
Let’s Read The Word

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Rejected: Alpha Damian's Broken Omega Mate

Rejected: Alpha Damian's Broken Omega Mate




"I, Damian Silver, reject you as my mate–" He couldn't complete it as I fainted. He caught me in his arms because I couldn't bear the pain of the rejection of my mate. Hannah was a weak rogue who was saved by Alpha Derek of Moonlight Ridge Pack. Damian stood as a dominating Alpha who had earned widespread esteem from the leaders of various packs for his remarkable strength and intelligence. But he is also known for his deep hatred for the weak and especially…Omegas. He tries to reject Hannah as soon as he finds out she's an omega. But could he fight fate and cut off the deep bond that was binding him to his mate? Or what would he do when his outlook began to change when he crossed paths with his destined mate.

Hannah's pov.

Omega servants hurriedly prepared for the eagerly anticipated Nightfang gathering scheduled for tonight. Their faces were serious, and with utmost concentration as they worked on various tasks.

I was working hard as well, lurking around lost in among the other omegas in the kitchen of the Moonlight Ridge Pack's territory.

The atmosphere was tense, yet no one was being noisy. It wasn't always the case, though. Most of the time, we're free to talk, but that was forbidden today. Because it was the biggest event of the year our pack was going to hold.

The Alpha of Nightfang Pack, Alpha Bryce, is sending his eldest son, Damian Silver, to visit our pack. This was an unprecedented event, and everyone wanted to ensure that everything went perfectly.

So, I was assigned the inevitable task of cleaning up the garbage since no one was willing to do that dirty job. But I was fine with no complaints as long as they didn't send me outside at the banquet.

I could feel the collective disdain from other Omegas, who watched me with sneering eyes as I began my dirty job. I know refusing would only return me to worse troubles. Cleaning up was a task that no one wanted, and I often found myself on the receiving end of mockery and scorn for it.

Yet, I had to bear it all quietly. I don't mind cleaning the dirt or doing any other inferior job, I have been doing all this since a very young age.

I learned from a young age that I couldn't get everything I want and that life is hard, but you need to keep going because if you stop even for a small moment, you'd be stuck for a long time until someone comes and rescues you. But my tragedy starts when I realize that no one would come to rescue me. No one had in the past, and no one would in the future.

I'm an orphan, saved by the kindness of Alpha Derek of our pack. He told me that my mother's pack was attacked and destroyed by rogues. But I couldn't remember anything clearly since I was only four at that time.

The memories of that traumatic event were hazy at best, but I carried that tragedy and nightmares with me all this time. So, he puts me in a beta family since he believes that every kid deserves a family.

I'm grateful for the shelter and protection this pack provided me. In this world of dominance and hierarchy, it was a blessing just to have a place to call home. Otherwise, I might have met a vicious fate, falling victim to the dangers of the wild or succumbing to hunger. It was also the reason I began to hate rogues and power-hungry wolves who don't show mercy to the weak.

Everyone deserves better treatment, no matter weak or strong. But we can't always get what we want. Just as me, a weak and pathetic Omega.

"I've heard that Damian is not just handsome, but positively elegant. Some say he carries himself like a true Alpha."

I heard other omegas talking. As I scrubbed at my task, it was hard not to be drawn into the intriguing words of theirs.

"Well, that may be true, but you should also be careful about what you believe. I heard a story about him, how he reacted when an Omega maid accidentally spilled wine on his clothes," Harper said.

"Yes, I have heard a number of stories about him as well. He's ruthless and cruel."

"Despite all that, I can't help but imagine what it would be like to be his mate. Imagine the power and protection. Plus, I have heard he's so hot and handsome," Third omega, Avery said, sighing wistfully. She's the dreamy one.

I ignored them and quietly kept doing my cleaning. I was in no mood to hear Alpha's gossip. My mind wandered about having my own mate. He didn't have to be Alpha or Beta.

I think it's important to show kindness and respect more than status or power. I'd rather find a mate who loves me for who I am, not just my place in the pack.

I wondered what he might be doing right now. Or if he would be as excited as I am to find each other.

