
Let’s Read The Word

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What are the odds of someone walking into the wrong hotel room? Heart break, rejection and desperation pushes Abigail to lose herself worth. She decides to spend a steamy weekend with a stranger, giving everything she wished to share with the love of her life thinking they would never meet again only to see him on her wedding day seated amongst the guest in the chapel. Dumfounded she looked from him to the man she was to marry as the priest, the groom and the guest waited for her answer. Will she say yes to her long term fiance or will she follow the one man she can't stop thinking about?

He had found her again.

Fleeing was all Abigail could think of as she wanted so much to forget him and the Michael's family too, but the mistakes and choices she made were so visible she couldn't hide anymore.

As the little being on the crib moved her tiny arms making wimpish noises to get her attention, Abigail went to pick her up.

Holding her in her arms with the innocent eyes staring back at her, she knew she couldn't keep this from him anymore.

"Oh baby, what are we going to do?" She asked in her heart placing a light kiss on her baby's forehead.

God knew she wanted him, she wanted to accept what they had yet refusing was easier though painful. Accepting what she felt in her heart would bring the family of three great happiness but it would tear the Michael's family a part forever.

Their were cracks when she joined that family but by admitting her feelings she would completely break them a part.

Closing her eyes she sat on the recliner chair rocking the baby to sleep remembering how it all started.


With her black curly hair lose blowing in the wind and a sarong wrapped around her waist, she walked along the beach feeling the sand grains between her toes and the cool waters surrounding her feet. This was her friends way of helping her get herself esteem back after months of getting drunk in her office and neglecting her duties.

"Why Daniel, why?" She couldn't stop asking herself.

Coming to the beach for her honeymoon with Daniel was her dream, as she picked several destination places to visit and all the activities they would do together but then it never happened.

Growing up with no parents or siblings, Abigail felt that no one loved nor wanted her. Being abandoned at the orphanage and left with no one to turn to, made her feel inferior watching the other children as families adopted them.

Working her way through college, she was lucky to get sponsorship and meeting her two friends Anna and Lucy who offered to start a bridal shop with her, helped her settle in the city but she always felt it was not enough.

She needed a family of her own, a partner she would go to at the end of a hectic work day. Someone she could talk to and share her fears and passion with and Daniel's proposal for marriage gave her a chance to achieve what she was longing for.

Being the only man she ever loved, his proposal was a dream come true but it all came to an end faster than it begun on that day. The day he broke the engagement cancelling the wedding.

With her eyes fixed to the far east, she could still see the day Daniel got to her apartment a month to their wedding. With herself all dolled up for him, she was so excited to receive him when he got back from his business trip.

"Daniel, you are back." With a bright smile on her face, she looped her arm's around his neck. "I got all the cards sent out and mother helped with that venue you wanted." As they walked into the house, she informed him of all the wedding preparations she had done.

All excited, she had compromised on everything she wanted letting him have his way but he still didn't look happy.

"We don't need the venue." Pulling his arm from her hold, he stepped a side pocketing.

"What do you mean? Have you found a better venue?"

"No Abigail, we are not getting married." Standing before her in her living room with an indifferent look on his face, he told her the wedding was off.

It was not only her heart that broke that night but she also felt she had nothing to live for.

"Why are you doing this? Did I do something wrong?" She asked stepping closer to touch him but he stepped back. "Daniel, please let talk about it. I love you Daniel, please don't do this to me." She begged him to give their love a chance but he walked out leaving the untouched candle light dinner she had prepared for them.

Looking at the blue waters she remembered the look of disdain in his eyes as he told her he was not ready to marry her. That she was not the woman for him and his heart had fallen for someone else whom she would never amount to.

Those painful, hateful words haunted her whenever she slept in her house making her sleep in the office drunk silly, crying most of the nights wishing she was not raised in an orphanage. Then, may be then she would be the woman for him. If she was born in a wealthy family like her friends then Daniel would never leave her.

Wiping the silent never ending tears she stood at the shore watching the people around her. The couples holding hands, walking along the beach and families playing around swimming with their children made her wish she had that chance.

Looking at the phone in her hand, Abigail called Daniel's number but it didn't go through as always.

Sighing, she walked back to the hotel trying to get away from everything that reminded her of her failed relationship only for her eyes to catch the hotel bar on her way in. Thinking of Anna and Lucy's warning the many times they found her waisted in the office, she decided to take one glass of wine to ease the pain in her heart then get to her room.


"That's enough miss, I can't serve you anymore." The bartender said taking the bottle from her after one glass became too many.

