
Let’s Read The Word

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In the story 'the legend of the demon wolf' Eric who never believed the existence of the supernatural creatures became a werewolf. The story also talked about the demon wolf been reborn. Who do you think it will be? And why?. Find out by reading the story.

since I was born up to these dreadful day, I never thought what I feared the most is happening, I never imagined my fate turned against me, I never thought my life will come to an end. it was a dark creepy night in the woods, the winds blew with an intensed force that could blow away anything in it path. I ran in the dark woods, running from those that want me dead. behind me were a group of people chasing me with swords, bow and arrows . they call me a monster, a ravenous beast, a creature of the night, a vicious demon. well they are right but I never wanted to be flesh eating demon, I never wanted to be who I am now. in fact I wasn't born these way.

God, how I wished everything was normal but it's too late for me now. I have to run as fast as possible to escape death but my legs was wobbling, my heart beat faster making breathing very difficult, a throbbing pain shot my head. I kept running not minding what my body was telling me. it was like forever until I felt a sharp piercing object on my right arm sending an agonizing pain to my brain, I let out a cry as I fell to the muddy ground, blood seeping down from where the arrow pierced. i quickly got up and began to run again . for a moment I halted and looked back I noticed I was far away from them but could still hear they footsteps coming from a distance with my supersonic hearing.

I hid behind a tree trunk while trying to pull out the arrow from my arm, i grimaced in pain as I held firmly on the arrow. I tried to pull it out but the pain was so unbearable, it was like as if part of my skin will pull out, perhaps it will.

for a while I thought I saw a shadow under the moonlight glaring at me with red eyes that looks like an abysm of fire, a pair of long horn like that of a ram, a pair of black wings, the way it stood was horrifying. I blinked again to be sure but it was gone!.

the night breeze was so cold I felt like freezing. I tried to pull it out again but to no avail. suddenly l was not in control of myself, it as if someone is controlling my body, my arm moved and grasped the arrow pulling it hard, a loud groan left my lips as blood was flowing out of the wound like an endless river. I thought that I was going to die of blood lost but to my surprise the hole from where the arrow pierced started to heal, which is still kind of creeping me out .

I panicked as footsteps approached closer and closer. I began to pray in my heart for it to end, fortunately it was answered. I sighed as they gave up and began to retreat. I peeped through the tree trunk to be sure they are gone, yes! they are.

I came out of my hiding place, all of a sudden two strong hands grasped me on my arms from behind starting me.

"look who we have here" the man said.

l looked around in shock because I have never seen these men before, they were four of them wearing the same outfit like as if they were in some kind of secret occult.

"let me go or............"

"or what? shapeshift into a werewolf and kill me" the man said waving his hand as if terrified.

I kept quiet knowing that my threats won't work. on the spur of the moment my lungs tightened, every part of my bones dislocated and moved to a new position. at that point I knew my beast will save me until the man that held me hit me on the head hard with the handle of his sword. I fell to the ground with a grunt as my vision became blurry. I watched their lips moving but could not hear what they were saying due to the pain in my head. slowly I was dragged into the darkness.


I opened my eyes but my vision was still not clear, it was freezing cold and my head hurt so bad. I decided to use my sense of smell to realize I was still in the woods. I tried moving but noticed I was tied to a tree trunk with a heavy chain, that's not the case, I could not feel my entire body as if I was narcotised. it took a while before my sight was clear.

A tall well built man with a blonde hair Leaned on a tree trunk, crossing his arms while glaring my way.

"who are you?, what do you want from me? I demanded while struggling to free myself.

" it's useless and waste of energy because I drugged you with wolfsbane to prevent you from transforming".

"who are you?"

"oh, where were my manners, I'm zamiel" he said squinting to my level.

on my right side was the four men with a strange attire.

"I see that you are surprised at our outfits, well it's no use hiding anything".

hiding anything?, what was he talking about?.

"we are group of werewolf hunters, our ancestors have been hunting werewolves since ages because of their ruthless behaviour towards humans".

my brain began to process every words, if these men are werewolf hunters it means I am doomed.

"don't worry I will not kill you" he said as he noticed the panic look on my face. " unless you cooperate with us".

"what can I do for you" I asked with a suspicious look.

he was quiet for a bit before he spoke. "I need your blood".

what!? no way I'm giving him that. I don't trust him, so why will I give him my blood?. what do werewolf hunter wants to do with my blood?.

" I can't give you my blood" I said looking down to avoid his gaze.

he just stare at me and smile.

"so you want to do it the hard way, huh" he said cracking his knuckles.

I swallowed the lump in my throat to embrace what's coming. to my surprise he stopped and looked at me horrified including his men as if they have seen the devil himself. then it dawn on me that I was literally on fire, my head hurt as if something is piercing it's way out, my skin changed from it normal colour to shades of red. I don't understand what is going on but the last thing I remembered was the scared look on those hunter's face.