
Let’s Read The Word

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Damon,My Bully

Damon,My Bully




Hannah’s pov , ”god! he looks so good in his black hoodie why does he have to wear a hoodie of all days today? I need to focus on the extra exam next period ,I could hardly read a word because of him.aghhh, stop!! focus..phewww…you cant flunk in any extras you live to survive..focus!!..” After reading two lines of the book “maybe just a peak ? I mean when did a small peak a harm, hardly ,yes just a small peak..” turning her head Hannah again looks at him again her one & only crush and her first love Her Damon, schools hunk the most popular boy at school, who is also good at studies and with the ladies ,confidence runs in his veins as he comes from the most hottest & richest parents in town,life is a flower garden for him who at this moment giving Hannah the nastiest glare he could master, “what? What did I do now ? oh my god!!!did I got caught? no he wasn’t looking at me when I was looking,he was busy yes he was busy with my…..sister…Stella, his new girlfriend… phew’’ ‘’why is he looking at me like i owe him money?” ‘’He always looks at you like that honey” Hannah's subconscious mocks her ruthlessly. ‘’ohhh!!..oh …” Dear readers oh did I forget to mention? Her first love damon is also the person who while walking along his flower garden like life stops to make hannah’s already miserable life more miserable and yet .. His face is the only comfort & sanctuary to 17 year old Hannah. So Hannah does what she always does in presence of her first love & her bully She smiles ever so softly as she can master :) while he…glares..more intensely …phew follow me on this journey of a teenage girl who loved… Hannah

Author’s note,

‘’Love and crush in a teenage life may seem like the most fickle thing that scarcely comes from through heart and may not even stay there as in time it becomes a memory of teenage dream which only stays in our minds ,never in our heart,

But what if I tell you that you haven’t loved like love deeply ,madly that it becomes your only escape even though you may not get a happy ending ,you love cause not because of the outcome but its ..that feeling…that makes you fall deeper and deeper into that abyss ,a beautiful dream which stays with you throughout your teenage dream and life…that you will cherish..”


Hannah’s pov,

Woke up to my blaring alarm agh I want to sleep some more I slept quite late last night remembering why I slept late

my eyes widen looking up to my clock its 6 am physics extra exam, I stayed up late last night reading hard this I cant be late.

“get your ass out of this bed’’

But it feels so good ughhh… I was about to close my eyes when


in , came my sister well step sister which she makes sure that I’m reminded of everyday no matter how much I want to call her my real sister,

thankfully, her mean attitude also helps so that I always remember it

and on cue ,

" bitch get your ugly ass out of the bed mom said to wake you up,what does she take me for ? why do I have to wake you up always, I don’t know why mom always makes me do this shit everyday just because you get good grades she treats you like a treasure but what about me ? I have a life also I need my own privacy why do I always have to take care of you…I’m sick and tired of THIS FAMILY….now get up!!.."


Door closes , in ,returns the peace of my room as my step sister gave me the reminder of the day about why she is called step..

God!.. the way she shouts and complains ,people might misunderstand that mom asked to donate her kidney to me

such a drama queen…aghh..

‘’Rise & shine ‘’ note the sarcasm..

even though she is my step sister i call her mom,mom

Ella her moms name, she is not my real mom but she no less....

is it confusing?...

I hope not , cause to be honest the thing that you should be confused about is ,

how the hell is Stella is her biological daughter , like ,

her mom is the sweetest, it’s like she is an angel reincarnation

and her daughter Stella is............sigh…. just Stella

yes rude, arrogant , most of all self-centered Stella that’s just about summaries how she is actually …

She doesn’t have an ounce of Ella ,my mom, her mom

you must be thinking where is my mom is , well she is another angel who went to her rightful place ,heaven....

My real mom got divorced with my dad when I was 3,

one of the main reason is that they were not happy together, always fighting so much disagreements ,it was a mess ...

so they called it quits but they stayed friends afterwards that mom even went to my dad’s wedding with Ella ,

and she got along so well with Ella like they have been friends for years....i guess Ella has this her own charms that draws people to her...

It was really beautiful .

So after me and mom moved from Vancouver started to live in California ,where she was born .

She started to work there as a marketing manager and things were looking up for me and mom

it was a wonderful memory for me that i'll still remember until my last...

our little beach house , walking with my mom in the mornings, even going fishing and talking with the locals , like,this weird thing everyone from the locals knew my mom everywhere went along the coast.

It was a little home for us

I was having the time of my life that sometimes i even forget my dad hehe...

and then one day….

it went down hill ,like really bad.

So when I was 6, I watched my beautiful mom die little by little as she was diagnosed brain cancer. And when I was 7 , when she couldn’t hold on anymore,

called my dad, Steven Spencer & Ella Reid,

and literally begged them with tears in her eyes to take me in and to keep me safe. It was heartbreaking to watch

and it was at that moment

she,Ella said ,

"I promise to take care of her like my own daughter, Olivia ,you can rest assured ".

Mom died in peace after three days after that conversation and I returned to Vancouver with Ella and my dad after the funeral as their new family member,

Which did not sit well with my step sister Stella Rogers…. sigh…

and I’ve been living on my toes in front of her ever since.

From the very first moment she made sure i knew where i belong in this family & it was also the first time i knew what was hate , she hates me with passion.

Her torture is sometimes very unbearable as she leaves no corner in my house or my school or any space where we are at the same time

to bully me

and she bullies me from my beliefs,my teachings to my passion that at the end,leaves me in pieces.

All because to make sure that i know that this family is hers and hers only....greedy bitch...

But no matter what even my mean sister can’t stop me from moving forward so I get up

for school.

I brush my teeth, take a shower and comb my slightly below the shoulder length brown hair which will get curly once dried ,one of the things I like about my hair.

wearing my lip balm which is strawberry flavored, I smile at the mirror which immediately falls when I see my freckles ughh I hate them ,

I have brown colored eyes which I ….

''where the hell is those glasses ? ugh morning blurs" ,

I found the glasses, lying where It should ,in my study table next to my pink laptop between the pages of my books

and wearing them hides my freckles

which just under my eyes spreading from on top my nose area thankfully not on my forehead...phew

I do a once over my look wearing the glasses

and today i'm wearing my favorite red hoodie and black jeans ...

hoodie is my go to look , i can wear hoodie all my life

and maybe i will shuh

"perfect " , I smile at myself in my mirror ,

I don’t wear makeup not because I don’t want to but because I don’t want to spend money on them as I’m always on a budget conscious about my daily necessities,

sometimes I do want to wear makeup but i immediately drop those thoughts as I will only be bullied by Stella and her friends or gang in school

as Stella and I read in the same school in same the class

and we are both the same age, how cool is that !!....its horrible.. terrible...

My smiles fall once again remembering yesterday’s incident at school with Stella’s & her friends at school , and replaces with worry as I’m afraid what they’ll do to me today.......


Hey, dear readers ,please give a like and comment ,as your opinion on my work is really important to me.It took a lot of courage to show my creation to you readers. Thank you for reading.I love you <3