
Let’s Read The Word

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Bringing Nation's Ugly Crush

Bringing Nation's Ugly Crush




'An Ugly Bitch like you don't deserve me', Clarie Cloton heard these words from her boyfriend whom she loves with all her heart. But he cheated on her and married off her sister. With her heartbroken state, all she wanted was some peace in her life but her family married her with ' Nation's ugly Cripple'. Many rumors surround him making her life a living hell. But everything seems to be a big lie, Her husband is not what rumors define him. Is she going to get revenge Everyone? Is her husband going to dote on her? Let's see the journey of two ugly ducklings and their love story.

Claire was lying on the floor of the attic covered in mud, she felt weak, as if her body was drained of strength.

She had a fever for days. Her father didn’t care her at all. He only cared Lily, her step-sister.

Looking at the woody ceiling, she closed her eyes in despair.

"I said I'd better just let her die?" Lily's vicious voice sounded in her ears.

"If she dies, who will help you marry the Silvaratto family?” Albert Cloton, their father, said, “Don't forget, if you offend the Silvaratto family, we won't have a good time in the future."

Lily leaned on her father’s arm and cooed, "Dad, when I get married to Jackson in the future, Cloton family will follow the Milton family, and we can also fly from here."

Albert pinched the tip of her nose, "that’s it, my cupcake.”

"Cough cough cough." Claire suddenly coughed.

Lily pinched her nose and took two steps back in disgust.

Kicking the wedding dress placed next to her bed, she continued, "Hurry up and put it on, and soon the Silvaratto family's wedding car will come."

Albert added, "After you marry to the second master of Silvaratto’s, whether you die or not, our family will have nothing to do with you."

"What do you mean?" Claire was shocked, "You asked me to marry Silvaratto Blake? T-that cripple?! But it is Lily’s name written on the wedding card."

Not to mention that this Silvaratto Blake was because of the fire five years ago. Not only is the appearance ruined, but it is also not good in that regard.

Lying in a wheelchair all day long, like a wasted man.

She hoped it was just a nightmare. But when she opened her eyes again, her father and step-sister were still standing in front of her.

"Or else?" Lily snorted.

“No. Dad, I won’t marry Silvaratto Blake, you know I’m dating Jackson, I cannot marry to others. I love Jackson! Dad, please.” Claire begged, holding his arms. Tears swelled her eyes.

"Oh poor Claire! Hasn’t Jackson told you he’s gonna break up with you ugly bitch.” Lily snored, “I am now the daughter-in-law of the Milton family, and Dad has only one daughter who has not been married, so it's you who is giving to get married into the Silvaratto family, is it?"

“You WHAT?! You a-and...” Claire felt hard to find her voice.

Lily suddenly stepped forward, dragged Claire to the mirror. She smirked, "See clearly? Is this face of yours still trying to marry Jackson Milton? Wake up, ugly. Jackson has dated with me for a year. He just played with you!”

“NO!! YOU’RE LYING!!” Claire cried out. Her mind went blank.

"You fool," Lily smirked, “I’m pregnant with his baby.”

Claire squatted on the ground, holding her head and crying, "No. It’s impossible. Jackson won’t betray me!”

Lily threw a paper on Claire’s face, saying, “See it you ugly fool!”

Looking at the Pregnancy test result, Claire squatted on the ground, holding her head and crying, “Why? Why are you all lying to me? Why?!”

Jackson had told her that he didn’t care the birthmark on her face, and he would love her for the rest of his life.

She also fantasised that one day Jackson would propose to her in public. When the time comes, she will be like Cinderella in a fairy tale, marrying her prince and living happily together.

Unexpectedly, fairy tales are only fairy tales after all, and Cinderella will always be just a Cinderella who can't see the light. She realised that all along, she had only been a clown, and it was she who had mistaken herself for a white swan.

“You don’t have a choice, Claire. You must marry Silvaratto Blake instead of Lily.” Alberto demanded. His word was final.

Clarei shook her head. “I’m also your daughter, Dad. How can you let me spend my rest life with a cripple? I’m begging you. Please don’t do this to me.”

“You’re no longer my daughter from today.” Alberto said in icy tone, “Wipe off your tears and get dressed in ten minutes. I don’t want to tie you and throw you into the wedding car.”