
Let’s Read The Word

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 Lycan King's Cursed Erasthai

Lycan King's Cursed Erasthai

Author:Genuinely Curious



How the hell it is possible that you are my mate. Moon goddess must be joking” Hearing his disappointment, my happiness from our moment before disappeared in thin air. “I, Benjamin Franklin, Alpha of Blood Moon Pack, rejects you, Jasmine Adams, as my mate and future Luna of this pack.” His words shattered my heart in thousand pieces making me lose last hope of my life. I collapsed on ground with tears falling from my eyes. “Accept the damn rejection. Now.” He growled angrily. “I, Jasmine Adams, accept your rejection as your mate and future Luna of Blood Moon Pack.” “Good you are not allowed to tell anyone about this mistake” He used his Alpha command on me. “Yes Alpha.” Words left from my mouth in a whisper and I lost consciousness. “I was sprinting in deep forest blindly. Monster behind me was chasing me like crazy predator hunting his prey. He was getting closer with every passing second and I made up my mind for worst death possible. Suddenly, he jumped to come in front of me and pinned me to the ground growling loudly. I closed my eyes and waited for his claws to slit my throat. To my surprise, he lean in closer and sniffed my neck. “Mate” he whispered. Hearing this word again made me panic “Am I going to face another rejection? Moon goddess can’t be this cruel to me.”

Jasmine’s P.O.V.

“Let’s break her leg, Danny. See whether it heals or not.”

“I think we should kick her stomach and break her ribs.”

Brad gave another suggestion. My pack’s famous bullies were surrounding me, and I was on the ground, bowing my head, waiting for my punishment. I hadn’t done anything to offend them, but my mere existence was an eyesore to everyone, and this time, my fault was crossing the road in front of them.

After their long discussion, I got fair punishment of countless kicks from them, and continued my journey with a hurting body towards the pack house to deliver fruit baskets. Every inch of my body was aching with their torture, and I was wiping my tears as I entered the kitchen.

“Place these baskets in the store and start washing dishes now.”

The head chef ordered me, and I immediately started washing dishes. Gloria, a she-wolf, passed through me, and burned me with a hot pan in his hand.

“Sorry, I didn’t see you. It’s just a little burn, it’ll be alright within seconds.” She sneered rudely.

“Oh, wait! It can’t. I forgot you don’t have any wolf to heal you.”

Everyone in the kitchen laughed at her vile comment, and I lowered my head to hide my shame.

It wasn’t that I was an omega or an outsider in this pack. I was the youngest daughter of an excellent pack warrior, and my mother was a nurse in the pack hospital.

I was loved by my pack and family until they found out that I was born without a wolf. After that, my father abandoned me, and I became a free slave for everyone’s use. Only my mother loved me, and she was

the only reason my life was spared.

My mother told me that all my problems would be solved when I would turn 18 and find my mate.

A mate was the Moon Goddess’s biggest blessing to us wolves. They were the other half of our souls who would love and protect us with their life. Although I didn’t have any wolf, my mom believed that my wolf would appear in the presence of her mate. Her beliefs had grown a tree of hope inside my heart as an escape from my current situation.

I came back to my room at midnight after work and looked at the calendar.

“15th March.”

It meant that only two days were left until my 18th birthday.

“My prince, you have to come and save your Cinderella.”

I laughed at my wishful thoughts and prayed to Goddess like every day to end my suffering by blessing me with a loving mate.

Two days later on my birthday, I woke up before the alarm and wore the only dress I owned after showering. I had a beautiful voice

my mom thinks so

, I hummed the song I wrote for my prince and went to work.

Today, the trees were looking greener, and the sunlight was feeling more pleasant than usual. Maybe everything was normal, and it was just me, feeling over the moon thinking about my mate. I reached the kitchen and saw my mom there, waiting for me.

“Happy birthday, Jasmine. My baby girl finally turned 18 today.”

She hugged me warmly and we both cried.

“I am sorry, my child. I couldn’t protect you like I should before. But everything’s going to be fine now.”

She kissed my forehead and gave me a necklace.

“This was my mother’s gift on my 18th birthday. I am giving it to you so that my blessings can be with you all the time.”

“I love you, mom.”

“I love you too, darling.”

My mom kissed me again and left quickly so that no one could see her. I put her gift in my pocket with a sigh and started cleaning. Other workers came and started working as usual, but the only difference today was I could breathe in their scents along with other different smells.

I became excited as my wolf finally started showing signs of her presence. I was sweeping, lost in my daydreaming, when the head chef hit me with a large wooden spoon and ordered,

“Take this parcel of fresh produce to Alpha’s mansion. It should be delivered without any accident; otherwise, I’ll skin you alive.”

I bowed my head while picking up the parcel carefully and walked towards Alpha’s mansion. I was so nervous that I had to save myself from tripping down twice.

Anyhow, I reached Alpha’s mansion and delivered the parcel safely. I stepped out of the kitchen and suddenly, an amazing scent hit me hard. It was the scent of forest after rain, so refreshing that my whole existence shuddered in pleasure.


I heard a faint voice of my wolf in my head, and my feet started following the scent. My recently awakened wolf was feeling weak, so she was urging me to the source of the scent by making my steps faster.

I was running through the corridor when a large hand pulled me in through the door, and without any heads-up, that person started kissing me wildly. It was dark in the room, but fortunately, I was able to recognize him by his scent.


My wolf howled in my mind, and I returned his kiss with the same passion. His kiss was domineering, and his hands were roaming over my body, sparks erupting on my skin with his touch.

He pushed me to the wall while kissing me passionately. From the silhouette in the dark, I was able to guess vaguely that my mate was 6


feet tall, muscular bearing like he was someone who trained daily.

“Must be a warrior like dad!”

My wolf suggested, and I was overwhelmed with the joy of finding my mate, gasping in disbelief. The Moon Goddess was really gracious, granting a mate to a wolf-less slave like me.

Every movement, every sensation he was making me feel, was something I never felt before. A sense of security enveloped me, and I thought that these arms were my home, they’d protect me in every thick and thin.

His advances soon heated up, and it was slightly painful, but his sexy moaning took me to another world. My heart was content that my mate was satisfied with me, at least it’d be a plus point for me to begin. My prince was finally here, he was here to save me.

His sweaty forehead was resting on my shoulder as he was catching his breath after that quick make-out session.

“Now it’s time to see you, mate”.

He withdrew himself and switched on the light.


I was shocked to see the person standing in front of me with our clothes scattered on the floor as a proof of our make out session.