
Let’s Read The Word

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An Alpha's Granddaughter

An Alpha's Granddaughter

Author:J.N. Sneathen



Amelia has been abused by her alleged for years after her mother died when she finally escape her alleged father she met her fated mate the strongest alpha in pack lands but went into a coma when she finally woke from the coma she has no memories of her previous life but will soon start getting her memories back she will soon find her grandfather and will find out that she is of alpha blood and a goddess gifted wolf

Amelia had been beaten severely for the last five years by the man who claimed to be her father. Her mother died when she was 13 and she has had to suffer the wrath of this man. She was

now 18 and has been planning to escape to get out of this hell hole of a pack.

Chapter 1

Amelia POV

“Sigh” I’m finally 18 and have been waiting for my wolf to suffice if I even have a wolf anymore. Five years I have had to suffer five years of being raped, physically and mentally abused by the man who claimed to be my father. Not anymore tonight will be the night I escape tonight will be the last night I will ever have to deal with this man.

I just need to wait for the full moon to see if my wolf will suffice and pray to the moon goddess to see if she's even alive. I’m so weak and frail though and I haven’t had a decent meal in days. I just hope I can survive the shift and get past these rogues. Yes, I said rogues my pack isn’t a regular pack. It’s a pack of rogues and my asshole of a father is the leader. He’s the one who killed my mother when she was trying to run away to protect me, she suffered years of abuse from this man. At the age of 13 is the first time he started to abuse me. My mother tried to stop him that night but that’s what ultimately led to her death he was just too strong.

~Flash back~ Amelia come here darling I’ve got a surprise for you my father yells out. I walk over to him, and he tells me to follow him to his room. Where’s mom I ask, and he starts to get irritated. She not here right now he says with a low growl I say ok I’m scared but keep following him to his room. I’ve never feared him before because he’s never hurt me. I’ve seen him abuse my mom for years now but never thought he would do it to me. That’s where I was wrong the minute, I walked to his room that was it. He hit me for the first time then grabbed me by my throat. He then says in a low but very terrifying growl do you want to see something as I try to scream but no words come out. He then proceeds to rip off my clothes then his next. That’s when my mom walks in and starts calling for me, I keep trying to scream but nothing I hit and kick trying to get away but nothing that’s when my mom walks in. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” She yells out and that’s when I lose consciousness and I fall to the ground. ~End Flashback~

When I came to that night my mom was packing our bags as fast as she could my father had left for a couple of hours and my mom was completely done when she walked in on my dad doing that to me. Mom what are you doing I ask. She turns to look at me with a swollen eye and busted lip. We’re leaving Amelia I don’t know where we are going but we have to go now run and get your shoes I’m almost done packing. We have to leave before he gets back, or he will kill both of us. I run over by the back door and get my shoes on as fast as I could. She could always take the abuse but refused to stick around if he had dared to lay a hand on me. I quickly help my mom with our bags and we both run toward the back door. As soon as we were on the back porch the front door flies open and there, he stood my poor excuse for a father. As soon as he seen us my mom yells out at me. “RUN AMELIA” I turn to see my father dart toward us, and I take off running into the crisp cold and pitch-black woods behind our house. I turn to see my mom right behind me, but my father was gaining fast he was just too fast for us. As soon as I turned back around to keep running, I heard it a gut-wrenching scream I stopped to turn and that’s when I see it my father had grabbed the back of my mom's head by her hair and started ripping a chunk out of the side of her neck with his canines. I start running towards her screaming and crying but she tries to stop me. “NO AMELIA RUN DONT LET HIM GET YOU” my mother insists but I don’t listen I run towards her and catch her as she started falling to the ground.

Amelia, you have to listen to me as she says in a low raspy voice. You have to stay strong and when the time is right run just run as far and fast as you can don’t look back. Find Alpha Dominique Cress. He will explain everything to you and just like that she was gone. She died in my arms that night. I can never forget that night and what my poor fucking excuse of my father said after. “Now that your bitch of a mother of yours is gone you will serve and do as I please and if you ever decide to run well you know what'll happen”. I can never forget those words, but I won’t let them stop me tonight will be the night I escape.

