
Let’s Read The Word

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Crazy Boss And Me

Crazy Boss And Me

Author:Bukky Tween



'Watch the screen' he said and I turned around raising my head to the big screen and it was on... 'I hate him I hate him he is an asshole' 'Holly shit he heard everything and now it is on the screen' I loosed my balanced and tripped on my heels 'Oh no Miss Campbell seems like you just tripped you are loosing your cool remember' Alexander smirked 'Oh no he heard that too' I turned to him trembling 'What if he loose his temper at me what have I done'i thought ----------------------- Things got twisted for Elle Campbell when she didn't win her best friend heart over or even get promoted at work

"Ouch..." I groaned as I rolled down the bed

This happened every morning am used to it already no big deal no one is changing the fact about me rolling down my bed in my room

Maybe someone is caught up with bed sleeping habits...hmmn

"Elle get down breakfast is ready..can't miss a great day at work today remember" My mom screamed right outside my room door

She's a weird woman....even outside my room door still screaming on top of her lungs ppt.. MOM'S ARE CRAZY but...less I forget today is really a great day for me.. am getting promoted at work

This came to my head again and i started twirling over again in my quite shy this isn't the real me thu am bright inside and gentle as a cute kitten outside

This has been a great news to me since yesterday after hearing from my boss how honest I am towards my job he really appreciates my hardwork and he thought of blessing me a impressed I love the vibes about this

Am the only child of my parent "The Campbell's" my parents run a chicken store down the streets...

My blessed job cover heavy allowances and me getting promoted means higher blessing higher money hmmmn....sounds cool huh..

"Can't wait ..Can't wait.. Can't wait" I twirled once more in my room bouncing heavily on my bed

I love my job. Work has always been on my mind since this is what makes my parents proud about me "MOM" the most ..thinking about Dad??hmmn..I took after him gentle has a cute kitten calm and not lousy as "MOM"

"Elle...." My mom yelled again

Oops she won't go lightly on me again

"Be there mom" I yelled back

I guess am immersed with my thoughts again..I rushed to the bathroom

* * *

I was out of the bathroom getting ready for work then my phone beeped

I picked it up to see Asher's message on the front screen

'I wonder why he message cause he is not someone who cares much'

I click open on his message

Hey Elle

'Good morning have got something great to show you... so I was thinking... if you are not in a hurry to your workplace let's at my workplace

Love Asher'

Holly molly this is great finally Asher is gonna confess his feelings toward me ...or can he have something else great to show my mind is at the right point already ..yipeee finally

Wondering who Asher is?

Yep that's right..Asher is my childhood friend and crush we have been together since elementary school I have got great feelings for him but it a secret and have known him my whole life as my best friend he has never got a girlfriend or "girl friends" just me

Asher is really cute and tall...yeah he has got small eyes and sexy lips that got girls drooling in high school

Am quite too shy to tell Asher my feelings for him I don't just want to be his friend I wanna be more than a friend

Asher is really cool he doesn't talk much or care my friend I only force him to do petty stuffs with me...

So him sending such message and in such words I mean"Love Asher"simply means something is fishy quite a friend I know

Another great is gonna be a great day for me firstly am getting promoted and now Asher dammn am much excited

I twirled round my room changing in my best office outfit since today is a great day nothing can get ruined

First have got to visit Asher..yeah my boss will be at work later in the afternoon so no worries Asher have got great time with you "..yes go ahead tell me everything how you finally feel about me"

I hope am not over reacting but am sure that is the case about Asher we are gonna confess our feelings

My phone beeped again and congatulatory messages about my promotion from work


* * *

Asher texted and said he will be picking me up when I entered his workplace

Oh he works at a coffee store I do have coffee there after work so it one of the best and biggest in the city

"Hey" I heard that deep cool voice right behind me

I turned around to meet that perfect man for me standing

My friend from high school...

And crush all my life

I couldn't figure how a cute little boy back then when we were five turned out to be so....handsome,tall,sexy body and a damn cute looking face

"Hi Asher" I waved at him"you are looking good today"I smiled softly

He smiled back and tilted his head towards me allowing his curly brawn hair across his face"what where you thinking" 'oh that smile' a blush crept from my cheek

"What do you wanna show me?" I asked

"Oh...come I have got something great to show you but...before you see it" he paused and placed his hands on my shoulders I took a quick glance of his hand on my shoulder and back at him all from below

'Oh now i feel like am in heaven'

"Don't panick Elle it might be strange and surprising will love it letter come.." He drew my hands and pulled me along with him

'Now am only imagining how he is gonna propose to me with a white flower"Elle I know we have been friends for long this might be suprising but be my girlfriend "I screamed loudly in my thoughts as we tried and pass through the crowd like I said it a big coffee store with lots of people

We stopped in front of a pretty young girl she was short and proberbly looks like a teenager

Asher pulled my hand away from his and stood beside the pretty strange fella with his big hands around her tiny shoulders

" I said don't panic.. I know have been single all my life was strange I mean.."he let out a heavy sigh and stared into her eyes"the love of my life Sophie..Sophie meet Elle my childhood friend since five and Elle my girlfriend"my mouth dropped in an awe has I stared at the two of them

"Hi am Sophie nice to meet you" she streched her hand at me for an handshake and smiled blissfully

I was speechless I didn't know what to think it felt like a nightmare 'oh no I should get out of it I must be too excited about the text from Asher and now having a nightmare and also seeing stuffs and hearing stuffs at the same time..oh get out..get out..GET OUT'

"Elle you okay?" Asher tapped my arm

"Is she okay?"I heard Sophie voice too

" She must be shocked told ya she is a weird friend of mine"he grinned at Sophie

"Elle you should take a seat" Sophie grabbed me to a chair quickly...but seriously for some seconds everything around me stopped moving even my mind and body holly I can't even speak

"Elle" Asher shaked me once more

" am fine sorry I was shocked" I spoke softly with the soft voice of mine

"You are funny..for a second I thought you were gone" Sophie giggled and took a seat beside Asher

"It nice to meet you Sophie I...Asher is my friend I couldn't believe he is gonna get a girlfriend" I spoke trying to hide the hint of sadness,disappointment and tears that where in my eyes

"Asher has told me a lot about you" she chuckled"After meeting with him I wonder how you have got the chance to hold such a person like him"she chuckled again and hit his chest which my gaze met

'I hate her chuckles it horrible'

"Oh..I don't know too Asher has been quite strange" I took a quick glance at him and back at her"so.. I was wondering how long have you guys been together"

"Uhmm...I should have told you about this lately Elle but.." He didn't finished his words when Sophie cut in

"But I told Asher we should keep it on a low it has been a month ago" she glanced at him and back at me

'Asher has got a girlfriend a month I see the reason why he dosent listen to my boring dating stuff


"Elle..I will really like to know more about you and be a close friend to you I like you at first sight" Sophie smiled softly at me then my phone rang just at the perfect time I wanted to get out of this mess already

"Sorry I will take this.." I stood up and walk a few distance away from there

It was my buddie on the line my bestfriend just since collage

"Hey Elle watsup on your promotion just called to check" she said

"Hey you just saved me" I let out a heavy sigh and peeped back on Asher who was kissing and giggling with Sophie