipped from existence. Or so the others are lead to believe. Needing to find out who she is, why she is there. Our hero will find herself not only at the mercy of the now King of Alphas; her mate, but also the men responsible for her imprisonment and reason for her people being gone. Revenge has never been so sweet. excerpt: I felt cold but realized I was still alive, or at least partly, my energy was gone and I couldn't move any more. I could feel the water sloshing against my body and the cool wet mud stuck to my face, fingers clenched around a rock. Must have drifted to the shore…. I heard footsteps but couldn’t get my eyes to open, pixie was quiet too, Pixie you there? Silence. I hoped she was okay, she was my only friend for years, and I just never knew it was her… I didn’t want to lose her now. The footsteps came closer and I tried like hell to open my eyes, finally managing to open them slightly. I could only see a pair of tan legs approaching and dropping down next to me. There was a face slowly coming into view but before I could make anything out my eyes drew closed again. The only thing I heard was a sweet innocent type of voice say “It’s okay, you're in safe hands.” Before things fell completely silent again.

"Keep moving!" He ushers them through the forest as quickly as he can, trying to keep his people all together. The fear running through his people was clear as he saw their faces running into the trees, some shifting to wolf form, others running with their children in their arms.

"Dedra!" The sight of his wife stopping to lean on a tree holding her engorged stomach was something he hoped wouldn't happen.

"Zander.. Aaahhhh... the baby... it's... aaaaaahhh!!" She screamed as another contraction took her as she tried to breath through the pain. He picked her up and as gently as he could ran through the trees to catch up with his people. Her breathing was labored as he felt a liquid run down his arm. She only looked at him with a helpless pity in her eyes as they both knew what had happened, her water broke.

Knowing he couldn't mask the scent of his child that was determined to join this world now he averted from the group.

"Ty.... her water broke.. Bring them to the mountain pass, there you'll find the opening in the mountains to the bunker. We'll be there as soon as we can. Take care of the people" He mindlinked his second in command before closing the link himself. Running as fast as he can he stops when he reaches the border of another pack. The guards jumping out infront of him stop in their tracks when they see his mate in his arms and her labored breathing speeding up. Quickly mindlinking their alpha they are told to bring them into safety for the child about to be born any moment. Reaching the edge of their village they are quickly ushered into a cabin where his mate is laid on a table.

He wanted to stay by his mate's side, but knew if he didn't speak to the alpha quickly he would be the undoing of this pack. Kissing his mate's forehead she squeezed his hand in return before nodding, know what he has to do.

"Come back to me Zander... back to us." He nods at her words before leaving the cabin in search of the alpha of this pack. Only a few steps outside he sees a man nodding his head as he approaches his walk commanding attention with every step with his head up high.

"I am Alpha Talon of the Green Forest Pack." He says with a slight bow of his head and a warrior greeting of his fist coming up over his heart.

"Alpha Talon. I am Alpha Zander of the Nightshade pack." He says returning the alphas greeting before hearing the murmurs around them.

"I'm honored your here Alpha Zander... but what can I do for you? My warriors only mentions a man carrying his mate who was having a child." He asks slight concern in his voice. Zander nods his head in response before taking a deep breath.

"A few other Alphas have apparently packed together to over through myself and my people. There was too many of them to take on, most of my friends and comrades had already been attacked and killed. They have decided that my kind must die... and I apologize my friend but my mate's scent will lead them to me. I'll help you protect your own as much as..." Alpha Talon puts his hand up to stop him before he could continue explaining. The screams of a woman rings through the air and Zander knows it's his mate, hesitating to move from his spot he was torn. Help these people or help his mate.

"Go. Be with your mate Alpha. We can protect our own, there are special trees in these woods that give off a scent that most would mistake for another... it will keep them busy long enough... Go." Talon spoke clearly and casually about the deadly situation to Zander who for the first time in his life seemed confused. The scent in the woods was part of how he found the edge of this pack... was this Alpha telling him that the trees give off different smells to confuse or help? How? He thought of the moon goddess and her mysterious ways, she must have planted the trees this man spoke of. Nodding he ran back to the cabin bursting through the door.

His mate was being told to push as he ran to her side and grabbed her hand.

"You made it.." She said out of breath after pushing again. Zander only kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear "Focus on the task at hand my love." She nodded slightly before pushing again, a blood curdling scream escaping her as she did. The screaming died down only to be followed by a new cry coming from the small bundle the old woman in the room was holding.

"It's a girl" The woman said, handing the baby over to Dedra who was propped up on Zander to see her new baby girl.

"Welcome to the world, Taya" She said as she looked at the small bundle in her arms.