
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Mezzanotte L'Automne



I had always wished for love, but life is no fairytale where there comes a prince on a white horse, takes you away from your horrible life and promises to keep you smiling forever.Yeah, my life also has a prince in it, but he is nothing like those sweet and charming ones. He is not that prince I had dreamt of....for he's a monster, who finds pleasure in my pain,in my helplessness, my submissiveness. He loves seeing my face stained with tears..... and blood. My screams are the giggles of joy for him, and my sobs the melodies. His mere presence makes me fear my own existence. And me?.... I am nothing but the victim of his cruelty....

She felt a shiver run down her spine as the cold wind hit her face.The evening was growing colder every passing hour.

People were increasing their paces to reach their homes as soon as they could and escape those cold dry autumn winds. But she was in no hurry.

This was an autumn evening.

Florence , unlike other boys and girls of her age who would hangout with their friends or lovers,was here staring at the scattered autumn leaves. 

She was here seated comfortably on her regular bench in a corner.This was one of the loveliest places in her eyes and she was fully enjoying her dearest pass time. She looked around her in order to have a look of her surroundings.

Two little Children were playing hide and seek. One of them was looking for his friend who was hidden behind a tree. Seeing the children made her smile to herself.

Her gaze was now again fixated upon that huge maple  tree which had fallen dried leaves scattered under it. Those dried autumn leaves, they looked so pretty.

She had always loved autumn. How sorrowful and beautiful it is.Whenever she looked at the autumn leaves, she was reminded of her life which was as lonely and shattered as them.

She bent down to pick a dried leaf, which was lying before her feet. Holding it between her index finger and thumb, she began admiring its its rough yet beautiful texture.She was staring at it with a pained expression, lost in her own thoughts.

Florence's POV:

I was lost in my own trance, the memories of my childhood, those sweet and happy moments of my life which can never be brought back.

I knew that the heaven of my memories was a mere illusion. But I want to live in the word of my illusions, that is nothing more than my nightmare. And that nightmare is nothing else but my own life.

All of a sudden my phone vibrated, knocking me out of my trance

Startled, I took it out of my pocket. It was a call from Mr Smith, the owner of the cafe where I work.  I held the phone to my ear and spoke up.

"Um...Hello Mr.Smith!"

"Shouldn't you be present at the café, Ms.Brown? You should have been here by five thirty and it has already been five forty five."

His  tone was harsh and unwelcoming, just like always.

It had just slipped my mind! 

"I'm sorry.I was a bit busy, " I tried to excuse.

"Oh I understand. You would be busy staring at the tree. Don't try to befool me, Ms.Brown.I can get a clear View of the park from the glass window.You have wasted five minutes in useless talks. Don't make dumb excuses

And be ready for a cut in your salary."

Saying this, he cuts the phone call.

Aah! How could I forget that the park was right before the café! How foolish I am.

I don't understand what kind of a man he is? The time isn't too far when rest will become a privilege for me.

I let out a sigh in defeat and got up from the bench, throwing my bag over my shoulder. Slipping the leaf into my bag, I left the park,heading the café.


I slid the glass door and entered in.

With fast strides, I walked towards changing room.

I slipped into my waitress uniform and came out of the changing room.


I walked towards a table to take orders. A bunch of guys was seated around it.

"What would you like to order? " I asked.

"You, " A guy, who I assume to be the leader of the gang, replied, a wide evil smirk on his face. All the other guys gave out a breathy laugh. I stood dumbstruck, totally embarrassed by his words.

"Just kidding, sweetie.Parfait for me."



One by one, all the five guys gave their orders.I noted down their orders.

Forgetting the incident that had happened just a few seconds ago, I left the place and returned with a tray full of brownies and cakes. And whatever they had asked for.

I began placing the plates of brownies and pastries on the table.While placing the parfait on the table my hand brushed against the guys. I thought it was an accident but he kept brushing his hand again and again. And all of a sudden, he caught my wrist. I froze at his action.I could hear the whispers from the guys.

