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Fated To The Alpha (BOOK 1-3)

Fated To The Alpha (BOOK 1-3)

Author:Author Doe



"Am actually a werewolf!" I said to her with my heart beating very fast because I am actually afraid of her reaction. "Yeah right and I am a vampire!". Claire said while rolling her eyes. She obviously didn't believe me. But I am determined to tell her today because it's actually took me a lot of courage to be doing this right now. "Claire am not joking, am actually a werewolf". I tired to convince her again. "Then prove it" She stated. "Alright! But promise me that you won't run away!". I said to her and she nodded her head. Well here goes nothing! I took a deep breath and transformed into a wolf and kept my eyes closed waiting for her reaction. The next thing I heard is a scream and the sound of someone falling. I open my eyes to see that Claire has fainted. Well at least she didn't run away. I quickly transformed back to my human form and lifted her body and took her inside the house. *** Alexander finally found his mate after waiting for two years. He managed to befriend her but the only problem is, how he is going to explain to her that he is a werewolf. Claire thought her whole life was over when her dad made them move from Australia to United States but knowing a new adventure await her.

Claire POV ~

My whole life is over!

Dad got a big promotion at the place of his work. He got promoted to a directors position. But there is a problem. The promotion comes with a transfer to the headquarters which is located in the United States. And so he is making us move across the world.

Yeap! That's right. We are moving to a new continent far away from home. All the way from Australia to the United States. Like that's very far.

It feels like being born again, I have to leave everything behind my family, my friends, my school, literally everything and start afresh again. Like I don't even know where to start from.

"Claire, your friends are here!" Mom shouted from down stairs. I quickly wiped away the tears that I didn't know were pouring out of my eyes and rushed downstairs.

I met with my friends Elsa, Lily and Joyce. I quickly burst into tears as soon as I saw them. How am I going to continue my life without them? I thought in my heart.

We have been friends since pre school and have done everything together. We were literally sisters from different parents. But now I have to leave.

" can't you beg your dad to allow you to stay back? I mean my parents don't mind if you can come live with me and then pay them a visit during the holidays". Elsa, who was also crying, said.

"I can't, dad already said no. We are all moving and that's final." I replied to her. I am actually begging dad to allow me to stay back here in Australia and I promise to visit them every holiday but dad gave me a big NO saying something about a change of environment is good for the health.

"We are going to miss you so much Claire!". Lily said and busted into tears too.

"Am going to miss you guys too. You guys are like the sisters I have had. And I will be forever grateful that you were part of my life". I told them sincerely from the bottom of my heart.

"Alright kids, enough with the mourning. It's time to go" My said as he made his way out of the house with a luggage bag and suitcase in his hands.

I looked at the house one more time, remembering all the memories that were shared in this house. I let out a sob again. I'm surely going to miss it here when I am gone.

I finally dragged myself out of the house. Mom, dad and our luggage were already inside the car waiting for me and my friends who decided to accompany me to the airport.

On our way to the airport, I noticed that we were following an entirely different route.

"Dad, aren't we going to the airport again?" I asked my dad because I could bet on my last cash that this isn't the usual road that leads to the airport.

"We are my dear, except we aren't going to the commercial airport but the private jet I airport." My dad replied, keeping a big smile on his face as he waited for me to process what he just said.

"Wait dad. Did you just say a PRIVATE JET airport?". I asked my dad, emphasizing on the words "private jet" to make sure that was what I actually heard. I mean I know that dad got a big promotion but still there was still no way we could afford a private jet. First class maybe, but an entire private jet was something else entirely.

"Yeap that's right, a private jet. The company sent the jet over so that we can have a comfortable flight". Dad replied, still maintaining a big smile on his face.

It was now that understood why he and mom were extra happy with this money. I mean imagine how you will feel when you are about to enter a private jet for the first time in your entire life.

"Omg!!! Claire, you are traveling in a private jet! I am so jealous right now!." Joyce screamed.

"Since you didn't know where to go, how about we switch places?". Lily said and I rolled my eyes at her and gave her a middle finger.

We soon arrived at the airport and from where we are, we could see the jet with "Kwabefa Enterprise" which is the name of the company dad works for written on it.[]

"Ladies, it 's time to go!" My mom said and hugged all my friends and then she and dad started walking towards the jet.

"Well girls, I guess this is goodbye. I promise to call you as soon as we settle in!". I said to my friends.

"You better. Because if you don't call I will hunt you in your dreams!" Elsa threatens me.

"I heard that Americans have handsome guys. Try and get a boyfriend okay?" Lily winked.

"Make sure to always snap amazing pictures and send them to me, okay?" Joyce said.

I nodded my head at them because I knew that the moment I opened my mouth, I will burst into tears.

"Group hug" Elsa said and we immediately hugged each other.

I heard my mom calling me and I started making my way to the jet. I turned and waved at my friends for the last time before I entered the jet.

For the first time in my life, I was speechless.

As soon as I entered the jet, I was awestruck by the inside of the plane. The interior of the plane was made of gold and touches of white. The plane had a sofa seat on the left side, it had comfortable seats, a small bar filled with expensive wines, I am so lost with words of how to describe what I am seeing now. But one thing I am sure of is that this jet interior is more beautiful than the entire house. I sat on one of the seats and prepared for the take off. It was then I noticed that each of the seats have their own television which comes with its personal headset. Very impressive I thought as I sat down to enjoy the ride.