Just then the front door flies open and there he was my POS father. Amelia, he yells in a deep raspy voice where the fuck is my dinner. Oh, fuck I say to myself I forgot to start dinner. I was so caught up in the own thoughts I forgot to start it. I walk out of the kitchen and look over to him and say I’m just getting ready to start it I tell him. He starts walking towards me with a seriously intimidating look. I flinch as he gets closer and yells and why isn’t it already done. I stumble back and slowly look up at him well father I say to him it’s only 5:00pm and your normally home at 6:00pm your home an hour early. He then raises his hand and slaps me hard across the face. Whap!!! As I feel my cheek starting to swell, he goes to hit me again. Whap!!! As he starts yelling, I don’t give a fuck if I’m home an hour early or 3 hours early it better always be done before I’m home. Yes, sir as I hold my now swollen and bruised face, I’ll have it done now.

Now that’s a good girl as he leans down and lightly kisses my other cheek. If only your mother was this obedient, I could’ve kept that useless mutt around as he lets out an evil laugh. I slowly get up off the ground and start feeling the rage build in my chest. Not now Amelia not now I say to myself we have to wait.

It’s now 6:00pm and dinner is done I start loading his plate and walk towards the living room. Where dear old dad is already the quarter of the way from being black out drunk sitting in his La-Z Boy watching T.V. I hand him his plate and start walking away. He then grabs my wrist while still looking at the tv. As he says you better eat something you're going to need your energy we are celebrating tonight. It’s your birthday and tomorrow are the 5-year anniversary of your mother's death as he lets out another evil laugh. I swallow hard and head back to the kitchen to eat and clean up. I just have to hold him off as long as possible. 10pm is when the moon will be at its fullest and then I will know if I have a wolf. I start silently praying that my wolf hasn’t died from all the trauma over the years. Oh, dear moon goddess I pray that I have been lucky enough to still have her.

It’s now 9:30pm and dad has been passed out drunk for 30 mins. This seems easy enough I say to myself and start walking towards the back door. Just then I felt a tight hold on my hair and start being dragged across the floor. “Where the fuck do you think you're going” he yells. I was just walking outback for some fresh air I tell him as tears start rolling down my face. He looks back while still dragging me. Do you think I’m fucking stupid? While he starts dragging me towards his room. Today's your birthday and it’s almost 10pm with the full moon out. He yells I start crying harder. I wasn’t paying attention to what today is really I say in a low voice. Liar!! He yells and starts laughing evilly. I doubt you even still have a wolf, but after I’m done with you tonight you definitely won’t have one. He laughs again.

We get to the room, and it is pitch black. He rips off all my clothes and chains me to his bed. I’m crying and begging him to stop. I won’t leave I promise just please don’t do this please. I beg he walks over to his dresser laughing evilly. He goes over digging through his drawers when he turns back around and starts walking towards me. I notice he has a knife and sheer panic takes over me. Please don’t I beg please I promise I’ll be a good girl. He lets out another evil laugh and starts cutting the inside of my thighs. It burns so bad it can’t be a normal knife it’s not it’s silver. There are only two things that can severely harm or even kill a wolf and that’s silver or wolfspan. I start kicking and trying to break free but there is now use and have come to the realization that I’m just going to die here.

Just then I hear her my wolf she’s here it’s 15 till 10. Amelia, she says. Yes, yes that’s me I say back to her. My name is Lilac I am your wolf she says to me. I internally start crying and thank the moon goddess that she’s here. Please Amelia listens and I nod we need to try and shift she says. I can’t I’m so weak I don’t think I can I say back to her. You can Lilac says back to me. I am also weak, but we have to try, or we will both die here tonight she says.

Just then my dad gets off the bed and heads to the bathroom. Once we know that he is there and hear the door lock. Lilac says are you ready I nod in response. This is going to hurt and some much worse with state we are in, but you need to focus and let me take control “DO NOT FIGHT IT OR WE WILL DIE” I nod again. Okay Now she yells and just like that I start to feel the itchy burning sensation the feel of my bones cracking and popping I try not to scream so my father won’t hear me. It’s so much more intense than I thought more cracking and popping more burning. I close my eyes and just pray for it to be all over and just like that I open my eyes and I’m standing on all fours I look down at my paws and I can’t make out the color of my fur because I’m covered in my own blood. Just then Lilac yells run, and I look back and there is my father staring at me with the look of shock on his face.

I take off running and go right through the window and take off running through the woods weaving in and out of trees. When I came up on a road to try and run across it. Out of nowhere a black SUV comes and smack I go flying and land in the middle of the road. I hear foots steps running toward me and I hear gasps and a young male call out Alpha Adrian it’s a rogue she wolf she's hurt pretty bad do you want me to take care of it. The other man yells NO in a deep raspy voice as he starts to walk closer to me. Looks down and just stares at me with utter surprise and concern on his face he slowly leans down and starts to pick me up. Right before I lose consciousness the only word, I hear him say was mate and just like that I was out.