
Let’s Read The Word

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Diamond Hearts

Diamond Hearts




Alma walked into the washroom and before she left, she started fixing her hair because Dan did a great job to mess with it awhile ago. Some seconds later, the washroom door was opened and Kara walked in. " I didn't know that such an innocent looking girl like you could be so treacherous!" Kara said with a sly smile. " I don't know what you're talking about." Alma said. She was going to ignore her but she ended up talking. " Of coarse you know. Who would have thought that you would steal my sister's husband, you must be very capable, Alma!" Kara said. " Leave me alone Kara and I didn't steal anyone's husband." Alma said and was about to leave when Kara harshly pulled her arm. " Ouch! What do you want!" Alma winced. " Daniel Moolan is my brother in law, you better leave him alone or I'll make your life hell!" Kara said with a cold tone and Alma was terrified. She is always the good student and didn't want to get into trouble, now Kara seems to really bring hell to her. " Your sister divorced him four years ago, and I have nothing to do with whatever you're claiming. I didn't steal him from her." Alma said with a straight face. " We'll see about that. Not when I tell everyone how you made Daniel Moolan divorce my sister." Kara said and walked out with a victory smile when she saw the terrified look on Alma. *** " I'm in deep trouble! What if she tells everyone that I'm married to Daniel Moolan? Everyone in Collage would make fun of me!" Alma said with a horrific look. *** Diamond Hearts is a story about a girl who is married at seventeen. She is unsure about her own fate. The heart seems to speak two different languages and she has to figure out which voice she should hear. Love and power is revealed in the novel. Stay tuned!

Alma Ansera is the daughter of late Mr and Mrs Ansera. She had been to highschool under the care of her aunt, when they couldn't take her to collage, they asked her to work at the garage shop. Things were pretty tough for Alma because she had to look for another job to cater for her own needs and her younger nieces who were still in lower school.

Alma had a friend, Milka, she used to work at a bar, so she asked Alma to go to the bar with her that particular day.

" Are you sure about this, Milka?" Alma asked.

" Trust me Alma, a lot of rich men come here, you don't have to sleep with them, just get them drunk and ask for whatever you want, they are that foolish." Milka said confidently.

Alma decided to try it for once, even though it's unlike her to do such things like going to the bar, associating herself with random men who are quite not familiar to her at all. She lives at the streets, it is very rare for her to meet with the rich people and that made her nervous.

" Milka, what if they see through my conspiracy?" Alma asked a bit unsettled.

" Come on Alma, you're beautiful, smart, I know you can do this, you don't have to work at the garage again." Milka said.

"Okay, I'll try." Alma agreed.

" It's still early, why don't I help you instead?" Alma suggested.

" No no no, you can't look like a waiter now, especially dressed like that!" You look elegant, the rich men shouldn't mistaken you as a waiter." Milka said.

Indeed Alma was dressed in a very nice dress and shoes, she even wore make up for the first time. The outfit and her good looking that particular day was all Milka's doing. She didn't have any fancy dresses and shoes so Milka gave her whatever she was dressed on.

" How long do I have to wait?" Alma asked.

" It's still half past five, most of those rich men come at around eight pm so be patient, I brought you here earlier so that you make yourself comfortable, you can find a quiet place to relax, I'll bring you a cocktail just signal me what table you'd be at." Milka said and Alma nodded okay.

Alma checked around, most of the tables were full of drunk men, chatting and laughing. She finally spotted one secluded table, only one man dressed simply yet elegant was on that table. She decided to sit there. Further more, the man looked cool and mind his own business.

Alma texted Milka and notify her that she's at table twenty nine on the first floor, that's the VIP area, the normals weren't allowed there but since Milka is a known person around, she made an exception for her.

Milka found her and put the cocktail with less alcohol in it since Alma doesn't drink.

" I've added a little alcohol to boost your confidence." Milka whispered in her ear.

" It wasn't necessary really." Alma whispered back.

" I see you have a good eye, he is a rich man, and a regular around here." Milka said.

" He doesn't look rich at all." Alma said.

" Trust me, he's just the cool type. If you play your cards well, you might be the lucky one. He has never brought a girl here before, nor has he ever let a girl sit at this table, I'm surprised." Milka whispered.

" You!" The man pointed at Milka.

" Yes sir!" Milka turned her attention to the man drinking at a corner.

" What's your name?" He asked.

" I'm Milka Carino." She answered.

" Add the lady's bill on mine, here is a tip for you." He said and gave some dollars to Milka.

" Thank you sir!" Milka said and smiled.

Milka then left. Alma nervously fidgeted with her glass as she noticed the man looking at her. After a while, the man stood up and moved closer to Alma.

" Don't move, I won't bother you." The man said when he noticed Alma was about to stand up.

" No, it's okay, I was actually leaving." Alma said but the man held her hand softly.

" Please don't, I could use your company. It's been quite lonely for me here." The man said and Alma didn't have a choice but to stay.

" What's your name?" He asked.

" Alma Ansera." She said.

The man removed a diamond ring after a short while and Alma's heart started racing.

" Calm down Alma, he can't just propose to you, he barely knows you!" Alma said to herself.

" Isn't this beautiful?" The man spoke gently.

" Indeed it is, can I have a closer look?" Alma requested.

" Of course." The man said and gave it to her.

" Wow, such a rare piece of diamond. Are you going to give it to your girlfriend?" Alma asked and suddenly pursed her lips, she felt that she was talking too much for a first time and furthermore to a stranger.

