
Let’s Read The Word

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Myxy is a half-witch, half-human. She was exiled to the human realm because of her half-human blood. Here, she lived a regular life like everyone else, doing her best to keep her actual identity hidden from others. In any case, it was here that she met Haiden, Hikes, and Hover. The three brothers are already vying for the title of Alpha. Nonetheless, she selected Haiden, despite the fact that he was the weakest among the three because she believed that not everyone who is weak will remain weak, and not everyone who is strong will remain strong.

Haiden Hunter Smith is one of the Hower’s son the Shadow Pack’s Alpha. The Shadow Pack is a powerful and well-respected pack of wolves. Haiden has two brothers, Hover and Haikes; he is the youngest and one of the weakest, yet he is the most cared for by their mother.

They aim to find their Luna, and whoever returns earliest with their Luna and is the strongest will be the new Alpha. Even though Haiden is weak, he tries his best to defeat his brothers since he knows they will not do good, particularly because they just want to be Alpha in their Pack in order to have authority over everyone.

They must return before the red mood emerges since it is where the Alpha, Beta, and Omega will be presented. In the world of wolves, Omega is the lowest rank, while Alpha is the highest.

“I’m the eldest, therefore I should be the next Alpha,” Hover said.

“But I am the strongest among us, therefore I should be the one,” Haike explained.

Haiden remained silent since he knew he had nothing to do with his two brothers and that they would just taunt him. If the level of intelligence is the determining factor, Haiden is smarter than his two brothers. His father and mother stared at him, waiting for him to say anything, but he didn’t.

Following their discussion, the three went to begin their duties and responsibilities. Titus, Joy, and Karol are Haiden’s acquaintances. “This city is huge,” Joy commented as she looked around.

“Didn’t you say you’d been here before? Why do you look like a newbie?” Karol inquired.

“We live in the province, and the cities are small there, not like here,” she complained.

Haiden remained silent as they walked, only looking at each individual that passed by. When they got to the building, they went inside and sought someone he recognized; when he found him, Liam quickly welcomed and bowed to him. Liam is a friend of his who is now a millionaire wolf in the human world. They were surprised to learn that he was responsible for all of Liam’s initiation.

“Master Haiden, what are you doing here?” Liam questioned.

“Do not address me as master. Just call me Haiden,” he replied, and Liam nodded. “I’m here because I have to—” Haiden was cut off as Titus interjected.

“He needs to find his Luna; if he doesn’t, he will undoubtedly become an omega, and the wolf pack will be in danger,” Titus stated.

“I will help you as long as it is for you, I’m willing to do everything because I wouldn’t be able to achieve what I have right now if it weren’t for you,” Liam said with a smile.

They returned to Liam’s mansion. They were astounded by its enormity and had no idea he would be so successful. He is willing to go to any length for Haiden in order to help him become the next Alpha. While Haiden was sleeping, he stared in the mirror, honestly, he didn't know what to do merely to locate Luna, and he also didn't know how to release his wolf strength.

Haiden began seeking his Luna the next day. But he doesn't see anything in any of the women he sees, not even when he stares into their eyes. They came to a halt outside a convenience shop where Myxy worked. She saw the four were sitting and were tired from their trek. Myxy already has power. She conceals it because if others found it, she would be considered as a monster.

Myxy is a witch who was exiled from their village for being half human and half witch. Since they can't accept it because it portrays them as low-class. Haiden felt better; his exhaustion vanished, as did that of Karol, Joy, and Titus. He went inside the establishment, and he saw Myxy doing her job. it didn’t seem like she did anything strange. She smiled at her customer then said goodbye, at that point, Haiden found what he was looking for.

Karol scowled at what Haiden was staring at, and when he realized what he was looking at, he flung the two together, and they then gazed at a woman smiling at people. They had never seen a prettier lovely woman.

“Wow?” Karol, Joy, and Titus said in incredulity.

They stepped inside while Myxy was busy; she was shocked by their abrupt arrival and looked around; there was no one else besides the five of them. Her brow furrowed, but she smiled and turned to face the four.

“What can I do for the four of you?” she asked sweetly, smiling.

“May I have your beauty?” Joy jokingly said.

“Joy?"Titus said.

“What? I’m just kidding. But she’s really beautiful,” she said, smiling as she looked at Myxy.

Myxy was in a speechless state and simply chuckled at what Joy said. Haiden got near to her and was even surprised when he suddenly landed on the counter and looked directly at her in the eyes.

Haiden didn’t respond, and he didn’t move his gaze away from Myxy’s. He smiled and then spoke. “You’re the one who I am looking for,” he said, and she was surprised.


“Is she your Luna?” Karol asked him.

“She is,” he answered.

Myxy glanced at the three and was perplexed by what they were saying; she didn’t know what to say and seemed to be stuck in her place. She didn’t comprehend what Haiden was saying and assumed they were merely playing with her. She pushed Haiden, straightened up herself, and took a deep breath before she spoke.

“What are you on about? Are you insane? All of you were out of your senses? Have you escaped from the mental hospital?” She asked, irritably. “You’re interfering with my job; if you're not going to buy anything, just leave.”

“I could buy the store just to get you,” Haiden stated, as they were astonished.

They couldn’t believe what their friend had stated, and even Myxy seemed shocked by her stance.