
Let’s Read The Word

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was supposed to be her wedding day but it seemed like fate had a different plan for her. Gwendolyn Malcolm's happiest was sday turned out to be her worst nightmare when Wilson Davidson, her fiance of five years decided to wed her stepsister, Stephanie Malcolm on her supposed wedding day. " I'm sorry Gwen, I won't be getting married to you today. I've found love in the arms of Stephanie and she is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." Wilson said as he drew Stephanie close to him. Gwendolyn felt like her world had come to an end. She was extremely hurt when she realized that no one looked the least shock at what was happening. With tears blinding her eyes, she ran out of the church to no where in particular. She was too lost in thought to see the speeding car coming her way until it rammed into her. What happens when the driver of the car turned out to be Zane Gluten, the famous cold billionaire? What happens when she woke up two months after the accident with no memory of her past? What happens when Zane Gluten falls in love with her?

The cool summer breeze blew the breaking of dawn.

Gwendolyn Malcolm woke up with a smile on her face as she remembered that in less than three hours, she would be married to Wilson Davidson, her fiance of five years.

She had woken up early as she did not want to be late for her own wedding.

She smiled as she remembered how her path crossed with the man of her dreams.

Five years ago...........

It was raining heavily at night and the road was almost empty save for the few motorists plying the road.

Gwendolyn stood with some grocery bags drenched with no umbrella.

Her stepmother Fiona, had sent her to the grocery store which was quite a distance from her house to get some groceries, some minutes before the rain started.

She had wanted to take one of her father's cars but her stepmother blatantly refused and asked her to take a cab.

She had obeyed her stepmother as she was too tired to start an argument with her.

She had taken a cab to the grocery store and tried to be as fast as possible to get home before the rain.

But luck was not on her side as it started raining almost immediately she came out of the grocery store.

She sighed in frustration. She could not understand why her stepmother was been cruel to her.

If she had allowed her to take the car, she would have been home thirty minutes ago. Gwendolyn thought silently.

She could not understand why none of the cars bypassing did not stop to give her a helping hand.

She sneezed twice.

Her eyes widened at the realization of what was happening.

She normally got under the weather whenever she stayed out in the rain.

" God, please bring someone that will give me a ride home." Gwendolyn closed her eyes and prayed silently.

She kept saying the prayers with her eyes closed until she heard the blaring of a car.

She slowly opened her eyes and was surprised to see a vehicle packed in front of her.

*Does God answer prayers this fast?* Gwendolyn asked herself silently.

She was too shocked to make a move.

The door of the car opened and a young man came out of the car and walked towards her with an umbrella above his head.

" What are you doing in the rain? Do you want to fall sick?" The young man asked as he raised his umbrella to shade her.

" Let's get into the car." The young man said leaving no room for argument as he led her into the car.

Gwendolyn just nodded and entered into the car.

The young man turned around and got into the driver's seat and drove off immediately.

" So what were you doing in the rain?" The young man asked curiously.

He could not help but wonder what she was doing in the rain at that time of the night.

" get..... some... groceries. It..... started.... raining..... immediately.....I...... came..... out..... of.... the..... grocery...... store. I...... have...... been...... waiting...... for....... the....... past..... one.... hour." Gwendolyn replied shuttering.

" You've gotten flu." The young man said as he watched her keenly.

Gwendolyn just nodded to him in affirmation.

" You are going to see my doctor." The young man stated with a note of finality as he turned up his car warmer.

Gwendolyn felt tears running down her face as she looked at the man she just met showing concern for her even though he knew nothing about her.

Yet her family cared less about whatever happened to her.

She bet her father, stepmother and step siblings would not be this caring for her if she got home untreated. She thought silently.

" Oh my goodness! Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" The young man asked worriedly.

" Nothing. I'm just overwhelmed with the care you are showing me even though you know nothing about me." Gwendolyn replied truthfully.

"I don't need to know you before I give you a helping hand."

" Moreover, it will be too callous of me to leave you in the rain or just drop you off at your house without proper medical care." The young man said sincerely.

" Thanks for this. " Gwendolyn said with a smile.

" If you truly are, I think I deserve to know your name." The young man said a smile.

" I'm Gwendolyn Malcolm. But you can call me Gwen." Gwendolyn replied with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Gwen. I'm Wilson Davidson." Wilson said with a smile as he parked the car. They were already at the hospital.

They both shook hands with each other.

" Let's get you treated." Wilson said as he got out of the car and opened the door for her like a true gentleman.

The rain had stopped falling but it was still windy.

Gwendolyn shuttered subconsciously as the cold wind met her body.

Wilson looked at her in pity and pulled out his suit and wore it over her shoulder.

Gwendolyn looked at him and wanted to thank him but he carried her and briskly walked into the hospital before she could utter a word.

Gwendolyn buried her face into his chest as soon as they got to the hospital to avoid the numerous eyes on her.

Wilson smiled and shook his head slightly at her childish behaviour.

" Good evening ma'am. I will like to see Dr Ray." Wilson said to the receptionist.

"Is he expecting you?" The receptionist asked politely.

" Not really. Just tell him that Wilson Davidson is here to see him with a patient." Wilson said with a smile.

" Okay. Please give me a minute." The receptionist said as she turned away from them to make a phone call.

" You can go to his office. He is expecting you." The receptionist said with a smile.

Wilson nodded and walked away with Gwendolyn in his arms.

He took her to his personal doctor, Dr Ray.

" What brings to my office Will?" Dr Ray asked as soon as Wilson entered into his office.

" I brought you a patient." Wilson simply replied.

That was when Dr Ray noticed the shivering figure in Wilson's arms.

" What's wrong with her? What happened to her?" Dr Ray asked as he gestured to Wilson to drop her on the bed.

Wilson nodded and gently dropped her on the bed.

" I think she caught flu as she was under the rain for some minutes." Wilson replied.

Dr Ray examined her and wrote down some prescription for her.

" Will she be okay? " Wilson asked curiously.

" Hopefully, if she takes the drugs prescribed. Moreover, she will need to have adequate rest."

" I will suggest that she takes the day off tomorrow. It will help her heal faster." Dr Ray said as he gave Wilson the prescription.

" Thank you Dr Ray. I will ensure that she takes the drugs as prescribed." Wilson said with a smile.

He wanted to carry Gwendolyn but she quickly got down from the bed and made her way to the door.

Wilson smiled and followed her.

Together, they went to the pharmacy in the hospital to buy the prescribed drugs.

After which, Wilson took her to a restaurant to have dinner.

" Here take drugs now that you have eaten." Wilson said as soon as she finished her meal.

Gwendolyn reluctantly took the drugs as she did not want to ungrateful.

" You can now give me directions to your house." Wilson said as they got into the car.

Gwendolyn's heart beat sporadically.

How could she have forgotten that she would be punished severely for staying out that late? She thought silently as she gave Wilson the direction to her house.