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Awakening Of The HollowShadow

Awakening Of The HollowShadow

Author:Idowu Mutiu



This is a story about a boy who was exiled from his community, in order to keep the secrecy of an event that led to the deaths of his teammates, demon generals, and several others. As he was left to be blamed for the crime. Centuries after being exiled to the human world, confined in a city called Lag Vo. In effect to his exile, while being blocked off from all spiritual affairs, and his powers sealed up, left for dead. In his first senior year in high school, on the night of the full moon, when demons were going on an onslaught in the city. He saved a half dead girl chased by a set of demons. Upon sensing a familiar energy signature from her. In curiosity to gain knowledge about her, and to confirm her identity. he partake in saving the city from a rain of darkness, that was about to befall it, but little does he know that his decision would bring his past to his doorstep with that of an army of demons, as it turns his world upside down. The Wanderer: Mystery Of The Young Master This is a story about a wanderer who seemed to be traveling around kingdoms, as regards to a mission, which led him to the Radiant Kingdom and it's mystical forest, as he took a shortcut to to save time amongst other thingss. Not passing attention to the rumors of the forest being a maze of death for any that enters. He wandered around the forest lost by the sensation he felt within it, after entry which made him believe the forest was not of this world as that of a level of familiarity, he took detours, with hope of finding the source of the sensation when he saw a lady who's innocent and radiant became a subject of interest. The lady seemed to be quite familiar with the creatures and the forest itself. He tried to gain sight of her, and hopefully get acquainted with her. But to his surprise she ran away upon seeing him, the change of event led to him saving her, which led to the beginning of their story. Opening doors to their past, and the cause of certain events in the kingdom, amongst other things. The story is packed with a mix of love and mystery.

It was the night of the full moon, the rays of the moon were visible for all to see, covering most of the city grounds, as though it was day time.

Although it was the 21st century, the electricity distribution was not constant, which makes nights like this unique. When the moon rays were of a large scale, covering most of the busy city grounds.

A city that never sleeps, transactions and exchange occurs on a daily basis, time was treasured, and every seconds count. The people were ever working on both legal and illegal fronts, money was power, and light was sight. Making the visibility of things quite precious, especially when there was absence of electricity.

Most people, living in the city consider the night of the full moon, to be a guide that helps them move around, doing unfinished work and making clear sales. A better ground field for business, and seeing of things, they normally won't in other nights, due to the absence of electricity or power supply.

Some consider the night to be a sight to see, gaze at, and relax under, due to the cool night breeze that helps relax, and cool the body after a long day of fatigue. While others, party every night, with little to no regards, as to what night was. The difference or care of it.

However, tonight was different. Although the moon was bright and the air was refreshing, the smell of blood was heavy in the air, as monsters sprung up, from several corners of the city grounds, with immense blood-lust. It was a bit unusual, especially when they could be easily spotted.

At the far end of the western district of the city, where the barrack was. A girl chased by several monsters, was running out from the woods to the Army football field. She made use of one of the openings on the chain fence separating the woods from the field, crossing over to the field, as she was covered in blood, her clothes were partly torn, as blood seemed to be dripping from it. She looked pale, and it was as if she was about to pass out, but somehow she still seemed to make a run for her life, passing through one of the openings of the chain fence.

Running halfway across the field, which was sandy with no chance of a grass growing, there were fade markings, which hardly made one know where was where; the midfield and goalkeeper courts. She was about to cross the midfield, when her legs gave up on her.

She fell to the ground, hitting her face, unable to get back up as her face was covered, with blood and a bit of sand particles. The monsters chasing her were not far behind, they were disgusting looking beasts. A muscular one amongst them was the only human looking one there, but his muscles were too much for his human form, which made him look the worse.

The muscular monster seemed to be the ringleader of the group, he walked in front. Laughing with satisfaction, as he was getting close to her, being fully aware of her body condition, due to the injuries inflicted on her, his face was covered with pleasure.

"How pathetic, did you really think you could go far with your body conditions as it is?"

"Although I should commend your persistence to escape, despite your injuries… I must say it was amusing while it last… However, this is the end of the line for you…" the muscular monster whose face was covered with overwhelming pleasure of the sight of her battered state said, as he walked towards her, in front of the group chasing her. He seemed like a hunter that has cornered his prey and was about to toy with it before putting it to rest.

She trembled, unable to speak, while realizing that she had little to no strength to stop, or escape from what was coming again. She crawled in fear, forcing her body with what little strength she had, as they were getting closer, taking their time as they walked towards her like they had all the time in the world, while the muscular monster walked in front and the rest followed few steps behind.

She crawled praying for death, knowing she couldn't keep any significant distance from them, since she had little strength left, due to her battered state. She was driven only by her fear of being captured by them again, while hoping at the very least, her bleeding out would eventually grant her death. Believing death at its worst form would be a great kindness compared to what he had installed for her.

"Now, Now! Where do you think you're going?" the muscular monster said, after placing his foot on her back, as she crawled while stirring it with force.

She coughed out blood. With no strength to scream as the muscular monster kept stirring his feet with force on her back. Forcing her to lie on the ground, like a half dead prey. The monster laughed, and was pleased with the sight of her agony, but wanted to hear her scream, as he kept stirring his foot.

