
Let’s Read The Word

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Don't Hate Me, Love Me Instead

Don't Hate Me, Love Me Instead




There are a lot of twists and turns in this romance novel about a billionaire and his assistant; it's unlike any other story. Raven Snow meets Ace Black at a party where she almost kissed him. When she goes for a job interview and enters the office of the CEO, she then recognizes Ace Black as the CEO of Black Global Group of Companies. Ace denies her the job she applied for because she didn’t kiss him. Raven grows to hate Ace. But little does she know that the story of how love grew from hate begins here. Ace eventually employs Raven to be his assistant. Raven has no choice but to work for him since she is in dire need of a job. Things get interesting in the office as they work together and that’s when Raven starts falling for Ace. When her ex, Todd, appears in the picture, Ravens get entangled in a love triangle and things get complicated. Life, or Ace’s mother and Raven’s father in this case, hit them with the news of an arranged marriage. This complicates things further as they learn that they are betrothed to each other. For some reason, Raven hates the idea of being betrothed to Ace. But love always conquers. Ace and Raven find themselves so badly in love with each other that they can’t seem to have enough of each other. But with all the good thing that come are also the bad things. Lana, Raven’s best friend and Ace’ ex, grows jealous of Raven and Ace’s relationship and plans to separate them with Todd’s help. In the end, their plan fails thanks to Ray, Raven’s sister. Raven and Ace continue to love each other unconditionally. Love conquers all.

“Raven whether you like it or not, we’re going to that event.”

“A classy event full of rich and mostly snobby people from your old high school for rich kids. Is that an event I want to attend? No Lana.”

“Raven, please go with me. Please.” She pleaded.

“For the last time Lana, no. Don’t worry about leaving me here alone, I’ll be fine. It is my flat after all.”

“If you go with me, I could help you find people interested in art and maybe they’ll let you paint for them. Or you could find an actual job.” I stared at Lana through the mirror.

“I’ll go with you, for the people who like art. But I’m not dressing up in fancy clothes.” I said to her and rushed to my room to put on something simple. Black leather pants and a white tank top with a black leather jacket matched with black boots. I applied little makeup and tied up my hair nicely to give me that biker girl look. Yeah, I like bikes. But I don’t own one.

“I’m ready.” I said to Lana, picking up my car keys since she asked me to drive her to the venue.

“You look hot Raven, but it’s a formal event.”

“Thanks, and I don’t care if I’m dressed differently. You also don’t look bad yourself.” Lana was wearing a blue silk dress with beautiful matching stilettos and her blonde hair was let down, curled perfectly. She looked perfect as always. She twirled and giggled when I complimented her. “Now let’s go.”

I opened the door and we walked out of the flat. Soon, we arrived at Lana’s old high school. Lana immediately jumped out, greeted some of her old friends and followed them in. I shrugged and followed them in after I made sure to lock the car.

I slowly walked into the school and entered the gymnasium where the get-together was being held. Some people were already staring at me. I stared back at them and walked past them, not caring what they were thinking. Most rich people and their snobbish attitude. If I didn’t know Lana, I’d just say that rich people have that attitude.

I spotted Lana with her friends giggling at a table in a corner. I noticed that people were still staring at me but I ignored all their judging looks and took a seat at Lana’s table.

“Hi.” I waved when they fixed their eyes on me.

“This is my friend Raven Snow. A very intelligent woman and a talented artist.” Lana's friends fake-smiled at me and I gladly returned a fake-smile. “She makes the best paintings. If you want a very nice creative piece in your home or office that’ll make people envy you and want that painting, she’s your woman.

Her friends didn’t speak to me just as I expected. They went right back to continuing the conversation that I had interrupted while I sat down scrolling through my phone. About ten minutes later, the party started. Everyone was getting to their tables as the M.C got to the stage. He welcomed everyone and started talking about their days in high school. I looked down at my phone, looked back up and scanned the room. My eyes met beautiful blue eyes from across the room. The man waved at me and I got confused, wondering if he was waving someone behind me. When I didn’t see any one behind me waving back at him, I turned to look at the handsome man again; he was smiling and pointing at me.

I waved back at him and he gestured for us to meet outside.

“Lana, I’m going to use the bathroom. I’ll be back soon…or never.”

She chuckled in response. “Alright. But don’t get into any trouble.”

“I promise I won’t.” I said to her. “I won’t be able to afford anything here if I end up breaking something.” I mumbled under my breath. Then I walked out of the gymnasium to find Mr. Handsome Man with blue eyes, waiting for me. He was also dressed casually. I smiled knowing that I’m not the only odd one.

“Hi.” I spoke.

“Hi.” The man had a very smooth and deep voice. He reached out his hand and I shook it. “I could tell that you were uncomfortable and bored and so was I. So, I thought, ‘why don’t I save myself and this beautiful lady sitting in the back from all this?’” He smiled, showing his perfect white teeth.

“You’re also a guest?” I asked him.

“No. I’m actually an alumnus.”

“Oh. “I nodded slowly.

“I just don’t like to be around a lot of people, especially these guys.”

“I see.”

“Are you a guest?” He asked me.

“I am. I was forced to come here. Well, more like tricked.” I replied and chuckled.

“Do you want to go out into the garden where we can just enjoy the breeze?”

“Anywhere far from this boring place is fine with me.” He chuckled and led me outside. “I’m Raven by the way.”

“That’s a beautiful name. I don’t know anyone called Raven.” He told me.

“Well, now you know me.” I smiled at him. “Do you have a name?”

He laughed. “Yes, I do. I’m Ace.” He answered and stared at me as I nodded.

“Is there something on my face?”

“No. I thought you were going to say something. Anyways, what are you doing here?”

“I came here with a friend, Lana Daniels. I don’t know if you know her.” We entered the garden through a back door.

“Oh, I know her very well. We had the same classes together. She was a very close friend; some would’ve said that she was my best friend.”

“But wasn’t she your best friend? From the way you’re describing your relationship with her, she does sound like she was your best friend.”

“Lana and I had a complicated relationship.” I pursed my lips and nodded. “How do you know Lana?”

“We had most classes together in the university. We didn’t get along well at first but we became good friends because I’m an artist and Lana likes art. Then she helped me settle down when I moved from London to the US.”

“You’re an artist?”

“Yeah. It’s a hobby.”

“I also love art. I make abstract paintings in my free time. I mean I used to but not anymore. But I make sketches.”

“That’s cool.”

“I’d like to see some of your works if you don’t mind.”

“I have a small gallery back at my place. Maybe one day you can come and see it. Lana came over to my place claiming that she wants to see my works, which she’s already familiar with. But she dressed up for this event and tricked me into coming here with her. I really regret doing that.”

“You regret it?”

“Oh no. I don’t mean it like that. I don’t regret meeting you Ace. I’m glad we did. Because honestly, if I stayed in there, I would’ve died.” I exaggerated and Ace laughed.

Ace and I talked about other things and we realized that we have a lot in common. From our conversation, I concluded that he might be a business man. I found Ace gazing at me with his deep blue eyes and perfect smile. I blushed, feeling a little bit awkward. So, I decided to keep talking and hoped that I would feel less awkward. “The garden is beautiful, isn’t it?”

“It is indeed.” Ace leaned in, looking down at my lips. I did same, gazing at his soft lips, inhaling his sweet scent that forced its way up my nostrils. And just when we were about to kiss…….