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Billionaire's Wife

Billionaire's Wife

Author:Authoress Flourish



The billionaire's Wife Forced marriage Synopsis Andrea Johnson is a 20 years old lady in her second year in college. She is the second and most beautiful daughter of the famous Mr Johnson in Germany, she is a nonsense and shot tampered lady. She has a older sister Becca Johnson and a younger brother Stanley Johnson. Mr Johnson had a deal with the most famous business tycoon in Germany, Mr Weston. Mr Weston was to lend him a huge amount of money and if he's unable to pay back within two years time, He'd get one of his daughters married to his son Tyler Weston, the world most famous business man, he's even more popular than his dad he's just 24 years, and he is a arrogant jerk. When it was time, Mr Johnson was unable to pay back his debt, and he have to get one of his daughters married to Tyler. A the day to the wedding, Becca ‘ Andrea's sister who's Supposed to marry Tyler eloped with her boyfriend and Andrea was forced to marry Tyler. What happens when Mrs hot tampered got married to Mr arrogant? Genre: lots of comendy and romance

The billionaire's


Forced marriage

Episode one

“ c'mon Andy you don't have to say no, remember I'm your only sister and I will be leaving you in three days time" Becca said to Andrea who refused to accompany her to the mall just because Tyler will be there.

“ you know how much I hate that fiance of yours and I might end up having a bad day if I see his annoying face" Andrea said.

“ I know you don't like him, but please do this for your sister," Becca pleaded.

“ Andrea stop being a hard nut and go with Becca

who knows, this might be the last time you will both visit the mall together" their Mom ‘Helen' interfered.

“ but mum.."

“ no but, just get your lazy ass from my couch and go with Becca" Helen snapped and Andrea frowned.

“ aish! I hate this" she groaned standing up from the couch and Becca dragged her hands pulling her out of the house.

They entered Becca's car and sh

Tyler got to the mall before them, he waited for five minutes but they are no were to be found, he lost his cool and was on the verge of leaving, when Becca and Andrea showed up.

“ Hi! I'm sorry for the delay" Becca apologized hugging Tyler who jerked and disengage from the hug, dusting his shoulders.

“ what a rude Jerk" Andrea muttered with a scoff and Tyler glare at her, on hearing her statement.

“ why did you bring this fool along" Tyler queried and Andrea eyes dilated in shock.

“ Wait did he just call me a fool" she thought not believing her ears.

“ I remember I asked you a question!" He yelled and Becca flinched.

“ Hey! You rude pig dont you dare yell at my sister or else I'd pluck out your eyes and fed them to you" Andrea threaten and Tyler chuckled.

“ you don't dare threaten me if you still wanna eat with that stinky mouth of yours" Tyler warned and walk away regally.

“ you fool" Andrea muttered rushing towards him but Becca was fast enough to pull her back.

“ don't be a thug and let shop in peace" Becca said.

“ damn you Becca!" Andrea groaned walking away from her.

“ at times I do wonder if she's my sister, she is just too quiet and that proud pig is taking advantage of her, I can't take this anymore" Andrea thought as she walk away angrily and during the process she bump into a kid who spilled ice cream on her dress.

“ aish! Why me!" She cried looking at her stained dress and she look at the kid who is smiling.

“ say sorry or else I will pull off all your teeth" she threatened and the kid's face changed, it seems like he's about to cry.

“ Hey don't cry, I was just joking" she pacified but too late he has started crying.

“ Hey young lady! What have you done to my son?" A lady queried running towards them.

“ she stole my ice cream" the little boy cried and Andrea's eyes dilated in shock.

“ what the heck!" Andrea exclaimed.

“ how could you be so shameless to steal from my little son" the lady queried and Andrea scoffed.

“ hey you! control the way you talk to me, and for your information I didn't steal your son's ice cream" Andrea yelled before walking away.

“ how can she be so dumb to think that I stole her son's ice cream" Andrea pondered and she did not know when she bump into a lady stepping on her feet.

“ ouch!! You blind girl what have you done to my feet?" The lady who Andrea stepped on winced.

“ oh.. I'm sorry it wasn't intentional please dont be angry" Andrea pleaded.

“ Just because your Dad is rich doesn't mean you own the world" the lady yelled.

“ I apologized right? Then why did you have to involve my family huh? Do you want me to chop off your head?" Andrea queried and the lady roll her eyes at her before walking away.

“ gosh! coming to the mall was not a good idea, now I'm already having a bad day"

“ I wanna go home!!" Andrea screamed and the people close by stare at her weirdly.

I'mmediately a text message popped into her phone.

“ where the hell did you disappeared to!!! Anyways come to the clothes section I need your help" from Becca , Andrea sighed after reading the message and she head to the clothes section.

Clothes section

“ what do you think? This gown will be good for my wedding night right?" Becca asked Andrea, showing her a short sexy and transparent white gown.

“ don't ask me because I have no idea" she snapped.

“ c'mon Andrea, stop being tetchy and help me" Becca pleaded.

“ to me, the gown is too revealing and I hate it" Andrea said rolling her eyes.

“ foolish girl, it's my wedding night and I need something sexy and revealing" Becca said and Andrea scoffed.

“ c'mon Andrea, tell me what's going on, why are you picking offence in everything?" Becca inquired.

“ I just wanna go home the people in here are annoying and irritating" Andrea replied.

“ you know you can't go home leaving me all alone" Becca reminded.

“ I know that's why I want you to hurry up" Andrea said and i'mmediately Tyler walk in.

“ I Just received a text message, and I'm having a important meeting in less than 30 minutes, so I'm leaving" Tyler said.

“ but.. your Dad said we should both go out on a date after shopping," Becca said politely.

“ to hell with the damn date, my business is my toppest priorty and I'm out of here" he said rudely and stormed out which made Andrea scoffed.

“ he's such a proud peacock and I can't wait for the day I'm going to teach him a big lesson" Andrea thought glaring at his back view.

“ coming here was useless, we should just go home since the groom to be has left" Andrea said dragging Becca out of the clothes section.

The Johnson's mansion

“ Mom told me you guys went to the mall, I hope you shopped for me?" Stanley asked on seeing Becca and Andrea entering the living room.

“ oh we forgot" Becca said.

“ wait! Where are your shopping bags?" Stanley asked looking at their empty hands.

“ we went for sight seeing at the mall that's why we don't have shopping bags in our hands" Andrea said heading to the dinning table.

“ who goes to the mall for sight seeing? Only lunatics do that" Stanley said and Andrea chuckled.

“ you don't have to listen to Andrea, you know she is always unserious

we actually didn't see anything that soothe our taste that's why we came back empty handed" Becca lied and Andrea chuckled eating from the sliced bread in her hand.

Later in day during dinner.

“ Becca! How was your date with Tyler and when did you come back?" Mr Johnson asked.

“ hmm.. few hours.." Becca tried lying

“ the date didn't take place because that arrogant jerk, said he valued his business more than my sister" Andrea cut in.

“ maybe the meeting was very important so you don't have to blame him" Becca said in Tyler defence and Andrea scoffed.

“ Dad! Why don't you just call of the marriage, that fool don't deserve my sister" Andrea said dropping her spoon, and Mr Johnson glare at her.

“ Andrea! Keep your mouth shut and eat in peace" Helen yelled and Andrea picked her spoon and continue eating her meal.

“ Becca is unbelievable, I can't believe she's defending that jerk,

anyways it's her life, and I hope she finds happiness in that damn marriage." Andrea thought.