
Let’s Read The Word

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Another Shot

Another Shot

Author:Grey sapphires



While still struggling with her traumatic past, Cyan Forrest falls in love disregarding the advice of her friends. Unfortunately, she still got heartbroken. Sean Anderson happens to be her house and course mate. During this time, he helps her to heal and falls in love with her. Cyan decides that love ain't meant for her but he's determined to show her just the opposite.

Sean stopped a taxi and dumped his backpack inside before hopping in himself. He sighed, who knew he was going to have to do all this. He had no choice though, he would have to start life afresh, at least he got another chance. He didn't plan to stay in this city though, what if they tracked him down.

He got a hotel room to spend the night. The next morning, he flagged down a cab and headed for a salon. He was wearing a black beanie and a brown trench coat on a black shirt and leather pants.

He looked at the salon he was about to enter. Compared to his favorite salon back at home, it was quite measly. He berated himself, he was no longer that person and he couldn't spend money so stupidly like that. There were 3 girls and 2 guys working there. The two guys were drawing tattoos on a woman but the girls were resting on the lounge.

Someone finally noticed him, she got up immediately. She was a blonde, wearing a purple crop top and a black leather miniskirt.

"Welcome to Reyor's, how may I be of service?"

"Just need to maintain my hair, nothing much though."

He immediately took off his beanie letting his shoulder length brown hair fall in a mess. He tucked his hair behind his ears.

"You really wanna cut it off?"

"I was thinking of just dying it to jade green."

"Oh okay, we could do that. Just have a seat, I need to grab my tools first." He nodded.

An hour later, Sean stepped out of the salon with the gazes of two girls locked on him. His hair was once again in a beanie. He flagged down a cab and headed for the hotel he was lodged.

He checked out and booked a ticket for the next available train the minute he got to the station. He didn't even give a damn where he was going to so long as he was out of sight. Seeing that his train won't be arriving till the next 2 hours, he decided to walk out a bit. He returned just in time with a box of bagels he had gotten. 'Street food didn't taste that bad.' He boarded the train and got seated. He was listening to music with his new pear phone while eating bagels. Soon he was gently lulled to sleep.

Cyan sighed and checked the time. She was completely fagged out. She'd been working all night and right now, her whole body ached. Tired, she hopped on her bike and rode home.

She still had to fix herself dinner so she made some toast. She sighed at the thought of having toast for dinner again but she was too tired to cook, not like she had groceries anyway. She thought of what one of her bosses would say if he knew his favorite assistant lived on toast.

After her dinner, she went to her bathroom and put on the bath tub faucet for hot water before going to her room to undress. The warm bath did wonders to relieve her stress.

She put on her black pyjamas and combed her midnight blue hair. It was finally time for bed. She cursed as she realized she forgot to remove her black contacts. Her eyes had startling colors, one was a powder grey while the other was an emerald green. She had gotten one from each of her parents. A sardonic smile flashed across her lips so fast it was gone before it came.

The night was already exceptionally cold. With a blanket draped over her, she soon fell into a noiseless slumber.

Soon, she was thrashing all over the bed, beads of sweat all over her face. She seemed to be mumbling something incoherent. She screamed as she woke up suddenly and groaned. Her head ached but she still felt like ramming it against a wall. She took a deep breath and turned to her drawer, she took two tablets of Advil and her sedatives and a bottle of water which she drank up after swallowing the pills.

She took a photo album from her drawer. There was only one picture in it as well as the documents of a house. Her fingers moved delicately over the picture, her eyes drooped in sadness. She flicked the band on her wrist. It was a plain band made of white metal that shined in the moonlight. Slowly, her eyelids dropped with her still sitting and her head propped against the headrest of her bed. The drugs had eventually kicked in and she had fallen asleep. This time it was a dreamless sleep.

When Sean woke up, he could see a beautiful city from the window. Most probably his stop. He was correct, it didn't take long before the train came to a halt and he highlighted.

He came out of the train station and boarded a cab to a nice hotel. Sean sighed as he entered the room he had booked, he was really tired.

Three weeks had passed since he got to this city. He had been lucky enough to be able to apply for their University just before it was too late. He got admitted to the school. He was getting tired of staying at the hotel he was currently lodged, their staff were so annoying. He had planned to stay there till he was able to rent an apartment but he changed his mind. He was going to check out tonight but first, he needed to do some serious shopping.

He wore a hoodie and black jeans and packed his hair into a low ponytail. He flagged down a cab and headed for the Mall. He sighed when he took in the building but then, a smile appeared on his face when he entered.

He bought lots of clothes picking anything he slightly fancied. When he came out of the Mall he was brimming with shopping bags and with great excitement too. Shopping had always been a way to let off a little steam for him but today without his regular escorts, it was even more relaxing and fun.

Sean had dinner in the hotel room before checking out but that was after he sorted out his new belongings.

He took an Uber to another hotel and checked in. The bell boy helped him take his things to his room and he tipped him.

Sean had a nice bath and changed into his pyjamas before retiring for the night. He slept soundly, a string of green Jade beads on his wrist glittering in the night light