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My Miserable Life To A Supernatural Love Story

My Miserable Life To A Supernatural Love Story




It was the day of their first marriage anniversary when Jennifer was getting bread when she heard a loud bang and she ran fastly and saw her husband in blood. When she got near her she asked him " WHO DID THIS TO YOU " . Xavier got scared and tried to calm her down but she screamed " ANSWER ME , RIGHT NOW " and Xavier told her every thing . She said " I will make him regret his mistake for hurting my husband " and she disappeared in thin air .......... . . . . . .read the novel for details

It was the mid of winter when dark crescent pack was attacked by a big army of rogues . Little lily was watching everything from the window of her room when she heard the noise of door opening . She saw her mother and aunt coming in .

She said " my dear lily ! You have to go with aunt Lisa and we need to go there through a difficult path . So you will have to be strong and you will never turn back on any condition . You will go with aunt Lisa and live with her for a while and never leave her and listen to your aunt and be obedient.okay "

Lily was seven years old and listening everything clearly she said " okay mommy I will be obedient but when will you and daddy come to aunt's place "

Her mother replied " we will come when you will be study hard go to college then we will come to you"

That's when she heard screaming noises and asked to Lisa " Lisa ! Take her AWAY , RIGHT NOW "

lisa picked lily and jumped from the window straight into deep water . ..




Lily waked up screaming and gasping for breath when her aunt Lisa came to her room scared and asked " what happened lily , did you had that same dream again "

Lily nodded .

Lisa said " I wish I could help you with it "

Lilly replied " there's no need of it but I am already used to this dream ,what time is it aunt "

" It 7 am , you get ready I will make your breakfast "





She got ready and went down to kitchen where her biggest enemy Laura was sitting she just ignored her and ate some pancakes with milk and left for college .


In the college lily got all her paperwork done and went to her class and sat down on the last chair she was not a public person . The class was going to start in 10 minutes .

There came a girl and sat with her and introduced herself " hi ! I am Jessica Xondox "

" Hi ,I am Liliana shefford " Lily replied.

When Jessica noticed the time she suddenly stand up and said " hey Lucy ! Come here "

She came and Jessica pulled her to sit with lily and asked " you will sit with this new girl ,her name is Liliana shefford, and principle wants our group to introduce her to college environment ,places and all . You will stay with her and specially ask my brother to help her in all subjects because she is a little bit shy to ask for help to someone , after that in the lunch time bring her to me and then I will handle everything else . Do you understand it ? "

" Yes I understand it " Lucy replied

And then she asked to lily " Liliana don't be scared of anyone if anything happens to you ask my brother Lucy will introduce you to him he will help you if he is not there then come my class on the right of your class and by the way you can also call me jaz it's my nickname "

Lily smiled and said " Nice name "

She continued with her class and Lucy introduced her to Jessica's brother Robin he was a friendly guy he helped her with every difficult thing in all subjects.

She enjoyed every class and it was the last period and there were still 20 minutes left lily was so tired and said " I wish this period ends now "

Robin was sitting in front of her and replied " this can't happen because only a tribrid can move the time "

Lily wanted to laugh but controlled it and said " its just 10 more minutes and then all over ."

And then the bell rang and Lucy took lily with her towards the canteen when she reached there she received a call from an unknown number when Jessica looked at the screen she asked her not pick it but lily said " I think I should pick it "

Jessica said " ok put it on speaker "

Lily picked the call and put it on speaker

" Hello "

" Is it Liliana ? "

Liliana looked at Jessica and said " yes , who is it "

" I am at a hospital and there is a lady who had an accident named Lisa. Do you know her "

Lisa screamed " what , I am coming " she hung up and said " I have to leave "

Jessica said " I will come with you I have a car " she hurried out of the cafe and bumped straight I to Laura and both fell down " what hell is this " Laura screamed .

Lily said " Aunt Lisa had an accident we need go to hospital " both got into Jessica's car reached hospital and asked the receptionist about her aunt .

