
Let’s Read The Word

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Claws Of An Hybrid

Claws Of An Hybrid

Author:Hannah stella



“She's not ordinary.” Vinisha, second daughter of the second wife of Alpha King Lincolnton whose identity remained unknown grew to the hearing of heartless yet meaningless words. It was said that the doom of the pack was born at her first cry, the same day her Mother died. A wolf with no scent; how much worse would she be called..? But somewhere far from Vinisha's pack, a manipulative yet domineering young Alpha rules. Their fate, interwoven at the commemoration ceremony of Vinisha's step older sister. What plan does the moon goddess have for them both by letting them meet untimely..? Is it their redemption or beginning of their endless fight to reject?

~ Vinisha ~

Facing the mirror as I braced myself for what was to come even as my instincts kept pricking badly that it might not be the situation, I let out a sigh as Quinton, my maid rushed in.

"It's about time. Milady!" She exclaimed.

I didn't move, not that I wanted to, it was after all expected.

As the second daughter of the second late Queen of the Crescent pack, I was as good as nothing. Truthfully, my name alone brings about bad luck.

"What else should I expect, Quinton..?" I asked in a whisper to which I knew she heard.

"I.. well.. y.." She was disturbed, making me wonder if it was for me.

Similarly, I furrowed like I would have always done. I wasn't one to use words but the older lady that insisted I call her by name while she uses honor to call mine just never ceases to amaze me.

"I'm Vinisha, Quinton. I might have been locked up but you don't have to stammer if their words are insulting as usual." I started casually like it was nothing.

"But Vinisha, do you have to go?" She asked, concern lacing at her every word. I smiled. "Would it change anything..?" I asked.

Silence.. one that I already grew accustomed to but I shrugged it off. "It's okay Quinton." I assured myself, placing the last hair pin on my already packed long Golden hair. My weird Grey eyes matched perfectly with the rest of my aura, the type that spoke ' I don't care '.

"I should instead apologize for making you receive those for me.," I said, my voice void of any emotions with that smile I mastered.

Nodding at her, I allowed her to lead the way to the already dim lit passage that now led to the stairs. It was my own prison yard because that's what it seemed.

Lucinda, my senior step sister was to be commemorated today, for her come-of-age ceremony but I could already guess how deadly the atmosphere would be. The looks that would forever gaze down at me along with their curse. I braced myself already, knowing it wouldn't be any different.

It wasn't like anything would change, not even in years to come. Their hatred, I grew used to. The unspoken words of their mouth, passed by actions. I was different, unlike them like they claimed, I killed my own mother at birth. Going further to change the fate of the entire kingdom and pack. Everyday was like yesterday, every yesterday that has a memory, perfectly etched at the back of my mind. As we neared the main giant door that would lead to another before the hall, I still wasn't bothered.

"She's coming.." A maid said to another who in turn passed the information.

"It's not like she'd hear us. Isn't she totally different that she has no wolf scent..?" Another said but I didn't stop. I could see already, how Quinton's gaze at them darkened, I wanted to laugh.

"Look at her, a curse to even her own King father!!"

"I heard Princess Lucinda is yet to find her mate because of her. The ceremony would be held till or even canceled later on."

At this point, I screeched to a stop, breathing in heavily as I tried inhaling peace, at least, before I would be announced.

"Second grand princess Vinisha Yeol is here." Like a banshee would scream, so did the guard, allowing the already gossip filled hall turn into deafening silence. All heads turned to the door that was pushed at my arrival. I didn't panic, not even a bit.

Stepping in elegantly like a princess would, with my chin held high, I asked up to my King father, not minding the looks thrown at me.

"Live long to reign, your majesty." I bowed slightly, greeting with just the amount of respect needed even if I really just wanted to curse him, my own father.

Slowly raising my head to meet his gaze, I was instead thrown deep in another frenzy as the cold slender fingers of my sister graced my face.

"Y… you!?" Lucinda yelped.

Not all, the entire hall that was silenced just at my name began murmuring. My eyes sting as my ears rang bell. That was fast…

"Are you happy now? Huh? Tell me." She yelled again, creating a nuisance on her own perfectly planned party. "I haven't found my mate yet. Are you happy, Vinisha?"

I stared blankly, head bowed as I watched at drawn images on the tiled floor by my own tears. "L.. Lucinda!" I exclaimed.

"You witch. How can you be so heartless? To your own sister at that..?" Lucinda's voice rang.

"W..what do you mean!?" I choked. As much as I expected to be the victim again, I didn't expect the slap that rang through my entire body, sending shivers down my spine.

I wanted to blink away the tears that threatened to pour out more at the way my own father sat quietly as if enjoying the show. Over to my step Queen mother, I at least hoped she'd save me this time and in fact, so badly.

Whispers and snorts, murmurs, the entire hall was again busy.

"What are you looking at? Did you expect to be saved after all you've once again done with your witchcraft..!?" Lucinda berated.

What did I expect? To be saved? I doubted it. I wasn't a fool to expect that but would instead be greedy. Should I ever expect to be saved..? Of course not.

"W..why? W..what do you want that made you think I deserve this..? Why?" This time, I watched my own sister go all the way down as she slumped hardly to the floor in her nicely pleated gown. Looking worse than ever in her overly dramatic actions, I saw from the corner of my eyes later that Queen Valerie already rushed to her daughter.

"It took her long but it is finally happening." I thought, my knuckles turning white.