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The President Twin Wife

The President Twin Wife

Author:Mr. Rams



Twin sisters Alisha and Amira Yardley grew up apart, one grew up in luxury with her father, while the other grew up in poverty with her mother. The Yardley family wants Amira to marry Mike Stevens, the heir of the riches family in Madison City. However, Amira is no longer a virgin. They afraid that the Stevens family will not accept it, so she offered her long lost twin sister to sleep with him for five hundred thousand dollars. Alisha agree to save her ailing mother. Amira succeeded to get him but Mike feels something was wrong. Then fate once again pushed Alisha into his arms, “The smell of your body is so familiar. Is it you that night?” Alisha knew she didn't deserve him, but the feelings in her heart kept surging... "Brother-in-law, do you remember me?”

“Amira, we want you to marry Mike Stevens. If you will part of Stevens’s family, it will benefits our family. This is our chance to rise at Madison City. I already set up a date and he agree, all you need to do is just do anything to have him so he will marry you.” Ben Yardley said seriously.

“Do you mean…to sleep with him?” Amira was confused. “But dad… I-I am not…”

“Why? What’s the matter? You need to sleep with him so he will be responsible to you, wait don’t say that you’re not a virgin anymore?” her father’s new wife said.

Amira lower her head. She is indeed not a virgin anymore. She was known as a party girl and had lots of ex-boyfriend.

Ben hit the table and said angrily, “What? You are useless!”

“Wait a minute honey. I have an idea.” Abegail patted his shoulder.

“Idea? What it is?” Ben frowned.

“The Stevens’s family will surely not accept that your daughter is not clean but we can’t miss this opportunity. There is so many family who wants to be part of their family. We only have one chance. I am thinking about your other daughter. Amira have a twin sister right? Let’s use her.”

“What do you mean? Alisha will marry him instead? No way!” Amira bellowed.

“Tsk, don’t shout at me! We will use her to replace you so Mr. Stevens will think that you are still a virgin!” Abegail response.

“B-But what if she is also not a virgin?” Amira response quickly.

“Ask her if she still good as new, then let’s use her.” Abegail arch her eyebrow.

“Honey, you’re so smart. You are right. Amira, go ahead and call your sister as soon as possible.” Ben command.

Amira did nothing but followed. It had been a long time since she last talked to her sister so she didn't know how to deal with her.

“O-Okay. I’ll call her later.”

Amira also doesn't want to miss the opportunity to be Mike's wife because she has really wanted him for a long time.


Madison International Hospital

Alisha doesn't know what to do because her mother's condition is very serious. Even though she didn't have enough money, she insisted on admitting her mother to a private hospital because she was surer that her mother’s illness would be treated.

“Doctor, please do everything to save my mother!” Alisha was crying while holding her mother’s hand.

“We will do our best but she need proper treatment which cause lots of money. I’m afraid...” the doctor look at Alisha. She was sure that the lady in front of her was poor. Even though she was beautiful.

“Just do everything to treat her. Don’t worry I will pay all the cost. Just save my mother’s life. She is all I have.” Alisha continue to sobs.

The doctor understand her, she nodded and tapped her shoulder, “Alright, we will give her the treatment she needed.”

“Thank you so much!” Alisha sigh deeply.

A minute later the doctor and nurses gave her mother different medicine, injection and IV fluid. It helps her mother a lot and somewhat ease the pain.

“Mom, are you feeling better now?”

Alice look at her, tears flowing on her cheeks, “Thank you, Alisha. You didn’t deserved to suffer like this. I want you to have a good life but…”

“Shhhhhh… Mom, I do it because I love you. How can I live without you? I only have you. I won't be happy if I can't be with you.” Alisha also started to cry.

“But how can we pay for this… Let me die so you can start your life again. Find your father, you have the same rights as he has because you are also his daughter.”

Alisha frowned.

Find her father?

She has a father?

Why can't she feel it?

“Mom, have a rest I will buy out food first.” Alisha get her bag and leave the room.

Alisha didn't want to prolong the conversation, especially since the topic was her father. Even since her father left her mother, he never call them again. Even her twin sister didn't talk to her nor their mother or visit them anymore.

“Excuse me miss!”

Alisha heard the nurse and see that she was waiving at her.

“Are you calling me? Why?”

“Yes, this is the first bill that you need to pay to the billing section.” the nurse said while giving her the statement.

Alisha swallowed her own saliva few time.

100,000 dollar?

They haven't been in the hospital for an hour but they have to pay 100,000 dollars immediately. She thought of the various medicines that were administered to her mother so that her condition would quickly improve.

Alisha sat on the bench, her knees weakened. Where will she get the money? She was sure that this was not the only thing they had to pay for in the next few days.

Suddenly, her mobile phone rang.

Alisha answered the call without knowing who it was.


“Alisha, it’s me Amira... Can we meet today?”

Alisha was suddenly relieved because her twin sister could help her with the problem.

“Today? Where?”

“Where are you?”

“At Madison International Hospital.”

“What happened? Are you doing check-up? Are you pregnant?” Amira asked one after another.

“Huh? No, I’m not pregnant.”

Amira sigh of relieved.

“Our mother have serious illness…” then Alisha told her problem.

Instead of being worried, Amira was happy to hear about the problem because she would definitely be able to easily get Alisha to agree to what she wanted to happen.

“I’ll go to the café near there. See you!”


Instead of going to the billing section, Alisha went to the cafe near the hospital. After half an hour she saw Amira walking. Alisha can't help but compare herself to her twin sister. Their clothes are very different. It's obvious that Amira grew up in luxury while she only gets to buy new clothes once a year.

Amira sat in front of her. She did not think that even if Alisha grew up in poverty, she would remain beautiful and look decent.

"Do you want to visit mom?" Alisha asked.

“Maybe later, Alisha I’m here because I want to offer you something.”

“Offer? What do you mean?” Alisha was confused.

“I won't make it any longer. I will give you 500,000 dollars but you have to do something for me as soon as possible.” Amira said seriously.

“W-What it is?”

“I want to marry Mike Stevens. I don’t care if you know him or not. But you just need to sleep with him then after that don’t show up again. Can you do it?”

Alisha didn't know how to answer but the offered money was good enough. This is the answer to their problem.

“Wait, are you still a virgin?” Amira asked again.


“I ask you if you are still a virgin!” Amira roll her eyes.

“Of course I am. Amira, do you want me to sleep with him so he will think that you are a virgin?”

Alisha guessed the reason why she needed to have sex with the man.

Amira was embarrassed but quickly recovered. "Can you stop asking, just do it and when I find out that you're not really a virgin, I'll take back the money I paid you!"

Alisha is also a little upset because Amira doesn't seem to think that their mother will benefit from the money.

“Okay, I’ll do it. I really need the money.”

“So it settled. First, you need to change the color of your hair. Make it blonde. Here’s the money go to the salon and change it. On Friday go to Gordon Hotel at exactly 8:00 pm.”

“I understand.” Alisha nodded.