She was in ICU . They waited for almost 3 hours , after 3 hours doctor came out , both lily and Laura ran to doctor and lilly spoke first " How is my aunt "





Doctor was scared but he said " she is fine but she is unconscious ,she will be alright "

After the doctor left Laura started to cry really hard and lily tried to comfort but she was almost sobbing when Jessica came and said " lily that guy who brought your aunt wants to talk to you . You go , I will comfort Laura "

Lily nodded and went to that guy and asked

" Thank you so much for bringing my aunt to the hospital ."

That guy replied " oh no no no , there is no need to thank me it was my pleasure "

Lily was amazed with his voice and looks and she started observing his features . He was tall and handsome with dark brown hair , big blue eyes , sharp nose , beautiful and kissable lips . All together he was perfectly handsome like an angel .

Suddenly she realized that she was continuously staring at that guy so she said " what do you wanted to talk about to me ? "

That guy replied " Actually it's not me it's the doctor who wants to talk to you , as I have observed you are stronger than your sister so you have to be strong and need to listen carefully to the doctor . Can you do that ? "

Lily was a little surprised but understood that something is wrong so she agreed and went to the doctor's cabin.

Lily knocked on the door .

" Come in " doctor said

" Hello doctor " lily said

" Oh miss please sit " the doctor said

she sat in front of doctor's desk.

" What do you wanted to talk to me ? " Lily asked

There was a complete silent in the room . Lily was sitting with that guy when doctor got up and brought a glass of water and put it front of lily and said

" Listen carefully , your aunt was not in a car accident she was attacked by some sort of animal that is a wolf . "

Lily got shocked and screamed " WHAT ! ? "

" Calm down miss . I know it would be difficult for you but listen carefully . As we have observed the wounds of your aunt and tested some blood of your aunt we would say that she is not a normal being and I hope you know that she is a werewolf and she was also attacked by a werewolf " the doctor tried to explain everything to lily .

She was in shock that how could it be possible that her aunt is not a human and a supernatural being and not a normal one she is a werewolf .

" How ? " That was all she could say .

" I don't know how but let me tell you that I am also a werewolf so it would be kept a secret and it's a request that please don't tell anything to anyone . Specially your sister " the doctor replied

" No way ! I can't hide it from her " lily said

" No you can't tell her you know that she can't keep any secret . She will blurt it out and it will make the life of your aunt dangerous and not only for your aunt . Also fro everyone around you " Doctor replied panicking

Lily thought for a few minutes and replied " OK! I won't tell anyone about this " .

She Left towards the ICU and the nurse said " Your aunt will be shifted in the room then you can't see her but she is still unconscious . It will take time for her to gain consciousness ,but keep in mind that don't give her any kind of stress or tension " both Laura and Lily nodded and waited for Lisa to be shifted into the room.

Lily and Laura meet Lisa but she was still unconscious . Laura sit with lily and asked " Liliana....! "

She was sobbing and lily hold her face with her hands and said " what is it ' lala ' . do you want to say something ? "

Laura was shocked because lily called her lala when they were young but there relation got worse by time and so for the reason has made lily so angry that she stopped calling Laura by her nickname . She was staring at lily continuously that made lily worried so she asked again " Are you ok ? May I call the doctor ? "

" Oh no no I am alright , is ma just worried about mom . Will she be alright ? " Laura asked

Lily replied " she will be perfectly fine and soon she will cook your favorite Alfredo pasta "

Both laughed and that made lily remember that there is Laura's birthday after 5 days so she mentally decided to make up to her And give her a surprise birthday gift . They were sitting quietly in the hospital when Jessica came with some boxes and said " I think the hospital food is not good enough so I called my brother to bring some food for both of you because you both were rushed towards the hospital right before having lunch so here it is . "

Both lily and Laura thanked Jessica and felt difficult on eating there and suddenly Jessica said " it's really difficult to eat here so let's go to canteen , I am starving " all of them laughed that made that guy who brought her aunt to the hospital woke up " Hey are you guys going to eat alone , I am starving "

All three of them laughed again and lily said

" You can join us ,we are heading to canteen because it's difficult to eat here " .

