
Let’s Read The Word

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Alex Kiss

Alex Kiss

Author:Ezeh bright



she was forcefully married to him a forge marriage certificate clara cried out her parent loves money more than their life he was Medusa the king of riches clara has thought that she was sold but it was forge marriage clara and her boyfriend later planned to run far away will their be caught find out in this story Broken,/Broke me/alex kiss by bright


chapter one

"Clara ,you have to marry him!"

Clara looked at her parents in horror as they said those words like they were telling her to choose an ice cream

"And why do I have to marry you?"Clara spun around to look at the man who wanted to marry her without her own consent and there he was seated in the couch looking as cool as a cucumber with a dark Aura eminating from his surrounding.

"Regardless" came the cold man's reply which irked clara.

"I am not marrying you "Clara announced dryly, she did not understand why her parent would want to give her away just like that,they both knew that she had her own man and still yet they had agreed to this kind of stupid marriage.

"Clara !" her father yelled with so much authority in his voice,she turned to face him without fear as she was already getting pissed about the whole nonsense they were telling her to do.

"You are already married to this man!!" He said bringing out a paper and showed it to her, boldly written at the top of the paper in capital letters"MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE" She didn't bother reading the paper,she immediately brought her gaze to the down of the paper where her signature was required.

And behold!,her signature was there before her very own eyes.

"I didn't sign this!!"she muttered with suprisness in her face immediately,her dad smiled at her and replied "I forged it"

Clara was stunned,she had really underestimated her father "gadd {God!},Dad you do know Henry , don't you?" Clara requested a little bit calmly.

That was the last push for alex and he stood up,he does not like the name and it was painful enough that Clara had decided to mention the name in his presence

"I would leave now" he said after all he was already getting suffocated,the house was too small for home and it even looked untidy,he has given then more than enough money and he really hopes that they get a new house because he didn't want to offend his soon to be wife by not visiting her parents.

"No you can't just be here,cause this kind of ruckus and leave just like that" clara snapped angrily at alex who acted like he did not hear her and walked through the door to walk out of the house.

Clara immediately followed after him,on getting outside she saw alex walking towards the car with about four men in black following behind him,she immediately recognized them to be bodyguards....

Why on Earth would he have a body guard? Clara wondered although from his look, charisma,and Aura one could easily tell that Alex was either be Noble or a wealthy man but Clara didn't notice this because she had not even looked at him enough to notice his charisma or Aura or even looks.

And she was also not current with the media or news to know that the man she was yelling at was "Alex de medusa" the almighty man,the second most powerful in the whole of Italy and even other countries.

"Who the hell are you?"she voiced out her curiousity.

Although alex was not even looking back but he knew that voice even more than he knew his own voice,why wouldn't he know the voice that always made him sneak to watch local singing talent shows in local town,the same voice that he had recorded and he always plays whenever he wants to sleep.

He turned back to face her, Clara halted her steps she did not want to move too close to this shameless and arrogant man.

"You called me,young woman" Alex said as he looked at her in the eyes.

clara suddenly felt angry but she could not help but notice that her heart was leaping for joy because this strange man had called her such a name.

"I said who the hell are you!"she snapped

"Alec De medusa" He replied curtly which irked Clara

"And am I supposed to know that name" She snapped with one of her brows raised in a questioning manner.

Alex looked at the lady in front of him,he knew that she does n't know him,he could not blame her because he knew that she was not like her other peers in Italy who knew him and wanted to have him.

"Search me up" he finally clara raised her brows up again "why didn't you even think you would be on the internet?"


"What do you want young lady,I already gave your parents enough money and I would give you more than enough if you would leave that jerk and come to me,I could make your life much better than that low-life can" Alex bragged as his gaze flickered at her insultingly.

clara felt slapped and she did just the same to him.


She slapped him!

How dare him insult Henry

"I am not in if those girls who are interested in the little money you have and Mr Alex de Medusa what a stupid name you mess with wrong person,you have no right whatsoever to insult my lover" she stated angrily as she look at black dogs Mr Alex called bodyguard before she run in the house

Alex was stunned by her outburst,he had not expected her to flare up that way he had only wanted her to know that he had tons of money,instead he had earned a resounding slap.

Seeing tears in her eyes and her


expression tore at his heart,he felt very bad and he realized he wasn't supposed to say that,he knew very well that Aurora was very different from her female peers in Italy but before he could even apologize to her she turned her back and hurriedly hailed a cab.

alex turned back and he saw his bodyguards looking with should led expression on their faces.

Well why won't they be shocked, nobody cares to slap the almighty alex de medusa but clara was not anybody to him she was someone he loved.

by bright ezeh