"We will continue your punishment," said Clavane's dad, his is tone sharp again.
Clavane clenched her fists tightly. Her calf was very sore, she was sure by now her calf must have been bleeding.
"She descended from her mother, both stupid," said Clavane's dad
It's okay, Clav. Hold on a little longer.
“20 more hits seems enough.”
And the iron stick kept hitting Clavane's calf — no matter that Clavane's smooth calf was bleeding — up to 20 times. Actually, what had happened that this woman named Clavane was beaten like this?
A young woman is seen walking out of the arrivals area of an international flight from Soekarno-Hatta, Indonesia. She looked around and sighed.
It's been so long huh? The woman thought.
The woman did not even clearly remember the last time she was in Indonesia after several years living in Sydney with her mother. She looked around, seemed to be looking for someone.
He said he is here, now where is he? The woman thought again. Suddenly, someone taps her on the shoulder from behind.
A deep, hoarse, cold voice managed to startle her.
"Oh, hi bro," Said the woman called "Clav". Clav looked at the man who was her older brother—Ryan Xavier. Ryan Xavier has poker and a cold face, he is about 178 cm tall, has very fair skin, a sharp nose, and sharp eyes. If she had to describe her brother in one word, then Clav would choose the word "vampire" to describe him.
"Get in the car," Ryan said coldly as he turned and walked towards the place where he parked his car. Clav hastily picked up her suitcases and walked after Ryan to a red Lamborghini. While Clav was loading her suitcases into the trunk of Ryan's car, Ryan himself was already sitting in the driver's seat. Didn't even look back to see Clav struggling to lift her suitcase alone.
"Finished." Clav thought as she finished lifting her two suitcases. Next, Clav closed the trunk door of the car and walked to the side of the driver's seat. Clav got in and sat in the car, then closed the car door and buckled up. Ryan's car design is very simple, it doesn't have many decorations that people usually put in their cars. Only lavender-scented car perfume is the only decoration.
After Clav got into the car, Ryan immediately started his car leaving the airport. There was silence, but this was nothing new. Clav was not familiar with her brother, to be more precise, her brother and father. Her father and mother divorced five years ago, and they fight so often. After her parents' divorce, Clav's mother raised Clav in Sydney, while Ryan was raised by her father in Jakarta.
"Bro," said Clav , starting the conversation. To be honest, Clav wasn't the type of woman who was good at small talk, but the situation in the car right now was really quiet. She had no other choice, did she? that's what Clav thought at least, who knows this time his family can make peace. However, Clav's small talk was not answered by Ryan, Ryan only glanced at Clav before then his gaze returned to the road in front of him.
"How's daddy doing?" said Clav. Actually, she didn't really care about her father's condition, her father never treated her well, so why should Clav care?
"Soon you'll see for yourself," Ryan said coldly. Clav was not surprised anymore, Ryan always tried to talk to her as little as possible.
I wouldn't even ask if it wasn't just small talk! Clav thoughts. Clav really didn't know how to lighten the mood anymore. The only thing on her mind right now was...
"Bro, what's my name?"
Stupid question indeed. Even Clav herself thought he was stupid when the question slipped from her mouth. And it seems Ryan is also thinking the same thing.
"Are you crazy? Why did you ask for your name," said Ryan.
"Just because. We don't see each other very often."
"Clavane Gabrielle Xavier."
Finally, Clav got an answer from Ryan. Clav's full name is indeed Clavane Gabrielle Xavier, but Ryan pronounces it wrong. “Clavane” is pronounced like “Kla-va-ne”, whereas Ryan just pronounced “Clavane” as “Kla-ven”.
"Kla-va-ne, not Kla-ven." Clavane said.
He always pronounced it wrong.. Thought Clavane
This is not the first time her name has been mispronounced, but at least her own immediate family, in this context her own siblings, should at least know how to pronounce her name correctly.
"Oh." Clavane's words only received a short response from Ryan. Clavane then started doing something absurd, intentionally pronouncing Ryan's name wrong.
"Bro Rian, how have you been all this time?" asked Clavane.
"...Rian?" Ryan said, slightly surprised.
"Am I wrong?" said Clavane again.
Clavane knew very well that “Ryan.” Pronounced as “Ra-yen.”, but Clavane chose to take revenge like this. It's childish but satisfying, especially when Clavane sees the annoyed look on Ryan's face.
"Oh, sorry," said Clavane. But in fact, Clavane doesn’t feel guilty at all.
Now you know how I feel. Clavane restrained herself from smiling triumphantly. At least, Clavane is still apologizing, right? Ryan didn't even apologize at all.
"So, how are you doing all this time?" asked Clavane, trying to begin the small talk.
"If I’m not okay, there's no way I want to pick you up now," Ryan said lazily. To him, Clavane's question was utterly stupid. Ryan's answer made Clavane give up trying to make small talk.
"Geez! You're funny," said Clavane. "I don't think you're okay, your face is so wrinkled. Thank goodness, now I know that my big brother is okay," add Clavane again. Ryan's expression changed. Ryan seemed to be trying to contain his anger.