Sometimes, I get so afraid when I think of meeting my mate. Will he understand my situation or leave me after seeing my living conditions? I can't even fight for myself since I'm just an orphan omega.

No! That will never happen. Don't be ridiculous, he will understand you and love you unconditionally.

"Hannah?!" I heard a stern voice calling my name, well aware of the sharp and demanding tone. "You're taking far too long finishing this work. Do you think this is the only work you have to do? The Alpha and his guest will be arriving soon," Victoria, my stepmother scolded.

I turned to her, and her eyes were filled with disapproval and hatred. She never liked me, but I never liked her either. She thinks she's the boss here since her husband is the Beta.

"I'm almost done here," I told her, but she only snarled in return.

"So what, do you want me to ask Alpha Derek to reward you for that?" she remarked, and mocking laughs from other Omegas filled my ears.

"I never said that," I responded back, but my heart was racing because I knew the consequences of talking back to her.

"What did you just say?" She implored with an angry scowl, slowly walking towards me and suddenly gripping my jaw. I winced in pain as all the laughs stopped, and the room fell into silence. She glared at me viciously. "I would watch my tongue if I were in your place, you jinxy bitch. If not for Alpha's order, I would have thrown you out of my house long ago."

Maybe that would have been best for me. If only I wasn't an omega who needs others to survive, then I would never even see this monster's face or endure her abuse.

However, I stayed silent, knowing well how long the bruises of a slap would stay on my face. It'd be hard again to explain to Alpha how I got the bruise.

"Now stop dreaming and prepare for the banquet!" world stopped at her words, and I blinked at her through trembling lashes. I frowned at her as she let go of my jaw.

"B-But that's not my job-"

"Now it is. You will serve our VIP guest, Damian Silver, at the banquet,"

My eyes widened, and my hands began to tremble and shiver. "But... Omegas are not allowed to enter," I whined.

"Mrs. Victoria, please forgive her," Lisa, my best friend, who was working nearby, spoke in my defense. "Hannah won't be able to handle the atmosphere there. You know how dangerous it can be for an Omega like her to be so close to an Alpha, especially one like Damian."

Victoria only laughed. "Oh, Lisa," She purred, her lips forming into a wicked smile. "Since you're so concerned, how about you take her place and serve Damian during the banquet?"

Fear crept into her eyes, and she glanced at me, stepping back. I could see the hesitation and guilt on her face.

"Now, follow my order, or Lisa will replace you!" Victoria snapped.

My own heart was racing, but I can't let my friend in danger just because I'm weak.

"I'll do it," I declared, even though I might get choked to death by staying in a place full of Alphas. I don't want to be anywhere in a place filled with ferocious pheromones that would melt one's soul to the core. Just the thought of being in the same place as those dangerous and ruthless Alphas sends a shiver down my spine.

"Hannah, that's dangerous-"

"No, Lisa, it's fine. I'll go and serve Damian Silver," I assured her with a smile.

Just as a servant rushed into the kitchen, breathing heavily. "The guest has arrived," he told Victoria.

"Get ready," she warned me before leaving with the servant.

"Hannah, I'm sorry," Lisa cried and rushed to my side. Her voice trembled with fear. "Please don't go," she pleaded, her eyes filled with worry, and I felt bad for both of us. "Your mother will find any excuse to kick you out of the pack, or worse, Damian might do something to you if you make even the slightest mistake during the banquet."

I hugged my distraught friend. "Lisa," I said softly, patting her head. "I'll be careful, don't worry. Thank you for your concern, but don't take too much stress."

We pulled away, and she nodded, still visibly anxious. "Okay, take care of yourself." I smiled, though my heart was on the verge of explosion.

With a tray in my hand, I joined the other servants as we made our way to the grand hall where the banquet was being held.

My heart raced even faster with every step I took, fear and nervousness gnawing at my entire body.

When we reached the entrance to the hall, I hesitated for a moment, my hand tightening around the tray.

I had no idea what was waiting for me on the other side of these grand doors. The thought of serving Damian, an Alpha with a mysterious and somewhat ominous reputation, filled my insides with anxiety.

I already wanted to run away, but that's impossible now.

So, taking a deep breath, I entered. Little did I know that just this night was going to twist and change my life forever.