
Let’s Read The Word

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Become a devil

Become a devil




Hundreds of refinements become demons, and thousands of refinements become Buddhas. For Ling Xiao, he prefers becoming a demon, so a hundred refinements are enough! What kind of practice? It's nothing more than a few times when he sees the unhappy Yin, who wants to step on his feet a few times, and whoever wants to step on his feet a few times beats him... As for those who dare to rob women and money with themselves, they will be killed directly. !

The scorching sun was scorching hot, and the sun scorched the earth, making it steamy, like a big steamer between heaven and earth.

In the west of Beimincheng City, there is a large building decorated with red and green. Under the strong sunlight, it faintly emits an uncomfortable smell, as if something is rotting.

On the plaque at the main entrance of the building, three golden characters of "Piaohong Courtyard" are written, and a dazzling red cloth flower is hung above the plaque.

At this moment, the closed door opened with a creak, and a young man with a smile on his face walked out.

The clothes this young man was wearing were fairly modest, but the dark tones made people feel that the clothes had not been washed for some time.

A clean arm with five fingers painted with red nail polish stretched out, closing the door feebly.

I saw that the young man had just stepped out of the Piaohong Courtyard a few steps, and unconsciously rubbed his index finger under his nose a few times, and the smiling face immediately became extremely gloomy.

"Ten years is not too late for a villain to take revenge! Damn old bustard, he actually gave me a hundred less red sapphire stones! When Laozi is rich, buy this Piaohong Courtyard, and let you, the bustard, pick up the guests, and pick them up in one day. One hundred strong men!"

The young man, Ling Xiao, was an orphan who made a living by begging before he was fourteen.

Later, for some reason, he learned to make a special pill that only men who are looking for flowers and willows and "weak constitutions" need.

Since then, Ling Xiao has started business dealings with Piaohongyuan.

Ling Xiao walked home depressed, and when he walked to the street, he found that there were more people on the street than when he came just now.

"Isn't that big guy in blue clothes the spirit master of Beimin Sect in Beimincheng? Usually when he comes to our Beimincheng, he drags like 25,800,000, but how did he become a grandson in front of these guys today? They must be more powerful soul masters than the Beimin faction!"

Looking at this guy's servile appearance, Ling Xiao secretly thought to himself, if he is also a powerful soul master, he must let that guy wash his feet.

Soul Masters and Demon Soul Masters are collectively referred to as Chain Soul Masters. They are the powerhouses in this world. They are high above and rule ordinary people with the attitude of rulers.

Ling Xiao heard someone say that a high-level soul chain master can open up mountains and fill the sea with a wave of his hand, which is very powerful.

The so-called spirit masters are because they claim to be the protectors of ordinary people.

The Demon Soul Master is the butcher of the commoners, the incarnation of the devil.

"The residents of Beimincheng listen, there is a devil hiding in Beimincheng, please all residents of Beimincheng leave immediately, otherwise, you will be conceited!"

There were bursts of thick and long voices from the sky, Ling Xiao heard it, and felt that the voice gave people a condescending and unquestionable feeling.

"There's a devil? You want to leave Beimin City?" Ling Xiao immediately remembered what was buried in the pit under the bed at home, and looked at the groups of people who were screaming in fright and rushing to leave the city. Gritting his teeth, he still ran quickly towards his home.

In the sky outside Beimin City, there was a huge boulder whose body was like dry and wrinkled bark. Below it, there were tens of thousands of spirit masters.

These spirit masters all had necklaces hanging from their necks. The gems on the necklaces shone brightly, and yellow, green, and cyan rays of light rose from the gems and flew towards the boulder.

The boulder kept absorbing these rays of light and quickly began to mutate.

hum! The dry wrinkled skin on the surface of the stone fell off layer by layer, revealing a huge eyeball!

That eyeball radiated a large ray of light the same color as the sun, and silently sprinkled on everyone who went out of the city...

"Bang", Ling Xiao kicked open the door of his house, which was already broken, and rushed in before he could catch a breath.

Suddenly, a sharp pain like a sharp knife stabbing directly into the brain made Ling Xiao cover his head and fall to the ground, shouting, "Ah—"

"Huh?! It's not dead?" A slightly surprised voice came from a corner of Ling Xiao's house.

Ling Xiao was covered in sweat and his face was pale. The stinging pain just now almost made him lose his whole body strength. He raised his head feebly and looked in that direction.

A skinny old man in a black robe covered in blood was staring at him curiously. Ling Xiao could not help feeling startled when he saw the dense wounds on the old man's body.

Thinking of the terrible stinging pain in his brain just now, no matter how idiot he was, he knew that the old man in front of him was the one who the majestic voice said, and he couldn't help but secretly complained: "The devil?! He's hiding in my house! No way! Right? Why don't I, Ling Xiao, have such good luck when I gamble!?"

The old man suddenly muttered to himself: "The twin souls of gods and demons... It turned out to be twin souls of gods and demons. I don't know why, but there is such a strong mental power, so it's no wonder..."

Ling Xiao couldn't hear what the old man was whispering at all, but just kept his eyes on the old man, like a wounded beast looking at a hunter.

As if feeling Ling Xiao's gaze, the old man looked up at Ling Xiao. Those deep eyes were like a pair of sharp swords, as if they were about to pierce Ling Xiao's heart: "Little guy, everyone in the city has fled, why didn't you flee?"

Even though he was afraid, apprehensive, and resentful, Ling Xiao still had a smile like a spring breeze on his face: "I heard that there is a demon coming, I am a poor man, it is not easy to save some savings, come back to pack up and run away. "Old man, who are you? Why are you in my house? Is it because the devil is coming and you can't walk?"

