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THE BILLIONAIRE'S THIRD WIFE °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° (Amidst his sexy wives he's a sex maniac) °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Synopsis Meet Bryan Rawlinson son of one of the eight billionare's in North America. The eight billionaires are the richest in the North America and the richest happens to be Bryan Rawlingson father Who married seven wives, yes the eight billionaires never marries one wife What happens when Rawlingson is laid to rest and his heir Bryan had to take over the role as an eight billionaire? He marries a first and second wife according to the rule of the eight billionaires only to get a cute baby girl Anna As a sex maniac his wife can't satisfy his huge dick for him, so looking for a third wife? He paid off a young peasant farmer to give his daughter to her and he did cuz of poverty Daughter? Who is his daughter? Mai... A young girl of twenty-two who is an intern as a baker, she's beautiful but very crazy What happens when she's married forcefully away to that sex dog? I don't think that will augur well with the two? Being among the two other wives And love?? Don't even think of it? Bryan doesn't fancy love likewise Mai What will happen Care to find out?






Amidst his sexy wives, he's a sex maniac




Episode 1


"How could you do something that awful father, all in the name of money! "I flared up at the dining table after he narrated his ordeal with an eight billionaire to me

I know that guy, that flirt who calls himself Bryan, every girl's dream man but not mine!!

I broke into tears not believing he could really do a thing like that

How did he know me? Yeah i know i met him once when we went for a competition on the best baker of the year few months ago and I met him once, that flirty bastard!!

How can he come for me? After all he did to my friend that night? How can he do this? How did he know my father? How can my dad sell me so so cheap to him?

I know leaving had been so hard for us since my mom left us for another man when I was still tender but that's no enough reason for him to sell me to that flirty dog!!!

I can't marry that stupid handsome for nothing guy! I have my own choice and all my life I've never prayed to be anyone's second girlfriend let alone a third wife!!

"How could you! How could you dad? "

"How could I? You should be happy... This is every girl's dream man... I know he's married... "

"Twice!! Twice dad!! He has married twice!! "

"But he's an eight billionaire, don't you get it? "

What is this old lean man saying? Eight billionaire so what! So I should bend down and worship him? I prefer his younger half brother Adrian to him! He's such a flirt when it comes to girls and then becoming a third wife??

"I can't father, I will never marry him"

"What did you just say??"

"I can't fucking marry him, I can't be a third wife to that a$$hole billionaire!! " I cleared him up

"Mai you think I want this? I did it for you!! Aren't you tired of suffering? Sometime am ashamed of saying you're my daughter cuz am too poor to provide what you want! I want you to live big, this is not a life I want for you Mai to be suffering about, am a peasant farmer who can barely square two meals a day for you, Mai... I love you so much and I can't sell my only child off like that"

I sobered peering into his eyes, we can barely square three meals a day and am so contented with it, I don't fashion make expensive hairs and am still contented with it

When I start off fine in my baking business, we will be fine!!

"I love you too dad and am going to get that money back to him! Where did you keep it? "

"Are you crazy! You're marrying him period! "

Is he kidding me? If he's kidding me then he better stop it! Marry that flirt! God forbid! Its not happening an eight billionare or not!

"Then I think you will have to kill me first before you take me to him father! What is wrong with you! A third wife!! Your only child becomes a third wife to that stupid flirty bastard hunh! Is that what you want! Give me the money, lemme take it back to him now! "

"Many days of travel to go return the money right? Mai have you gone nuts! Am your father and what I say is final! You're marrying him whether you like it or not! "

What's gone into my father??

"Give me the money first"

"I gambled with it, its obvious... "He said shrugging his shoulders

"You what! "

"I gambled all the money! Its been long he paid me that money! Where do you think all that money you were spending buying clothes, shoes, dying your hairs and and and others came from? "

Sweet Jesus! I suspected that money and when I asked him he said he got it from the sale of his farm produce. And actually it was the money he realized from selling me off, I broke down again in tears

Why is he telling me all this now?

"You know what father, I hate you! So much! You lied to me, oh yes you did"I sniffed my nose glaring at him

He sighed heavily and at the same time smiled

"I don't know what you have against this man but he's an eight billionaire, the richest among the eight billionaires actually so... "

"Oh come off it father! I need to marry someone I love with all my heart and not because of some petty money he spends on me! "

He gave a small laugh rolling his eyes at me

"Don't worry baby, you will love him okay? "He made to pat my shoulder with those hands of his but I was quick to shrug them off me

"I will never father! And I will do anything I can to raise his money and pay him back! " I yelled

Running my eyes all over him, I left the dinning carefully carried on my handbag and left the house





*"Hey Mai, you're a bit late and big Momma is angry already that you... Hey! What's wrong with your mood? "

That was my closest friend Alicia whom I always confide in when it gets tough for me, she's someone I really need to talk to right now cuz my heart is burning

"Its my dad... My dad sold me!! " I said leaning on her shoulder, she frowned immediately she heard that from me

"Oh dear! Your dad? To whom? Why would your dad sell you"

"I don't know! And you know the person he sold me to? "

"No, I don't know... Tell me, "

"Bryan Rawlingson that flirt of a guy wants me to be his third wife"

Her eyes almost popped out of her sockets as it blinked madly at me

"What is it Alicia, that stupid flirty bastard wants me for a third wife to go fight over with his other wives over a bed I think and am so young to be a wife not to talk of a second and then a third "

I don't think she was listening to all I was saying the way she was mopping at me as if I said something honorable

"You mean my own Bryan, an eight billionaire? Tell me my own Bryan Rawlingson? O sweet Mai"she started hugging me tenderly

"I'm so so happy for you! Bryan wants to marry you then why the tears baby? You're so lucky always lucky"she stroke my cheeks

Not even helping matters

"I won't marry him, I can't... Be a third wife? Sounds so awful to me!! "

She frowned again

"Why? He's cute, handsome, tall, rich, romantic and not rude, o goddamn! Every girl's dream man, can't you see his abs, perfect athletic body of his?? Mai you're missing out"she hissed

She's boring me, what do they see in this guy? I just don't know!!

"I won't marry him and I won't "

"Owh! Owh! Owh! Don't tell me you still a crush on Adrian? "She nudged me

"Come off it! How can I crush on someone I've never seen for once"I replied rolling my eyes at her

"Or maybe Jeremy's family, one of the eight billionaires? Or Arnold's or Nathan's or... "

"Stop it! "

"Why will I stop? Obviously your dad made a right choice for you and you have to accept that... "Her eyes turned to be looking at another direction

"What are you doing here? discussing when we have a birthday cake contract with the Jasper's to make isn't it? Mai! See me in my office now! "

Big Momma voice roared out hoarsely. My fat woman! What I used to call her actually apart from that Big Momma name thing which suit her huge giant body alot

"You heard me right, see me in my office"her hoarse came again now this time much more directly to me

"Yes momma"I replied bending my head down and following her from behind to her office