"The hell, I'm paying for these drinks what's your problem?" She questioned pulling him over the counter by his shirt collar but he insisted she should get back to her room.

"Calm down, I'm only following the hotel rules." The bartender said trying to break from her grip.

"What the f*ck?" She shouted shoving him.

"I'm using my money to pay for the drinks yet you refuse to serve me? F*cking unbelievable." Unable to persuade him she got up as the bar man signaled the security not to intervene. "I can't believe these people. What kind of a place is this?" Drunk Abigail swore staggering to get to the elevator as everyone who passed by gave her a pitiful look.

"Oops sorry." Giggling she apologized to the man she fell on smoothing his suit jacket then smiled at the lady beside him. "Take good care of your man." She warned the lady as the man stepped away.

"I had the perfect man and everyone envied me, a poor girl engaged to a prince." She swayed then supported herself on the safety bar.

"Sadly my prince left me before our wedding. You know what he said, he has fallen for someone else better than me. Someone I could never amount to. Ha ha, sad, right? One day I was the world to him the next I was not good enough. I, not good enough, what do you men want? That bastard, I hopelessly love him, planned a wedding then he ends it just like that, shattering all my dreams and hopes." Lamenting she tried to keep her teary eyes open.

"Don't ever do that to this lovely lady, okay." She pointed at the man as he protectively held his partner as the elevator doors opened.

Left alone in the elevator, Abigail leaned on the wall, slightly closing her eyes to ease the throbbing headache coupled with a heartache.

When the door's opened she walked towards her room supporting herself on the wall.

"F*ck me, I'll never drink again. I swear never to drink again" She muttered to herself trying hard to keep her eyes open.

Down the corridor as she stumbled leaning on the wall for support, she saw one of the service lady pushing her cleaning equipments out. "This is my room, let me through." Stopping her from locking up Abigail pushed the door.

"No ma'am, I can't let you in here without seeing your room key card." The lady insisted on getting her out.

"Shh, do you want to lose your job?" She asked pushing her away.

Afraid of causing more attention to herself since she was under scrutiny by management after several guests reported her, the maid stepped aside letting her into the room.

"Shoo! Go away, go do your job and let me rest." Closing the door to her face, Abigail walked into the room fanning herself.

"I'm so hot." She complained rubbing her body feeling uncomfortable.

Walking into the room, she stripped her bikini dropping them on the floor as she went to lay down on the coach. Lost in her fantasies as always imagining Daniel coming back to her, she fell a sleep.


"Welcome sir." The hotel manager rushed to welcome the man walking into the resort handing him the room key, as all the staff busied themselves on seeing him.

"Thank you." Taking off his sunglasses, he walked into the elevator ignoring most of the lady's trying to get his attention.

Opening the room door he saw the scattered clothes but since his friends were used to setting him up with women whenever he came to the resort, he thought one of them must have left them behind. Shaking his head he picked the bikini throwing them on the coach without glancing at it as he checked the second bedroom that was not locked but no one was there.

The presidential suite was only preserved for his use when he was in the country but his friends often used it. It was a suite with two bedrooms a small kitchen and a living room with a mini bar and a balcony with the best view of the ocean.

Feeling itchy, Abigail got from the coach to the bedroom for a shower not minding her state of undress. Opening one of the bedroom's door yarning with her eyes half open, she bumped into a warm object that made her take two steps back.

With her sleepy red intoxicated eyes wide open she looked up, only to see the most gorgeous half naked man stepping from the bathroom with only a towel on.

For a moment Abigail stood transfixed gazing at him. He was so gorgeous with ripples of water dripping from his wet hair down his masculine chest. Having had only seen this kind of masculinity in the romance soap opera's she enjoyed watching, she couldn't stop drooling.

Never in life did she think such a man existed for real and she never thought of seeing someone as well built and breathtakingly beautiful and delicious as the man before her was. Though she had not seen Daniel like this, she knew he would not be as masculine as the man checking her out was.

Biting her lower lip subconsciously, she studied him imagining her hand's running along his chest down beneath that towel only to get back to her senses when he cleared his throat.

Remembering she stood before him with no clothes on, Abigail grabbed his towel to cover herself up.

Shocked by her sudden movement he held her tight in his arm's against his hard muscled chest looking deep into her eyes.

With his swift reflex, her red luscious lips parted in shock as her lustrous eyes opened wide gazing at him. She had the most beautiful sparkling eyes and the smell of wine in her breath made her even more attractive.

He hated drunk women but the woman in his arms attracted him more just by the smell of alcohol in her breath. Holding her closer feeling her slight tremble, he leaned towards her looking from her captivating eyes to her lips as his body woke to her arousal.