The old man clutched the wound in front of his chest that was an inch to the left of his heart, closed his eyes and groaned twice: "Pour me a bowl of water."

Ling Xiao rubbed his nose with his index finger, got up and walked to the table. He picked up the kettle with his right hand and a broken bowl with his left. He poured the water into the bowl and filled it with water. With his thumb clasped at the mouth of the bowl, he handed the bowl over: "Old man, drink water."

The old man slowly opened his eyes, looked at Ling Xiao blankly, and took the bowl of water.

Ling Xiao stared at the old man tightly, licked his lower lip with his tongue, swallowed hard, and moved his Adam's apple.

The old man drank the bowl of water without saying a word, Ling Xiao was relieved, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his dirty sleeves, and took the broken bowl from the old man's hand.

"This poison is well prepared, did you prepare it yourself?" the old man said suddenly, with an admiring smile on his face.

This smile fell into Ling Xiao's eyes, but it was like a devil's smile. His hands trembled, and instinctively grabbed the bowl that he almost dropped: "Old man, what did you say?"

Ling Xiao looked at the old man innocently, as if he had suffered a lot of grievances. If it were someone else, he would feel embarrassed that he had wronged Ling Xiao.

Unfortunately, the old man Ling Xiao met was not an ordinary person.

The old man sneered: "Boy, don't pretend to me! I'll give you two paths, one is a dead end..."

Feeling the fierce murderous aura on the old man, Ling Xiao hurriedly shouted: "I choose the second one!"

Seeing the half-smile but not the smile on the old man's face, he seemed to know that Ling Xiao would definitely choose the second way.

Ling Xiao suddenly felt that he was still fooled and chose a road of no return, which seemed to be a way of survival. He asked timidly: "The second way is... what?"

The old man said lightly: "The second way is simple, that is, you are the apprentice of my ancestors of the Seven Demons and avenge me."

Ling Xiao roared angrily in his heart: I'll go! You old devil now accept me as an apprentice, haven't I been cut into pieces by those gods out there? Even if you are going to die, you old man should die by yourself, why do you have to hold me on the back?

Seeing Ling Xiao hesitate for a moment, the Seven Demons ancestor snorted coldly, "What? Don't you want to?"

"Why can't you poison you old thing!" Ling Xiao kept greeting the countless generations of ancestors of this old devil, plus all the women in the family, young and old.

Of course, even if there are thousands of people who don't want to, Ling Xiao will not write those who don't want to be written on his face, but hurriedly pile up all the smiles: "Where would they be unwilling? People accept me as an apprentice, I can't ask for it! I don't know what I have to make you look good..."

The ancestor of the seven demons laughed dryly: "Shamelessness, viciousness, hypocrisy and insidiousness, these are the four criteria for the ancestors to accept my apprentices, haha!"

Ling Xiao rolled his eyes countless times in his heart. Do you have that old thing to say so badly? If it is so unbearable, it is not forced by you, an old monster.

However, since the old man said so, Ling Xiao only kowtowed three times "ceremoniously": "My disciple pays a visit to the master."

While apprenticing, Ling Xiao kept hitting Xiao Jiujiu in his heart: "Forget it, promise him first. If he doesn't promise, he will die soon, but if he promises, he can live a little longer. If he can live for a while, wait for this old thing for a while. As soon as I kicked my legs, I went to the soul masters to repent, saying that I was forced, and they would not have trouble getting along with an ordinary person like me."

Ling Xiao was thinking to himself when the palm of the Seven Demons Patriarch suddenly flashed blue light and pressed down on the top of his head.


Ling Xiao only felt that the world was spinning for a while, and the strange power came from the hands of the Seven Demons Ancestors and rushed into every corner of his body.

"Ah!" The stabbing pain like a knife cutting flesh came from Ling Xiao's body, tormenting Ling Xiao to death, death, and life.

After the pain like Ling Chi passed, Ling Xiao suddenly felt that there was a necklace on his neck. The necklace was strung with seven gems that shone with grayish shades of light, and countless black gas circulated around this gem.

When Ling Xiao thought about it, a strange space appeared in his mind: a dark red space, filled with all kinds of spar, medicinal herbs, books that Ling Xiao knew, and strange metals that he did not know. and non-metallic substances.

Ling Xiao estimated the number and value of those crystal stones. According to his current income from selling medicines, he might not be able to earn that much in dozens of lifetimes!

And the medicinal materials contained in this space are all things that he has seen in the medicine refining book before, but he thinks that they are non-existent!

Ling Xiao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his first reaction was to take out an orange spar worth one hundred red spar. Without any warning, the orange spar fell into his hands!

People are not rich without windfall, and horses are not fat without night grass.

"My... God..." Ling Xiao doubted whether he was dreaming, pinched his thigh, and after hearing his pig-killing howl, he knew that he was not dreaming.

After a while of ecstasy, Ling Xiao finally remembered the old man who gave him all this: "Master, you are..."

The Seven Demons Ancestor narrowed his eyes slightly, although his appearance did not seem to have changed, but Ling Xiao could still feel that the Seven Demons Ancestor's vitality was rapidly fading away.

"I actually have such a keen sense!" Ling Xiao was secretly surprised that this necklace, which actually existed in his body but was invisible from the outside, increased his physical and mental strength in just a few seconds. I don't know. How many times!

The ancestor of the Seven Demons said coldly: "It's nothing, do you still like this Seven Soul Demon Chain? Well, time is running out, I will tell you now, to be my apprentice, what you need to do."