"Clavane, you're so noisy. If you keep being noisy, I will drop you here." Ryan said coldly.
Clavane knew clearly that she had ignited Ryan's anger. Indeed, her brother had a problem with his temper.
"Bro, I heard from dad that you are really smart, right? he said that you excelled everywhere," said Clavane. "I'm often compared to you. Dad is really proud of you," said Clavane again. “But…” Clavane paused for a moment. Clavane knew clearly that after this Ryan's anger would explode. "...why does this smart brother have a hard time saying my name huh?" said Clavane, pretending to put on a face like she was deep in thought. "..my name is that difficult that my smart brother had difficulties to pronounce?" added Clavane.
Sure enough, Ryan immediately put his car aside on the side of the road and stopped. Anger was clearly visible on his face.
"Get out."
One word that was so cold said by Ryan. If Clavane wasn't used to all of this, she would have goosebumps and be scared by now. Ryan's gaze pierced her, as if threatening if Clavane dared to speak another word, Ryan would kill her right then and there.
Clavane shrugged, then opened Ryan's car door. Before leaving, Clavane turned to Ryan.
"Later on the way home, think about how to pronounce my name correctly, my dear brother."
Clavane got out and closed Ryan's car door. Clavane could see Ryan's face getting angrier in the car. Without waiting any longer, Ryan immediately started his car and left Clavane on the side of the road. Not caring about the fact that he had just left his younger sister who had just arrived in Jakarta alone.
Clavane looked relaxed and reached into his trouser pocket. Clavane took something, her cell phone, and searched for a name in her contacts. Luckily, Clavane only had six contacts on her phone so it wasn't hard to find the man she would call—Calvin Roberto, her friend and fiancé.
After ringing about four times, finally Clavane's call was answered.
"Hello?" said a man who answered Clavane's call.
Wait... The voice is different...?
"Hello?" repeated the man again after there was no answer from Clavane.
Not Calvin.
"I will hang up the phone," said the man.
"Wait!" said Clavane fast. Clavane double-checked the name on her cellphone. The call was right for “Calvin Roberto” but it wasn't Calvin who spoke. This man has a lighter voice than Calvin's baritone. This man's voice sounded sweeter.
"This is Calvin's number, who are you?" said Clavane.
Has Calvin's cell phone been stolen? Thought Clavane. However, Clavane can't imagine Calvin's cellphone being stolen because Calvin is one of those people who take good care of his belongings.
"Yes, I am his—ah, here he is," said the man.
Before Clavane could say anything, Calvin's voice was already on the phone.
"Hello, Clav?" said Calvin.
"Who was that? Ah forget it, that's not what's important now. Can you pick me up?" Clavane said.
"Where are you now?” asked Calvin in surprise.
"Still not far from the airport, if you can't, I'll just take a taxi." Said Clavane.
"Send location to me, I'll pick you up." Calvin said which made Clavane smile faintly.
"Okay, thanks," Clavane replied before ending the call. Soon after, Clavane sent his location point to Calvin.
Meanwhile, in a magnificent house, a man is getting ready to take his wallet, cellphone, and car keys.
"Your fiance?" asked another man who was sitting on the long white sofa, watching every move of the man named Calvin.
"Yes, she arrived today," said Calvin. "Ryan should be the one to pick her up, it looks like she had another fight with Ryan," add Calvin.
The man chuckled at Calvin's words. That one friend, Ryan, indeed has a bad temper.
“Do you want to stay here until I come back or do you want to go home, Rael?” Calvin asked the man named "Rael."
"I'm going home," said Rael. "I want to feed Kiwi," Rael added, then walked home.
Kiwi is a cute dog that Rael adopted—rather Rael picked her up on the side of the road some years ago. To be more specific, Rael doesn't remember how many years ago, it was clear that at that time, Kiwi was still tiny.
Kiwi itself is a dog with the type of bichon. The fur is thick white like cotton so that the Kiwi is often referred to as similar to a cotton ball. One of the most important things about Kiwi is the fact that he loves Rael very much.
Rael returns to his house which is no less big than Calvin's.
The house is only two floors with shades of brown. The items are very neatly arranged and very clean like there is no dust at all.
Just as Rael stepped into the living room of his house, the handsome man was immediately greeted by his cotton ball—Kiwi.
“Woof! Woof!” Kiwi barked happily. Rael doesn't usually come home early.
"Hello," said Rael, then crouched down to stroke the Kiwi's thick fur. It is undeniable that Kiwi fur is indeed very soft. Rael repeatedly had to restrain himself from hugging the dog tightly because of excitement.
Rael got back on his feet, he didn't have much time because he needed to go to Ryan's house—business.
"Ki, I'll give you a stock of cooked salmon. Eat. I have to go again." said Rael to the dog.
Kiwi barked in response to Rael's words and wagged its tail. Rael smiled at the adorableness. The dog was indeed very much like a living cotton ball.
Rael walked over to his two-door refrigerator and grabbed the salmon. Then, Rael put it in the microwave to heat it. Expensive? It doesn't matter, because Kiwi is very precious to Rael.