All of them left towards the canteen and ate the food Jessica's brother brought when they heard a loud scream All of them got up and ran towards Lisa's room when Laura saw a shadow and hold lily's arm and said " l ....l...l...lily there is a ghost " lily and all other looked towards the direction Laura was pointing .

That figure looks like an animal and Laura said " Mom .lily mom is in that room "

Lily got scared and ran towards the room without even caring that this animal could hurt her and ran straight knocking the animal down and when she look from the door she saw that her aunt is still unconscious on bed but when she saw a nurse who was fallen on the ground and was injured . She noticed that the beast is getting up and suddenly she was attacked by that beast and suddenly Jessica and that guy ran forward and injected that beast with something . The beast fainted while Laura came to lily and held her in her arms .she helped her to sit on a bench . When lily placed her hand on her wound suddenly it healed automatically.

Lily was not shocked but she said some words in her mind and that wound came back .

Laura was so scared so she asked " Are you ok ? it must hurt bad . "

" Yeah ! It really hurts bad . " Lily replied

" Let me help you " Laura said

When Laura placed her hand on lily's wound it raised a white shiny light and it healed "Laura ? "

Lily looked at Laura shockingly but Laura said " Shhhhh don't say anything just make up something that you didn't got hurt just fell back "

Jessica came and asked " Liliana are you okay ,"

Lily replied " yes I am fine just fell back " that guy came and said " I will go call the doctor "

He went to reception side an suddenly the light went off and Laura hugged lily tightly and said " lily! What happened ? Why did light went off "

Lily didn't knew anything and she tried to observe the feeling she is getting suddenly when light went off when she thought about Jessica she shouted " Jessica are you there ? "

No reply came so lily held Laura's and turn the torch of her mobile and she Saw that Jessica is unconscious . Both Laura and Lily ran towards Jessica and tried to wake her up .

By observing the surrounding lily asked laura to keep quiet when she put Jessica in aunt Lisa's ward.

When she was getting out of her room lily said " you stay inside and I will go check out what happened to light "

Laura protested to go with her but lily refused and locked her in the room and casted a protection spell on the room and went towards the reception .

As she was heading towards the reception she was pulled into a room. She tried to shout for help but someone put his hand on her mouth . She tried to get free of the grip when the person talked " hey ! Calm down it's me "

" Who are you " lily asked

" I am that guy who brought your aunt to the hospital " he replied

" You scared me to the death " lily said

" I am sorry , there were some werewolves and ......."

Lily didn't even allowed him to complete his sentence and shouted " WHAAAT"

" Hey keep your voice low lets get back to your aunt's ward "

They both went hiding and running toward the ward as they were about to run towards the ward they saw heated a loud and deep growl when lily pointed towards the window and saw a wolf coming inside towards a nurse who was standing still and scared without even thinking about anything else she ran towards the nurse and pulled the nurse right on time and the wolf went crashing into the into the things in front . Lily pulled the nurse and that guy also ran without even looking back and went straight into the ward of aunt Lisa .

When they looked back they noticed that they didn't closed the door .

When that guy went To close the door that wolf tried to get in and went straight back colliding with something .

That guy said " There is some protection spell on this room that no wolf can get in "

That guy closed the door and went towards Jessica and asked " what happened to her ? "

" When the light went off we called her and she didn't reply and I turned my mobile's torch and saw that she was unconscious and we put her in this room and I went to look for the switch board when you hid me from that wolf . "Lily said

As they were talking to each other that nurse said

" Let me check her " she checked Jessica she was unconscious because she was hitted on the back of her head with something that mad her lose her consciousness ..

They were all quiet when the nurse who was hitted by the same wolf who hitted lily was waking up and suddenly she said " They are all coming and going to kill all of us " and closed her eyes .

The nurse went to check her and said " She is dead "

Everyone sat in the room silently when lily said " I think someone is trying to break the door with protection spell "

"What are we going to do now ? " Laura said scared.