I was looking at the guy wide eyed.He was giving me a perverted smile, rubbing my wrist and pulling me towards him.I instantly jerked his hand away.

"Hey! Is there any problem, Babe?"

Yeah, I have problems. I am not a slut!

"What are you doin- , " I held back my words. Holding back my urge to slap him right in his face, I decided to focus on my work instead. Facing such perverts is normal. Looking here and there, I realised that some of the people, leaving all their gossips and making out, were staring at me.What in the world is their problem? Can't they mind their own businesses?

Avoiding their eyes, I walked to another table.

A guy had occupied the seat, busy gazing out of the window. I couldn't see his face as it was covered with a hoodie. His clothes were loose and baggy and his hands were in his pockets.He looked strange and creepy. I don't why but his presence felt queer and scary.

I kept looking at him until he turned to me. His whole face was hidden in shadows, only his eyes could be seen.

His green eyes met with mine. They had a strange glint in them.They were undoubtedly beautiful.Shining emerald iris,the darkness making them look even more gorgeous.They were just so captivating. Even being totally void of any emotions, they seemed to say a lot. I kept looking at them,totally absorbed in those deep orbs.

Finally he  broke the ice.

"Excuse me ?" His tone was calm yet harsh.

"I-I'm sorry." I stammered before continuing, "So, what would you like to have, Sir?"

"Black coffee and blueberry pancakes." His voice still had the same tone, commanding and harsh.

His taste is odd.

I just nodded and hurried to the kitchen,stealing glances at him.

I returned with pancakes and coffee, arranged beautifully on the tray.It took me quite sometime because I had to prepare the coffee myself as no one was listening to me. No one pays much attention to me. It doesn't matter to me.I'm used to it.

I set the tray on the table.The guy continues looking outside, not bothering to eat.

"*cough* cough* Sir your...."

He didn't move. Was something wrong with him?Hesitantly, I extended my hand and gently tapped on his shoulder. He instantly turned back almost scaring me.His eyes were red and blotchy,bis body shaking.Had he been crying?

"Um....Any problem ,Sir?You're crying?Are you upset about something?"I realised that I had spilled out the words I had been thinking of.I don't know myself why was I asking him these things.Why am I caring about him? Maybe because he is like me.

"I am sorry....If I am disturbing you."

He stared at me for a few seconds before nodding his head . He leaned his back against the chair and began looking at the ceiling. I nodded and left.

I got busy in my daily chores - taking orders,serving the customers,cleaning.All the time,I felt someone's intense gaze burning holes in my head.Thinking it as paranoia, I brushed it away.

Time slipped by and now it was eight thirty, cafe was about to be closed.Having finished with my work, I changed into my clothes and left for my apartment.


Unknown's POV:

" Any problem, Sir? You are crying?Are you upset?"

Those words had been  ringing in my mind since I had heard them.Can someone really care for me?

I had been constantly thinking of that waitress I had seen at that cafe. She was different from others,wasn't she? She seemed to genuinely care for me,even when i am totally a stranger to her.That sympathetic look in her eyes....was it true? Yes it was. Not those fake.It is first time in my life that I had felt like being cared about. Someone had really cared about me.

Her presence made me feel different.The terrified look on her face.I want to see that terrified face of hers,again.It pleased me.I don't know why.......but....I want her.And I get the things which please me.I'll get her.

Thinking this I grinned in myself.

As I walk down the empty forest Road,I hear someone's footsteps and I know who do they belong to.

"Jordan,I know you are there.Show up! "

I spoke up through gritted teeth

" Forgive me.I was just obeying the order of his highness, Sir!I ts my duty." He reasoned, getting out from behind a tree.

My jaw throbbed at the mere mention of 'his Highness'.

At that time I wanted to punch Jordan hard right in his face, but I controlled my anger.

I knew they two could be of some use to me.

"Listen, I have an important job for you two. "