
Let’s Read The Word

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CEO Daddy's Sweetheart Wife!

CEO Daddy's Sweetheart Wife!



Realistic Urban

"I hate you! I hate you Ezekiel!!" She said while panting after the rough kiss.. "you might hate me but your body does not, Mi amor.. tu cuerpo me quiere dentro de ti" ... He said in his hot and husky tone.. She always went weak to the knees hearing him Spanish-speaking.. Though she didn't understand a bit of it!! "Leave me Ezekiel!" She said and tried to struggle under him.. But he pressed her more tightly under him "nunca en esta vida" He said and inserted inside her with a deep thrust... ....... Lorraine Hilda is a sweet, bubbly and kind hearted small town girl.. Despite having lots of problems in life Lorraine always remained strong and smiling.. And one day, destiny brought her in Chicago to find a new job, which seems almost impossible.. But, through a friend she came to know about a nanny-job.. And considering her situation she agreed to do the job, unaware of the tornado coming into her life... Because when Ezekiel Santiago's eyes caught her, he wouldn't let her go easily.....

  At the twenty ninth floor of B&E Corporation Ltd,

  Lorraine was shaking her legs in fear and frustration.. It's been almost two hours since she was waiting.. Because of a bad start in the morning she has reached late and got the last number for an interview.. "Bloody bad day!" She cursed herself, murmuring..

  Everyone was going inside and coming out while crying or with dark faces.. That means no one has been selected till now and she still has a chance!

  While she was thinking what could happen with her a girl came out from the room, fuming with anger.. "Bloody bastard! He refused me because I said bloody two times while talking!? Is that even a curse!?" She was shouting on her own and strode out of the room..

  Lorraine "....."

  Anxiety grushed her more.. She always heard that Ezekiel Santiago's a tyrant king, a bastard and now, she is getting some flakes of it.. Everyone seems scared of him!

  But, she need this job.. Though it wasn't any kind of official job, it's a nanny-job.. However, it doesn't matter.. She want this...

  Lorraine was engrossed in her thoughts, suddenly she heard her name calling "Miss, Lorraine Hilda?" The receptionist girl asked..

  "Yes, I am here.." Lorraine replied..

  "You can go inside, Mr. Santiago is waiting for you.." The receptionist girl said professionally but irritated at the same time...

  Lorraine stood up.. Her heart was trembling with fear.. She has to get this job at any cost.. She looked at herself once and then went in front of the CEO'S door.. She knocked.. "May I come in, sir?" Lorraine asked, trying hard to suppress fear from her voice..

  "Come in.." A deep and sexy tone came from inside.. His heavy voice made her more anxious.. She took a deep breath and went inside..

  Seeing the person her breath hitched in her throat.. He is f**ing hot!! Concentrated on his laptop.. She has never encountered this gorgeous man before in her little life!!

  Lorraine gulped her saliva painfully and stepped in front of him "Good Morning, sir.."

  He didn't reply instead gestured her to seat down.. She did and pushed his file towards him.. While looking at the computer screen he picked up the file and open it.. After a moment of silence he spoke "Miss Lorraine Hilda?"

  "Yes.. Sir?" Lorraine tried to reply professionally, though it didn't sound like one..

  He looked up on her.. The sudden fear rushed through her spine but somehow she controlled herself and didn't let it come on her face.. "Yes, sir?" She asked again..

  "Did you read the requirements before applying Miss Hilda?" His heavy Spanish accented tone was firm and emotionless..

  Pertirbated, Lorraine nodded slowly "yes.." She knew why he asked this question.. There was some requirements for this job and she doesn't have that qualifications.. She was in need of a job, that's why she applied for it..

  She took a deep breath and decided to convince him at any cost.. "I know sir, but I can assure you It won't cause any problem. I agree, I don't have any educational background nor I am any certified nanny.. Yet, I know how to handle kids.."

  Ezekiel watched her with blank expression.. It's not sure what was he thinking.. "How?" He wanted to know how would she take care of a kid..

  Lorraine thought he would kick her out the moment he read her file.. But when he asked question she saw a glimpse of hope.. "I have experience of that.. I have a seven years old little sister whose all responsibilities were all on me before coming in Chicago.. Moreover, I also worked in a day care centre few days in my town..." She tried to convince him by explaining her experiences...

  Lorraine looked at the man with expectant eyes.. Ezekiel stared at her emerald-green eyes with his grayish one and then few seconds later he finally opened his mouth.. "You will be fired the minute you been late.. Now out, my assistant will email you other details.." With that he boringly threw the file towards her and again got busy with his computer...

  Lorraine "....."

  She didn't understand at first, she thought he might be kicking her out.. With broken heart she prepared to leave but the moment she stood up she realised it.. He said, she will be fired if she get late!! Does that mean she got the job!? Her eyes widened.. "S..Sir, did you mean... I got... the job!!?" She asked slightly stammering..

  But, he didn't spare any glance at her "hmm.. Now out.." He said and went in silent mood again..

  If it was another time she would get angry on that rude person.. But at this moment, she didn't bother about it.. She got the job and now she has to hold on it anyhow..

  Lorraine looked at Ezekiel with thankful eyes.. "Thank you so much.. I promise I will not let you regret for this decision.." She said and slowly went out of the room without disturbing him...

  Lorraine was too exited.. She didn't expect Ezekiel would give the job so easily! She doesn't know why he did this but whatever the reason is she won't let go the opportunity ever!

  When she was passing the receptionists desk, the receptionist girl said "congratulations, miss Hilda.." This time her voice was polite too while being professional..

  "Thank you.." Lorraine thanked her..

  "You are the one who got selected from two hundred and thirty nine applicants.." She paused and said "But, be careful Miss Hilda.. You are the twenty nine no. Nanny in just two months!" She said with slightly annoying tone..

  Lorraine "....."

  She frowned.. "What!?... But Why!?" She couldn't believe her ears..

  "Well, I don't know about that.. Just be careful.." She said shrugging.. "I never tell this to anyone.. But somehow you looked different than others that's why alerting you.." The girl replied genuinely...

  "Okay?... Thanks! I really appreciate it.." Lorraine said with some confusions.. She was kind of surprised hearing her.. But, she couldn't care less! She got the job and that's important right now! Then Lorraine bid her goodbye with the receptionist girl and went out from the company to call home.. She wanted to give the good news to her grandmother and little sister!!


  On the otherside,

  After Lorraine got out of the room, Ezekiel looked at the closed door.. There was something deep inside his eyes, something unreadable... Only God knows, what was that!!