
Let’s Read The Word

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Decoding Remus

Decoding Remus




Remus was an ex-convict and a very dangerous man. He grew up in a dangerous environment thus learned how the world works in the worst way possible. Years later, he was working under the most feared tycoon in the city and was starting to turn a new leaf. But bumping into this gorgeous but mischievous lawyer named Celeste Quiñtana, his life was once again turned upside down as she decides to decode his past that he badly wanted to leave behind.

The country's highest officials were anxiously standing behind the country's most capable team of computer experts. The whole room was filled with anxiety and the computer experts felt sweat beads forming on their foreheads as they struggled to counter all the attacks being sent to their systems.

"Make sure he doesn't get inside the sys---dammit!" The first-ever lady general in the city cursed as she saw the red alert warning on one of the screens in front of her.

One of the systems had been successfully invaded.

She sighs as she massaged her temples and turned to look at the sixteen years old lady seated comfortably outside the staffs' room.

Celeste Quintaña was sipping on her red velvet flavored milk tea while smiling mockingly at her mom through the windows.

'Say it, mom... Say it...' she chanted inside her head.

General Barbara Clinton-Quintaña. The first-ever woman to gain the rank of a five-star general. And that is her mom. Her mom who was now in a dilemma to let her mischievous but genius daughter enter the control room to save them from R's invasion.

The famous hacker no one had ever seen before. R is trouble for everyone. He was a very skilled hacker that no matter how good and no matter how the best-licensed computer experts joined forces, they just couldn't beat him!

And tonight, he decided to hack into the city's security system.

General Quintaña looked around, there are a total of twelve computer experts inside this room, eleven computers are still working while the other one is already busted.

She sighed heavily and called out for Lieutenant Davis who immediately came to her.

"Send her in," she said in defeat.

"Yes, ma'am!" Lieutenant Davis saluted before he left the room and went to fetch the general's daughter outside.

When Celeste saw him, her grin widened.

"The general wants you inside," Lieutenant Davis informed her. Celeste immediately finishes her drinks, grabbed her graffiti sling bag before following the Lieutenant inside the office.

"Cc," her mom called out while she was scanning the anxious expression on the faces of each so-called expert.

"One computer done, that means one system was down too. Your job for today is to help the team---"

"Opps mom! Sorry but that won't do," she said smiling wildly. She immediately turned to face the experts.

"Hands up!" She ordered that rendered everyone speechless. The experts turned to the general who sighed and signaled them to follow her daughter's order. Hence, everybody had their arms left the keyboard.

"Good. Now, scram!" She said and so everybody left their seats and just stood behind the general who was silently watching her daughter reign the whole room.

Celeste checked each of the computer and sat on the one next to the busted one. She first glanced on her mom before she playfully winked and placed her hands by the desk and her fingers positioned properly on the keyboard.

Meanwhile, in the control room of a prison just outside the outskirts of the city.

"Boring..." He muttered as he typed in the hacking codes with only one of his hands moving.

"I thought this city had the best security systems?" He muttered to himself.

He was about to give up for he lost all the thrill when suddenly a message appeared on the screen.

'It was boring right? I'm here now, we can start the real game. The scumbags with licenses are gone,'

Remus whistled amusedly as he sat back on the chair and typed in a reply.

'Let's get this on!'

The experts watching Celeste almost popped their eyes as she watched her battled up with the well known opponent of all computer experts.

R, was known to leave traces of him all the time. At the end of every duel, he made sure that his opponents were able to locate him. However, no one really found out who he was.

People just know he does all of these troubles just for fun. And of course, money.

Celeste's using only one computer to protect all of the systems.

One of the computer experts leaned a bit to the other one and asked who this computer master was.

She doesn't looked like someone from their field. She was wearing a sleeveless navy blue turtleneck crop top and a white denim skirt. She also has a beautiful face that might make the beauty queens looked twice at their reflection in the mirror.

"She's the general's daughter. I heard she's really a genius but I haven't seen her work yet, not until now," one of the experts say.

"Really? She looked young,"

"She is. She's only sixteen." Everyone looked at the general who joined the conversation. When they all turned to her she saw her strict eyes staring back at them.

"Stop talking about my daughter and just watch how a sixteen year old do the job you all should be doing." She said sharply which made the experts look down in embarrassment.

The sound of incredulous speedy typing was echoing on both sides of the competition.

Remus was smiling and filled with amusement as he counter attacks Celeste's every move.

"Ohhh... This one's good," he complimented as he watched the systems all being locked away as she busied him with her attacks.

He started to get curious who he was up against so he tried to get access on the security cameras but he laughed when a message appeared on his screen.

'Nice try asshole,'

He glanced at his back when he heard footsteps coming his way. He immediately typed in his last message and left his location before leaving the control room before the officers even came in.

Celeste on the other hand gaped at the message on her screen.

'Let's just say I lost to you this time. You're good. Insanely good. Keep up the good work. -R'

The experts watching behind gasped as they saw the message too.

R was actually defeated?!

By what? A sixteen year old teenager?

Celeste hissed as she located the asshole.

And everyone in the room almost fell to the floor when they saw where he was.

"Check the perimeters!" General Quintaña ordered and the officers immediately started to dispersed.

R, was just in the building beside where they were!

Celeste stared at the messages and secretly sent it to her phone.

'I'll find you,' she promised to herself.

"Cc! Get out of here, now. Your Dad's on the parking lot, go home." The general directed to her daughter.

Celeste returned the sheepish grin on her face before clinging her arms around her mom's.

"Alright. But I did great, right?" She asked. General Quintaña shook her head and just affectionately rubbed her daughter's head.

"You did, dear. Now be a goof daughter too and listen to me. You're Dad's gonna be mad at me again once he found out that you entered the operations again." Celeste groaned and pouted at that.

Her mom's a five star general while her dad's a powerful tycoon who's overly protective of his only daughter. He didn't like the idea of getting herself to action.

He said it was enough for him to worry about his wife's safety, he'll die young if even his daughter was on the same field.

"Okay. Go on and console our old man," her mom told her laughing as she walked her out until the parking area where Martin Quintaña was waiting.

As Celeste was seated on the passenger seat of her father's car, she took out her phone and read all R's messages once again.

"See you soon, R." she muttered to herself lowly as the corner of her lips lifted into a curve.