" Could be yours too if you agree to be my girlfriend. I don't have one." The man said and Alma gave him a shocked look.

" No no no, I can't have it, it belongs to you. I'm sure you'd want to give it to someone you love." Alma said.

" I've been such an unfortunate soul when it comes to love, so, it doesn't matter to whomever I give it to. I'd be glad if you take it and agree to be my girlfriend. You seem worth of it." The man said and Alma laughed awkwardly. Thean must be insane to flirt with eye that way. He was even offering her a very expensive ring.

" And why would you say that? You barely know me." Alma asked.

" My instincts tell me that, you are worth it. Marry me, my father would be happy and you'd get whatever you want, I promise you." The man said and Alma looked at him in an unbelievable manner.

" You're drunk, and you're going to regret this when you're sober tomorrow so, no, I can't marry you." Alma said softly. She really wished she could say yes to this man, but she has a lot of things unsure to herself.

" I know I'm drunk, but whatever I'm doing, I know exactly what I'm doing so don't worry. It's because I won't do this when I'm sober and this is what I'm supposed to do. You are a beautiful girl, I noted that when you walked here. And you also look lost so I want to save you. Also, I have a recording pen with me, incase I wake up confused the next day, I can always review. Marry me, Alma." The man said holding her hand.

Alma was shaking, she didn't have words to say. The man took the diamond ring and put it on her finger, Alma didn't refuse.

" See, it even chose you. It fits so perfectly. so, tell me, do you agree to marry me, Alma?" He asked again.

" Can I have some time to think through this, it's too much for me." Alma said standing up and staring at the ring.

" You have ten minutes, you can walk around as you think through it, but just ten minutes I know you wouldn't run away." The man said.

" Don't be so sure!" Alma warned him.

" I'm sure you won't, I trust you." The man said and Alma chuckled.

" Okay, I'll be right back." Alma said.

" I'm not leaving until you're back, just remember it's ten minutes." The man said and Alma sprinted away to look for her friend.

She found her serving other customers.

" Milka we need to talk right now." Alma said holding her hand.

" Give me five minutes I'll get back to you." Milka said.

" I don't have five minutes! See!" Alma said and showed her friend the diamond ring.

" Oh my God! He gave you that! Or did you steal it?" Milka exclaimed with her eyes wide open.

" No, he didn't give it to me!" Alma said.

" You stole it!" Milka asked surprised.

" No, he asked me to marry him, and I have ten minutes to think through it!" Alma informed her friend.

" Really! Was he serious? Maybe it's the alcohol." Milka said.

" No, he has someone he said that he was recording everything, so he could be serious, what should I do?" Alma asked Milka.

" Agree, just say yes. If he isn't serious and sobers up by tomorrow, I'm sure he'll compensate you handsomely, so, you have nothing to lose. Now, go back there and play your card well!" Milka said and left her friend standing there.

Alma walked back unsure of whatever she was doing.

" I knew you'd be back." The man said and smiled briefly.

" I'm not someone to run away." Alma said acting calm.

" So, what's your decision, are you going to marry me?" The man asked.

" Yes, I'll marry you." Alma said with a shaking voice and the man pulled her to him letting her sit on his lap. He kissed her cheek and the back of her hand.

" Thank you my lady, I'll make sure you don't regret this. Let's go!" The man said standing up and holding her hand.

" Where to?" Alma asked confused.

" We're going to get married wifey. The offices are still open we have time and I don't want to wait until tomorrow." The man said and before Alma could say anything, the were already at the parking. He opened the door for her and went to the other side, he drove away his roll's Royce at full speed.

" Can you slow down a little bit?" Alma pleaded.

" We have thirty minutes before they close, so we have to hurry." The man said.

" Alma checked the watch on her phone, it was six pm.

After twenty minutes they were at the registration office. They walked in together, Alma didn't have time to even tell her friend that she was already getting married.

Before she knew it, they were already exchanging the vows.

" You can both sign here." The priest said.

The man signed first.

" Daniel Moolan!" she whispered to herself. Like Alfred Moolan, the rich guy who owns the Moolan estates?' She began asking herself in her mind.

" What are you waiting for, wifey, come on, sign." Daniel urged. He felt a nervous feeling. Like he was afraid she might change her mind and not sign.

Alma finally cleared her thoughts and signed. She remembered what her friend said. When he sobers up tomorrow and changes his mind, she would have a share of compensation, so, she has nothing to lose.

The priest sealed their wedding certificate with a watermark and his own signature.

" I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss your bride Mr Moolan." The priest said.

Daniel Moolan kissed Alma's forehead.

" From today onwards, you're Mrs Daniel Moolan, my beloved wife." Dan said.

Alma still couldn't believe it.

" It's almost dinner time, where do you want to dine at? I can take you anywhere." Daniel asked her once they were back in the car.

" Whatever place, I'm okay." Alma said. She isn't the choosy type because she has never lived a fancy life before.

" If you say so, I'll take you to my favourite restaurant." Daniel said and drove away.

After dinner, Daniel drove to his mansion.

" This is now your home, and if you're tired, let's go to our room, freshen up and rest. We would talk tomorrow." Daniel said.

Alma just nodded and followed him. She was dumbfounded with everything happening. It was like she was dreaming. She was even surprised with herself. Getting married to a complete stranger, coming all the way to his place, she knows nothing about this rich handsome man yet she was trusting him.

" Relax, my home is yours . You look nervous. You shouldn't."