
Let’s Read The Word

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Angie and her friends are in their final year in highschool. Just one more year to graduate, their lives became complicated following the arrival of the new transfer student, Kelvin. They had to face some challenges along the way, here by making choices as they go. How will the choices affect them and change their lives.

The new day started with a clear sky. Although it just finished drizzling, the sun came up pretty fast. It was a Sunday morning and Angie woke up feeling great, until she realized what day it was. It was the day before school resumed. “Huhh!" She cried out, sitting up.

she stood up from the bed, opened the curtains and the light of a new day filled the room. "Hey! come on down and help me with breakfast!" Jessica called from the kitchen downstairs. Being the only two at home, Angie had grown used to her elder sister acting as her mother. Jessica had been the one taking care of Angie and the house ever since their parents left the country. The house work weighed heavily on her, especially since the house help quit some weeks ago.

Mr and Mrs Paul Cowen are both co-partners of a law firm at wallstreet New York. They usually take turns in visiting their kids once in two months or whenever they are on an important trip back in the country. They left since Angie was seven and the responsibility fell on Jessica. The relationship with Angie and her parents had never been a rigid one. Mostly because they missed out on most of her childhood and they were never there when she needed them physically. Although they lack nothing financially but she couldn't help but feel those things can't fill up the emotional space they were leaving.

“Morning!" Angie greeted, coming into the kitchen.

“Morning Z" Jessica replied, calling her by her other name Z, short for Zara. “I trust you had a goodnight sleep?"

Working at one of the best hospital in the state, Fordsburg Clinic, Jessica was a twenty three years old nurse aspiring to own her own clinic somedu. Unlike Angie, Jessica has been one to hide her emotions. She felt the distance from her parents as much as Angie but she felt she needed to be strong for her kid sister.

"Well, if you count constant terrifying school dreams as a goodnight sleep, then yes" Angie replied with a grin.

"Haha very funny" Jessica continued stirring the sauce she had cooking. “Will you be coming to Church with me today?" She questioned

"Noo!" Angie replied all too quickly. “I think I'll just stay home and prepare myself for school tomorrow" She added whilst also thinking about the stress and drama that comes with the resumption of the new year at school.

“Okay. If you say so" Jessica shrugged “Help me with that" She pointed at the pepper shaker in front of Angie. Passing the ingredient to her sister, her phone screen lit up. Reading the message that popped up, Angie couldn't help but giggle. "What's making you smile?" Her sister asked.

“Grace just got back to town last night and she's coming over later" she replied still smiling while replying to the text.

“That's good. Well I should go get ready for church. I trust you can finish the cooking cause I'm running late"

“Nurses and their ‘I'm running late speech'" Angie taunted

“Yeah 'cause you save lives when you're on time" Jessica replied before she jilted up the stairs.


It was just past twelve and to Angie, time seems to be moving a little bit quicker than usual. ‘You're in a hurry to get me back to school' she thought as she glanced at the clock on her nightstand. She continued putting in order, her newly acquired School items for the new session and just then the doorbell rang and she smiled knowing who it was.

Angie rushed downstairs to get the door. Unlocking band opening the door, "Surprise!!!" Was the first word her friend Grace yelled out from the other side of the door.

“Hey! wow you look new" Angie laughed, hugging her “Come in, come in. How have you been and how was the trip?" She inquired, ushering her friend in and shutting the door.

"It was amazing and fun. I made a lot of friends and did a lot of shopping too" grace replied, locking hands with Angie as they made their way upstairs to Angie's room.

"You made new friends?! I'm jealous" Cried Angie, pouting her lips.

"You know you are number one, my best friend. They can't surpass you" Grace stated and they both fell into laughter.

Grace was a childhood friend of Angie. They both grew up in the same town, lived close to each other, attended the same church and school ever since they were little. They were basically sisters. Grace's parents are what you can call a community service lovers, although Grace's dad was a business man and her mom own a chain of boutiques. Being the only child, Grace got everything she ever needed.

They sat down on Angie's bed, eagerly waiting to start trading stories. "So tell me, what's new with you?" Grace asked, rummaging through her bag.

"Well. You know the usual things. Nothing interesting happened to me during the break" Angie shrugged

“Do you mean the usual as in, Luke usual?" her friend said with a grin.

“No, we broke up " Angie replied

“What! How can you not tell me about that. I thought we were best friends and we tell each other everything" Grace protested

" wasn't that big of a deal and I didn't want to waste your time with it" Angie pointed out and then continue arranging her books.

"Oh wow!" Grace flicked her

"Ouch! Leave me alone" Angie complained

"Ha! Here it is" graced alerted with a smile. “This is what Sam got me for my birthday" She announced, showing off the new pair of necklace and bracelet her boyfriend got her

"Wow! They look beautiful, can I try ..."

"Nope!" Grace cut her off before she could finish the statement. “These are mine" she laughed.

“Yeah yeah. Anyway, soo how do you think this session is going to be like?" Asked Angie.

“It's gonna be as it had always been" replied grace while she was busy examined the necklace and bracelet.

"I hope not" Angie stated.

"Yeah me too....I should start going" Grace stood up, getting her things together.

“Really? So quick?! you just got here" Angie cried out.

"I Know. I just came to quickly see you. I have a lot of things to do before night time but I promise I'll call you when I'm done with it all"

“Alright then. Let me see you off" Angie offered.


Angie lay on the couch, watching a TV show that was on. It was night already. She was engrossed in the movie when Jessica came into the house. "You are late" Angie pointed out.

