
Let’s Read The Word

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Fate Of The Mates

Fate Of The Mates

Author:Rain Shaw



Raven had lived the best life she could in the Black Moon pack. With an adoring mate and twin pups, she has never doubted they could face anything together as a couple or as a pack. Until war was declared. After having left her side to join the enemy, her mate Rafe has now returned to her and brings the news that the enemy is dead. With that news the council believes there is no longer a threat of war. Raven knows better. Something is not right with Rafe or the world outside their pack. Beginning a journey that will forever change her, secrets are now unfolding, and sides are shifting. She doesn’t know what to believe anymore. In a race against time to save her mate and stop this war, Raven accepts that when it comes to love and peace, there are no lengths one wouldn’t go to, to win.


“Ahh, here she comes,” at Melanie’s words, my eyes darted through the crowd looking for Raven. It takes only a moment for the crowd to part, and there she is. I want to laugh, but I hold it in. Only Raven would wear the color of her namesake. White or pastel colors are traditional for mating ceremonies, like my white suit, but I chose to add a black tie in honor of my mate, which I’m pleased to see, goes well with her black lace dress and the white shawl she’s added.

My eyes track her every movement. I watch as she takes in the surrounding crowd, consisting mostly of my pack, with a few from hers.

As she gets closer, tears are glistening on her lashes as she shares a soft smile with Melanie. Then, at last, she looks at me, and her smile lights up the darkening sky, making my pounding heart stutter in my chest.

I take the step to the edge of the dais and help her up, and keep her hands tight in mine. She can’t run now.

“You look dashing, Rafe,” she whispers, as her eyes devour me.

“And I have no words to describe how beautiful you look. You stole my breath away.”

“Okay, love birds, shall we begin?” Melanie asks making everyone laugh. Raven nods eagerly for both of us.

“Every fated mate is sacred and is to be treasured. The Moon goddess deemed you two to be two halves of a whole. Your souls are meant only for each other. There is no bond greater than that of fated mates.”

Melanie steps back and gently picks up the Moonstone from the pillar it sat upon next to her. “Please hold out your hands,” she places the stone in Raven’s hands, then she closes mine around it. “You will say the vows to each other, then once it lights up with the Moon goddess’ blessing, you may seal the bond.” She takes a step back out of the circle, leaving only me and Raven.

“Rafe, if you would like to begin,” Melanie says.

“Under this New Moon, I accept you, Raven, as my mate, the other half of my soul. To live our lives as the Moon goddess deems us worthy.”

Her eyes sparkle as she smiles. I watch her throat work as she swallows back her emotions to say her part.

“Under this New Moon, I accept you, Rafe, as my mate, the other half of my soul. To live our lives as the Moon goddess deems us worthy.” Her voice quivers with her words.

She gasps as the stone in our hands warms and softly glows. The light intensifies over time until we are all forced to look away. I hear gasps and awws as the crowd shuffles and avoids looking at the light. After the light dims, I can see Raven across from me, and the tears of joy streaming down her face and her bright smile equaling that light of the Moonstone.

Our hands drop apart, the Moonstone remaining in hers, as we surge toward each other. Our kiss is passionate and raw until we break apart. Cupping her face in my hands, I slowly tilt her head and push her hair aside, exposing her long neck. I greedily inhale the scent of my mate as I lean down and my wolf purrs like a pup. Placing a small kiss, I then sink my teeth into her neck. Marking her as mine. After a lick to seal the bite, I pull back for her to repeat to me.

“Hello my love,” I hear her voice in my head. And my smile is one of pride and overwhelming joy. We are one.

The wolves howl as we enter the reception area, congratulating us as mates. I spin her right out onto the dance floor and pull her in close as we sway to the music. With a deep inhale, I take in her new scent, a scent now a mix of both of us, and I am addicted. “Have I mentioned how gorgeous you look tonight?” I murmur into her neck, causing her body to shiver as my breath whispers across her new mark.

Tilting her head, her silver eyes meet mine with mischief, “you may have mentioned it, but I don’t mind you repeating it as often as you would like,” her eyelashes flutter at me. I lean down and capture her lips in a sensual kiss, ignoring the hoots and hollers coming from the wolves watching our first dance. A pretty blush graces her cheeks as we part and she looks away.

We exit the dance floor and walk over to the buffet table, and start the procession of food. As we sit down, many take this chance to come and congratulate us and wish me well in my new pack. Somehow, between eating and all the well-wishers, we find time to talk and kiss and soak in each other’s feelings that come through the new mate bond.

“I can not wait to get back to the pack and start our new home. The council told me our house should be ready by the time we return.” She beams up at me with excitement, and my stomach clenches in fear. I know next to nothing about the Black Moon pack and what life will be like there.

Pasting on a smile, “Yeah, I can’t wait either,” and even though I’m filled with fear, I’m excited. I get to start my life with this amazing she-wolf who, in such a short time, has come to mean everything to me. I nuzzle into her neck and my wolf purrs in delight. We finally have our mate and he’s begging for the chance to get out and run with her.

“After this, would you like to go for a run and let our wolves get acquainted?”

“That sounds wonderful. She’s dying to meet her mate.” Her grin is wolfish, and I can see that her wolf is indeed eager.

I keep her tucked into my side for the rest of the evening. We dance and talk with others and thoroughly enjoy our mating ceremony. We’re back out on the dance floor dancing to a fast song when it changes to a slow melody that has me pulling her in close. After a moment, I see Duncan come up behind her, giving me a smirk. “Do you think I could cut in and dance with your lovely mate, Rafe?”

If it were anyone else, I would refuse, but since he’s my best friend, I don’t mind. Raven straightens in my arms as she searches my face. With a wink and a smile, I step back, allowing Duncan my spot. I kiss her lightly on her forehead before walking to the edge of the dance floor to observe. With an eye on her, I half-listen to those who come and talk with me. I watch as she stands stiffly in his arms. Is it because she’s uncomfortable in another male’s arms or something more? I catch the array of emotions crossing her face, before settling on what I interpret as unease. Instantly, I focus on our bond link and find that’s exactly what she’s feeling.

Before I can mind link her and make a move, she catches my eye. “Please cut in. I don’t want to be out here with him any longer.” Her eyes plead with mine, “please Rafe.” Her words spur me into action as I approach. Unfortunately, I don’t make it in time to rescue her before the song ends and she’s able to excuse herself, walking right past me.

“I told you she’s not my biggest fan,” Duncan says as he stops next to me, watching Raven walk away. I just grunt because I didn’t believe it before, but I felt her unease while she danced, and even though I don’t understand why, she is my first concern. With a pat on his shoulder, I stride away in search of my mate.

Her scent leads me to the restroom, and I don’t bother knocking before entering. She’s standing in front of the sink, looking into the mirror. The clink of the lock echoes in the room as I stride up to her. “Are you alright, love? I’m sorry I didn’t pick up on your unease sooner.” My arms wrap around her waist, pleased when she relaxes into my hold.

“It’s okay. I don’t blame you, you came when I asked. Thank you.” Twisting in my arms, she leans up and kisses me lightly. I refuse to let her pull away, so I draw her in closer and deepen the kiss. “I can’t wait to get you alone,” I whisper as I kiss up to her ear. Her giggle is everything as I stand in awe of my new mate.

“Shall we break out of here and enjoy the rest of our night, just us?” I ask.

Her eyes shine with desire as she bites her lip, nodding her head. Offering her hand, I take it and lead us away from the party.