
Let’s Read The Word

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The Dark Side Of Love

The Dark Side Of Love

Author:Spinel Gem



Jeezer Morel is known to be the womanizer CEO of Morel Talent Agency (META) who finds pleasure in having women swooned over him. His ultimate dream is to seek revenge on anyone who has a blood relation with the woman who broke his father’s heart. While Xena Raniel is a playgirl nightclub singer who enjoys playing around with men because that’s her way of venturing hatred to the one who made her life miserable. As their paths crossed at an unexpected time, an inexplicable ‘chemistry’ was felt, especially when something happened between them. Xena dreamed of becoming a professional recording artist, so she tried her luck by joining a singing audition at META where one of the judges is the CEO himself, Jeezer Morel. Jeezer suddenly got interested in Xena’s life and hired a private investigator to check her background. And while unveiling the secrets of the past, deep-seated hatred emerged in a more furious swing. But what if hidden truths were unraveled, would that be enough to stop the fight and start anew?

Jeezer's POV

I suddenly woke up when I realized that a woman was lying next to me, covering her half-naked body with a quilt. Everything flashed back in my head, and I heaved with a sigh. I drank too much alcohol last night and ended up here in a suite with Scarlet. I quickly had a gaze at my wristwatch, and it was already nine o'clock in the morning. I reached for my phone and read five missed calls from my dad. I hurriedly got up to get dressed but Scarlet held my hand and tried to get up as well.

"Let's make it official Jeez. I want a serious commitment with you.", Scarlet's voice echoed in my ears while she encircled her hand around my waist.

The quilt fell on the floor and her nakedness clung into my body. I removed her hands wrapped around my waist and looked at her intently.

"You knew already from the very start, that I don't like a serious relationship. We agreed on it, right, Scarlet?", I said with a ruthless baritone voice. I looked at her with a blank expression then turned my back on her.

But she hastily moved in front of me and hugged me tightly. I hated it, especially when she was trying to kiss me. I suddenly pushed her away.

"What do you think you're doing Scarlet! Get out of way, damn it!", I yelled at her. But she squeezed her naked body even harder on me.

"We did it last night Jeez, why can't we do it now!”

"Are you crazy? We're both drunk last night, Scarlet. You wanted it. And I was out of control”, I responded roughly.

"But I'm falling in love with you Jeez!" Can't you love me back? please...!" "Shut up! I told you, don't dare fall in love with me, or else.."

I couldn’t continue what I wanted to say because my phone rang. Alex was calling me just to tell me that dad has just arrived from France and he was there waiting for me at the office.

"Yes dude, I'm on my way now", I ended the call and quickly put on my clothes.

"Scarlet, let's end it here. It will never work out ", I told her with a cold gaze and hurriedly went out and left her alone.

I met Scarlet two weeks ago when Alex's friend introduced her to me at a bar. She came from a rich family and being the only child, she was given all the luxuries in life. I knew she had an interest in me because I always received calls and text messages from her and since she was persistent in getting my attention, I invited her to a bar and she gave in. We both got drunk and ended up in a suite.

But when the power of alcohol subsided, I felt nothing but total displeasure. She meant nothing to me but just a man's erotic satisfaction.

I never wanted it to happen again. It was totally vexatious especially when she mentioned the word "love".

No! I don't believe in love. And I would never believe in its stupidity. I've done with Scarlet, and what happened to us would never happen again. She was just one of the women whom I slept with, so no big deal at all.

This is me. This is who I am.

My name is Jezzer Morel, 30 yrs. old, the CEO of Morel Entertainment & Talent Agency


, the top management talent agency in the Philippines, owned by my late father, William Morel. I took the position at the age of 25 after I graduated with my bachelor’s degree. Within five years of leading the company, it gained remarkable prestige and became one of the conglomerates’ major revenue earners. This great achievement and success made me renowned to everybody in the business industry.

I am a half-French and a half-Filipino, inheriting most of my features from my French father having a pair of blue-grey eyes, straight-edged nose, a wavy semi-black hair, has chiseled jaws and strong chin that made me a prime example of masculinity.

People called me the city's most eligible bachelor and branded me as "the womanizer hot CEO” of META.

Yes a womanizer, because once I know that a woman is attracted to me? I will definitely get her and make her swoon over me. After that, I junk her like a piece of trash and then find another one who would fall for my trap.

It doesn't matter if they get hurt. Why the hell do I care?


I dropped by at the condo to refresh myself. After taking my shower, I took some slices of bread and placed them in the oven. Then I brewed a cup of coffee that would set up my mood for the whole day. After taking a few of my usual breakfast, I went out my unit, pulled off my car and sped up the road.

I arrived at META after 10 minutes ride, not actually far from my condo. I parked my car at the parking lot located at the basement of the building. I had to rush my way heading to the entrance because I suddenly felt agitated thinking about my father’s unexpected coming.

“Good morning, sir”, the employees greeted me as soon as I entered the building. Ladies could not take their eyes off me. It’s not new to me anyway. I used to be admired by women and I always disregarded their fondness and affection. I continued my way to the elevator since my office was located on the 10th floor of the building.