"Give us what you took, or tell us the location of the stone and with some luck, you just might live… Otherwise, will just be you making it harder than it already is for yourself" The other monsters yelled with a smirk on their face.

She couldn't hear a word they uttered, as her eyes was getting heavy. It was hard to keep them open, but even harder to remain conscious. In a matter of moments she lost her consciousness to a rather suiting sound, she heard from afar.

"Lord Yu! I think she has lost consciousness" a monster said notifying the muscular monster of her status.

"No! No…!"

"Who said you could sleep, you worthless worm… Am not done playing with you yet, I still have to get the dirt from chasing you off my feet… Hahaha!" lord Yu reacted displease to what he heard, then started kicking her unconscious body, while laughing with a creepy sense of pleasure on his face.

The other monsters were disturbed by his act, but not surprised. They knew him to be one who loves the thrill of hunting down his prey, regardless of the type, which was disturbing because to him killing his kind, was not different from killing an animal, and his untamed obsession for torture, made it unsettling to have him as an ally, but even worse as an enemy.

Too him each cut, drop of blood, and sense of agony was a form of pleasure to his sick mind. To them he was undoubtedly a sadist psycho. A disturbing trait they believed got him a seat as not just a lord but one, if not the strongest lord in the dark sector, but they also believed that, if care was not taken, that same trait might also grant him a grand stage to his downfall.

"Sire, we should probably take the girl back to our hide-out and treat her wounds… She probably passed out due to her excessive bleeding…"

"If you keep kicking her like that she might… Ah! My lord please!" a monster reported sharing his concern, but was suddenly grabbed by the face by lord Yu, crushing his head at a relatively slow pace, as his hand widen, covering his head before he could finish his sentence.

"How many times must I tell you not to interrupt me, when am dealing with my prey? Um?" lord Yu said enraged by his subordinate interrupting his fun, as he stretched his left arm backward to grab his head with murderous intent. Not hearing a word his subordinate said, as his blood-lust block all else.

All he heard was a mumbling sound, even as his subordinate screamed and struggled to remove his hand from his head, before crushing it, relatively slow, enough for his subordinate to feel every atom of his facial structure being crushed bit by bit, by his lord's muscular hand till his skull was crushed whole, bleeding out to death as he turned to nothingness.

The other party members didn't dare utter a word or make a sound after witnessing his action, knowing, doing so might just get them a front roll ticket to the same show, if not worse. Now they knew for sure he had given in to his blood-lust, which was most concerning, since they knew what the possible outcome would be.

Although they didn't really think he'll be able to control his lust, since that would be like expecting fish to live on land. But they hoped maybe, just maybe, since it was a direct order from one of the demon king's general to get the girl and the item she took, he would at least fear death to the point of restraining himself to not kill or mess her up beyond recognition. But instead he lashed out on her, when they first caught her, a few months back and has been torturing her, close to death since then.

Instead of delivering her, which in turn placed her in her current body state, and motivated her drive to escape from them, at all cost. Now she was forced to the role of a half dead prey whose predator was a sadist psycho.

Most of the monsters had come to the conclusion that all they could do now was to wait, till he was satisfied with dealing with the girl, while hoping they won't be his next project.

Some monsters were frustrated about the change of event, especially how a simple snatch and grab became so bloody, thinking that lord Yu has forgotten about the mission. They thought of stopping him; taking the girl and fleeing to deliver her to the general, which they should had done a few months back, but witnessing how easy it was for him to kill a member over relaying concern. The thought of going against him vanished, since none wanted to risk getting killed, especially when the difference in their strength has an overwhelming gap.

Others just stood thinking they'll search her corpse to get the item, if they were lucky enough or if she was stupid enough to keep it with her. Since their orders were not specified as to bring her alive, the item was to be brought back at all cost, making the item more significant, if eventually he kills her, and if they can't find the item, lord Yu would be blamed for the failure of the mission, being the leader and all. He'll be punished and if they were lucky, he'll be killed by the demon king for his actions and stupidity instead of them, they thought it to be a win-win situation.

Momentarily, while they were pondering on thoughts, plots and lord Yu had resumed his activity with his prey. Several dark balls shaped energy flew pass lord Yu in an instant, setting ablaze half of lord Yu's party members, burning them whole to nothingness.

In shock to what they had witnessed, the remnant monsters scattered in agitation, to the left and right sides of their lord. Trying to sense; searching for the source of the attack or where it came from, and who it was that displayed such power, but didn't see or sensed anyone around.

Lord Yu didn't seem fazed by the attack or the raw power behind it, but he felt a chill down his spine. For some reason all his senses were telling him to run. A sensation he had never felt before, which made him a bit excited and enraged by the possibility of someone making him felt fear and had the guts of intruding in his play time.

"C'mon out and show yourself… You who dare interfere in my business…"

"If you still value your life" he yelled in frustration and annoyance, thinking it was another set of monsters.

"Whoa… It can talk? How impressive"

"I sure hope you can do tricks too… Other than torturing the weak… that is?" a boy with gray hair replied walking towards the monsters, at the opposite side of the field. The roadside facing the field not too far from the opposite side of the other half of the midfield, with his hands in his pockets.