
Let’s Read The Word

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A Wife For The CEO

A Wife For The CEO




BLURB Waking up one morning to lose everything given to her by her parents and left with just the house she lives in and became so broke. Adrianna had to let go of love and crossed her heart never to be a fool twice, she struggled daily to earn a living and got assistance from a friend she once neglected when others turned their back on her. What happens when a man in his 40's falls helplessly in love with her but in return, she just wanted to benefit from his wealth. Now he finds out about the past she has been hiding when she finally had a change of heart, will he continue to love or let her go?



Chapter 1:

*Adrianna Point of View. *

“What makes you think you are qualified for this Job, Adrianna?” The man who was in charge of my interview asked me this particular question and I was dumb for some minutes not knowing what to say luckily. I remembered a few of the things I study online then I said to him, “If I get employed at this company, I promise to be of good behavior, hardworking, devoting all my time and all my all to make sure the company does better than before sir.”

“Oh I see, based on what is recorded on your Curriculum vitae, you have never worked for any organizations since you finished your studies and after four years plus you coming to look for a job, how I am sure if you can even give us the best in the company when you have never done this kind of job in your life. Give me a sensible reason that will make me give you this job knowing the fact we do not have any idea of how good you are when interacting with customers and your colleague, also you have no idea about how to use the computer.”

“Sir, I know I have no work experience with all these things you mentioned but there is no harm in giving me a trial for the first time and seeing what I can offer. You might even be surprised to see how good I may turn out to be. I really need this job, sir.” I pleaded.

“Everyone needs a Job Adrianna, not just you that is applying for this job, about ten more people’s if not more than has also applied and majority of them has more experience, our company is not a child’s play and we are not looking for a novice but a professional who can take the company to a new level, I am so sorry Adrianna but I cannot give you the job and put our company at risk, I hope you understand.” The man just killed my little hope I was having, I thought I got this, I thought being sincere in this interview will fetch me a job, this is the 8th interview I am attending and yet I am getting the same response all over and over again, I want a new job badly that will fetch me a good pay, I so much miss the old me that was a fashionista,

“I understand sir, but I still give my words of not letting you down.”

“Adrianna you need to exit my office now, I have three more people to interview and you took more out of their time by your pleading and promises, who does that in this new era we are, your skills or experience, one of them must speak for you, you are also single, how am I sure if young ladies of this days will not ruin the finance of the company, just use the door, I think I am done talking please.” He said and reminded me of the fact that I am single and not married. Most ladies of my age are married now but look at me, no man, no love, no kids and no money, this is heartbreaking.

I smiled when I took my bag and my files leaving his office and one of the ladies who was properly dressed said to me, “I already know you will not get the job, you do not look like a job seeker but a job beggar.” The others laughed and I asked myself, when did I become so soft and calm that I could let this stuff she is doing slip away just like that? I used to be the crazy type you know, I always like ruling and commanding everyone and if you dare raise a voice at me, I will make sure that person is locked up in jail for a week making sure he or she learns from the mistake they did and from there on, whenever they see me walking through a lane, they will have to take the other lane because of the fear they have for me.

How did I fall this way? How? I am just a foolish young girl who once had all the gold and lost it all in one day. It takes years to build an empire but seconds to pull it down without using the same strength you used when starting.

I looked at them still laughing at me and the other said, “I think a lady like her should be out there doing a job as a cleaner or a babysitter too, because no company will ever employ her you know, she looks like a gold digger to me anyway.”

I think I could be humble and respectful but you see my trait of being a crazy lady. I will not let it be hidden, I am going to give them a taste of my other me. Moreover, I do not have anything to lose, but they will, who will want to employ a fighter like them? Hell no, no one will.

I am going to pass my frustration on to them, just a simple logistic. If I do not get the job, they will never get it.

“Heidi will not let you speak with me in that manner okay, I may have not gotten a job here doesn’t mean I will never find one, after all, you are not the creator, so bitch, I thinking giving men a blow job fits your discipline more, you got the big mouth and the deep throat to take it in? What do you think? And you, I think some horny married women will be needing guys like you to give them a heads up and get paid because you see, we three are job beggars baby, believe it or not.”

“How dare you speak to me in that manner, your crazy lady, do you need some death sentence?” She yelled at me and made the biggest mistake of her life to lift her hands to slap me.