“Good morning my dear brother, “Alex greeted me as I stepped out from the elevator. He looked at me with a mischievous smile.

“Where have you been last night dude? and why you were not able to pick up dad’s call? you were with Scarlet, right?” Alex kept pestering me questions which he knew already the answer.

Yes, he knew me better than anyone else because we’ve been together since we were still young. Alex was like a brother to me since the time Dad adopted him and treated him as his real son. He was the only child of his parents who both died in an accident when he was 10 years old. His relatives refused to take care of him due to poverty, so he was sent to an orphanage. Dad got pity on him and brought him home. Alex became my playmate, my best buddy, my classmate since elementary until college, and now my personal assistant.

Personal assistant? A little bit odd huh? Maybe because most of the companies and industries would require a female for a PA/EA position. That’s my preference anyway, and I chose Alex

because I knew his capability of doing the job. Besides, he graduated Business Administration and already earned an Executive Assistant Certification.

“So, how’s your night with Scarlet dude?” Alex asked me with a mile-wide smirk on his face while winking his eye at me.

“Let’s not talk about it dude. It was just nothing”, I said intently and took few steps ahead of him then I paused a little while, knowing he was following after me.

“What could be the reason, why dad came here all of the sudden?”, I asked Alex but he did not respond. He just shook his head and shrugged his shoulder as if to say he had no idea of dad’s unexpected visit.

When we reached at the office, the glass sliding door automatically opened as soon as our faces were recognized. It is automated and only mine, Dad’s and Alex’s faces were registered.

My office was well-furnished, well-lighted and ventilated. My desk was located at the center facing the door and at the back of it were shelves, bookcases and file cabinets. The place was fully furnished with elegant furniture with dark finishes and properly equipped with the best and modern technology. Its flooring was made of vinyl tiles and a carpet embroidered with strings of pearls and colored glass beads and was fixed to the space where meetings and small conferences are held. On the right side of the room was made of a black framed glass partition between my office and Alex’s and along with it was another sliding door so that both of us could easily get inside each other’s offices without going through the main door.

The left side, was made of glass walls that produced natural light and expansive outside views. And from there, a 55-year-old good-looking man, wearing a business suit was standing, looking out the window glass, with both hands in his pocket.

“Hi dad, you really surprised us!”, we approached him and gave him a hug. He patted my back and then turned to Alex and did the same.

“I missed you dad, why didn’t you tell us that you’re coming?”, I asked him with an intent look.

“Is there something wrong Dad?”, Alex's eyes were filled with wonder.

I let dad sit on the sofa bed while I and Alex were sitting opposite each other. I knew dad had something very important to tell us and it made me feel more tensed. Dad looked at me and took a deep breath. Then, turned his gaze to Alex. I felt a wave of apprehension as Dad began to talk.

“Jeez, Alex, I’m getting married, two weeks from now.”, Dad said in a calm voice, inhaling slightly and exhaling more forcibly. Every word he uttered choked up his throat.

I and Alex looked at each other, but we remained quiet. We wanted to make sure we were hearing it right.

“Yes, sons. I am not getting any younger anymore, so I want to build a family of my own and maybe it’s not yet too late to settle down.”, Dad softly said, clearing his throat then he looked at me as if begging for my consent.

I was really shocked of what I heard from Dad, thinking about what he had said, made me grind my teeth and clench my fist in resentment.

“No Dad, you’re not going to marry, and I’ll not gonna give you my approval”, I said with a calm but emphatic voice, trying to hold back the anger, that was about to burst out any moment.

“Jeez, I promise that what happened in the past, will not happen to me now, please try to understand son.”

“Never!”, I yelled, then stood up and headed towards the door. Alex tried to calm me down, but I took his hands off me and walked away.

I went out of the office totally blanked, ignoring everyone’s presence in the corridor. I did not respond to their greetings and did not even dare to look at them. I felt like I was the only person left in the world and how I wished the earth would open and swallowed me up.

I took the elevator going to the 15th floor.

“I’m getting married, in two weeks”, my dad’s words kept popping in my head.

“That’s bullshit!”, I said to myself, gritting my teeth and clenching my fist.

I took my steps heading to the rooftop. As soon as I reached there, I quickly threw punches at the wall, not just once, twice, thrice, but many times. Everything became blurry and tears began to form in my eyes. I raised my head and tried to look at the blue clear sky, preventing my tears from falling. It seemed I couldn’t breathe, and my heart was in so much pain, thinking that I might lose a second father as well.

I already lost my biological father, 20 years ago and that incident was set before my eyes when I was still 10 years old. From that traumatic experience in the past, nothing was left in my heart except hatred to that evil-witched creature who made my life a living hell. I hate that bitch!

How I wished, she was not my mother. How I wished she did not give birth to me. She had taken away my happiness, my chance, my dream of having a happy family. My father died because of her! She was the one to blame for all the miseries I had in my life. She was nothing but a whore! I burst out in anger, as I punched the wall even harder until my hand was bleeding.

I paused for a while and took a deep sigh. After some time, I went downstairs and took the elevator going to the first floor. I headed to where I parked my car, started the engine, and sped up the road. I need to go somewhere to relax and forget these damn thoughts about that nothing but useless creature!