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The Alpha's Rejected Mate

The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Author:Vivi Jeremiah



“I, Alpha Damien Karstone, reject you as my mate.” Silver, werewolf without a wolf is ridiculed and abandoned by her family and pack because of her inability to get a wolf. She is seen as a cursed witch. Her life gets even worse when the Alpha’s son, Damien rejects her as his mate for her sister. His reason? She is not good enough for him. What happens when the moon goddess gives her a new mate, a far more powerful one, mocking all those that rejected and abandoned her. BUT, there was a problem. She doesn’t recognize him as her mate. Will this new mate be able to guard her heart and heal her broken soul or will he turn out to be worse than her previous mate? What happens when her previous mate comes back to claim her, who will she choose? The imposter mate, or the mate who rejected her?

Silver’s POV

I stand at the far end of the field watching all the other werewolves train, morphing into their wolves from time to time. It felt like they were rubbing the fact that they had wolves in my face. Although, I know that is not the case. I had no one to blame for my ill fate.

My name is Silver Johnson, a twenty two year old werewolf. Well, I don’t think I am fit to be called that, especially since I had no wolf at my age. I was seen as a witch who was cursed by the moon goddess for reasons unknown to me. Even my parents detested me. I can still remember their look on their faces when I failed to get a wolf on my 16th birthday. The hatred on their faces was palpable and even up until this day, they never fail to remind me that I should have never been born.

I am a disgrace to the family, especially since my father is the beta of the pack. It was like a slap on his face, having me as a child.

The thing with not having a wolf is that you also can’t sense your mate. They have to sense you first and then tell you. My mate could be in front of me and I wouldn’t know. It was a curse from the moon goddess too for werewolves like me. I had given up on finding a mate a long time ago. What werewolf would want to be with a cursed witch like me?

“What are you doing here?” My loving younger sister, Tiffany walks up to me from the training ground with disgust on her face. Note the sarcasm.

“Nothing that concerns you.” I say and turn to leave. I didn’t have the time nor patience to exchange words with her.

Even though she was my only sister, she hated me, just like everyone. Tiffany was a real life bimbo. With her blonde hair that was always straightened to perfection, her slender figure, blue eyes and perfect face, she was the pride of the family while there’s me, the cursed witch of the family. Unlike Tiffany, I had a boring jet black hair with brown eyes that held no emotion in them, a decent breast size and my ass was on the bigger side as well as my thighs.

The both of us were nothing like sisters. We weren’t even friends, thanks to my parents who kept planting the seed of hatred in her right from the day they found out about my curse.

The only thing I and Tiffany had in common was that we both didn’t have mates. This wasn’t a problem for her because she was only 19 and already had her wolf so it is only a matter of time until she is claimed. My story was entirely different.

I had no friends, no family, no mate and of course, no wolf.

Don’t you just love my life?

“You want to be there, don’t you.” I hear her sickening voice say from behind me and soon her footsteps follow until she is now standing a few inches away from me.

I didn’t want to look her in the eyes because then she would see my pain. She wasn’t wrong. I’d give anything to be like the others, anything to be there right now, training with my wolf. It hurt so bad but there is nothing I can do about it.

I do not say anything in response to her question, instead I walk past her but she uses her hand to stop me before leaning in to whisper into my ears.

“Pray all you want, Silver. You’ll never be like us. This is all you can be, a pathetic wolfless werewolf.” She finishes off with a smirk before walking away, swaying her hips and I ball my fist in anger, trying so hard to keep my tears in. I couldn’t even hit her because she was a lot stronger than me physically.

I notice that the others had taken notice of me and were beginning to throw mocking glares at me so I run back into the pack house, not wanting to be used as an object of ridicule as usual.

I barely make it to my room when I crash into a body and fall hard on the ground, my ass stinging from the force. A voice hisses in annoyance and I freeze, recognizing the voice. I raise my head slowly to confirm my suspicion and I freeze when I realize that it is none other than Alpha Damien, the soon to be Alpha of our pack, the Black Shadow Pack. His blue eyes pierced into mine causing me to writhe in fear.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He growls at me, his face twisting in disgust and annoyance. I am lost for words as I force myself to stand up. How the fuck did I not see him?

“I-I’m sorry, Alpha. I wasn’t looking.” I take my lip in between my teeth as I apologize with my head bowed. I don’t dare look at him if I want to be spared.

Alpha Damien was as hard hearted as his father, maybe even worse. He didn’t take any form of rubbish from anyone. A perfectionist. The fact that he was crazily handsome and had loads of cash, thanks to his father, didn’t make things better. Instead, it made him full of himself and look down on people. It was almost as though the world revolved around just him and his father. Just like I and Tiffany, he also didn’t have a mate which is why he hasn’t been made Alpha of the pack yet. He could claim whoever he wants but as Alpha, his father believes that it is best he lets the moon goddess choose a mate for him.

He doesn’t say a word in response but his eyes stay fixed on me, as though he was searching for something in them. I wanted to raise my head and see why he was staring at me but I was too scared to do that. I don’t even know why he is still here. He never paid any attention to me before just like the others. The only time we ever saw was when I was being assigned to his room to clean and he never uttered a word to me.

Since I didn’t have a wolf, my mother said that the only way I could be useful to the pack was as a maid.

“Look at me!” He commands and I raise my head immediately, secretly rejoicing that I could finally look him in the eye. There is a look of surprise on his face as he continues to stare at me, moving closer until he is only a few inches away from me. His expression changes to an angry one as he raises his voice.

“How the fuck are you my mate?” He growls angrily and I freeze, my mind going blank.

Did I hear him properly?

Alpha Damien is my mate?

“What?” The words finally leave my throat and I blink severally as I try to understand what he just said.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” He throws his head back and releases a loud laughter. From the corner of my eye, I see that the hallway was slowly becoming crowded as people began to wonder what their Alpha was doing with a peasant like me. It is only a matter of time until my parents and Tiffany get here.

I’m so fucked.

“I’ll rather die than be mated to a witch.” He spits and backs away eyeing me with disgust. The others hear this and gasp loudly before whispering amongst themselves. They were probably wondering how it was possible that the moon goddess would mate an Alpha to an unlucky werewolf.

“I’m sorry.” I apologize even though I had nothing to do with it. It wasn’t my choice to be mated to him. Hell, I wouldn’t have even known that he is my mate if he didn’t say anything.

Does this mean that I will now become the Luna of the pack?

Is that even possible? If I were to live as Alpha Damien’s mate, my life will be miserable. What use is it being mated to someone who didn’t even think I deserved to be alive?

The entire pack was now gathered to watch this scene and I couldn’t help but wish the moon goddess takes my life right now. I could see the hateful glare from my mother as she stood amongst the crowd, watching Alpha Damien throw hateful words at me. Not that she cared. She wasn’t any better.

None of them were.

Alpha Damien turns towards me with a stern look and the next words that leave his mouth break me into a million pieces.

“I, Alpha Damien Karston reject you, Silver Johnson as my mate.”