“I visited a friend after church" She replied, taking off her shoes and then joined Angie on the couch. “Have you eaten yet?"

“Yes I have. I couldn't wait anymore" Angie replied, her eyes still fixed on the TV.

“Okay...." Jessica paused for a while before breaking the news. “Mom called on my way back" She shut her tired eyes.

“Really?! What did she want?" Angie replied still paying close attention to the TV.

“Just to check on us" Jessica said, heaving a deep sigh. “I'm so tired, I think I'll just retire to bed early. Goodnight and make sure you sleep early too because you have school tomorrow. Ok?" She stood up, heading toward the stairs.

"Ok. Night!" Replied Angie still not looking away from the TV.


The alarm rang continuously, vibrating on the nightstand and waiting to be turned off. Angie groaned in fraustration, irritated by the disturbing sound of the alarm. She opened her eyes, staring at the roof. She stretched on the bed, waking up fully with a feeling she can't seem to shake. What worried her the most was how she was gonna face Luke at school after what happened during the holiday.

She got up from bed, straightened the pink sheets, covering the bed before walking to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and then looked up at herself in the mirror and wonder why she didn't make her hair during the holiday. At 17, Angie had grown into a beauty. She had dark long hair with a pink highlight. Her brown baby eyes rested perfectly on her triangular shaped face. Her hidden dimples become pronounced whenever she smiled. She found her shape to be one of her best physical gifts. Her figure was a statement that causes a stare from boys.

She took her bath and was soon ready for school. She looked at the mirror once more and forced a smile, doing a twirl in front of it. She had always loved Redhill High's uniform. A white long sleeve, red collars and cuffs, tucked in a red skirt that clung to her shape, making it pronounce.

"Good morning sis." Angie greeted, smiling as she decended down the stairs.

“Somebody looks happy going back to school today?" Jessica teased, setting the breakfast table.

“Although school sucks, it still has it's fun side" Angie shrugged. “So what are we having?" She asked

"Eggs and bacon" her sister replied, dishing the food. Angie grabbed a piece of bacon and started for the door.

“Later sis" she called out, exiting through the front door.

“Aren't you gonna eat something?" Jessica called after her but Angie was already gone.


It was a new session at Redhill High, one of the best schools in town. The school had won the intersoccer competition three years in a row, came out first two years ago in the international debate competition and came out second the previous year. The school was big and had lot of class rooms. It has a standard football pitch, a game room, an indoor sport Hall and a basketball pitch.

There where more than enough staffs at the school, the teachers where highly trained and interviewed thoroughly. Sometimes there are up to two or three teachers to a subject. Apart from all that, Redhill high was like any other high school. Filled with dramas, dreams, different groups formed by students, the mean students, the weak and the strong, the intelligent and the not so bright ones, the serious and the unserious, the fun and the tragedy. Angie was not an exception from this, to other students she was a mean, selfish and stone-hearted girl and to some others, she's the one they would like to hold dear to their heart.

She had her circle of friends and they don't welcome new friends to their circle. Her ways of keeping people off her track seemed harsh and mean for the students. Some sees her and her friends as bullies and tried everything they could not to cross paths with them to avoid humiliation.

The principal, Mr Meyer Bosman is a disciplinarian. He doesn't take lightly to disobedience, bullying, violence, cultism, laziness, illegal drugs and unseriousness. He's a father of three, two daughters and a son who all attended Redhill High.

Angie walked through the school gate and the familiar smell of the school hit her nostrils. She checked her watch and it was half past seven. Walking toward her classroom, she heard a familiar voice calling her name. "Angie.." she turned and wave.

"Hey grace" she called back

“A more familiar face. How was your night?" Angie questioned with a smile.

“It was good. I wasn't able to reach you last night" Grace replied, walking up the stairs beside Angie.

"Sorry, I turned it off" Angie replied

"Because of...".

“Luke" Angie cut her off before she could complete her sentence.

"What actually happened between you two? Talk to me" Grace pressed for answers.


"Hey girls!!" Veronica yelled. Veronica was the final piece to their trio. Veronica is the second child of four kids and her younger siblings all attended Redhill High with her. Her parents are both comfortable business personel. Mr Ndumiso was a pastor who also owns an oil factory while Mrs Ndumiso was a real estate agent.

"Hey you!" Angie and Grace called out simultaneously.

“Longtime no see. How have you been?" Grace asked

"I've been good" Veronica replied.

"I guess the the Queens are back together" Angie smiled, hugging her friends. Getting to their classroom, the girls dropped their bags just as the school bell rang continuously, signalling time for the first assembly of the session.

The assembly hall was filled with students and staffs. The principal took to the stand and began addressing the students. "Good morning everyone" the principal shouted into the Mike and the whole room fell into silence. “Most of you know me and for the new students who doesn't, my name is Mr Meyer Bosman and I am the principal of this prestigious school....Is there anyone here who is disappointed to be in school?" He asked

“No!" The students chorused

"Good. This school is one of the best schools you can be in and your predecessors can testify to that. We all have a part to play here. Mine is to make sure you don't lack what is needed for you to excel and learn here, the teachers are here to teach you, train you academically and morally, and yours is to try to get as much of that knowledge and good morals as you can, to excel in life. Try to follow and uphold the rules of the school and be moderate in everything you do. You must be diligent, hardworking, cooperative and eager to learn. Work hard and success will follow you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir" the students shouted their response

"To the students who did well Last session, strive to do more and for those who didn't, try to do better. Alright let's get to the activities of the day. Go to your classes in an orderly manner" He concluded