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The Abandoned Concubine's Revenge

The Abandoned Concubine's Revenge



Chu Hanyan did not anticipate experiencing a particularly challenging reincarnation after her plane crashed. It was unfortunate that the new body was an elderly woman who was close to passing away. She was pushed to jump over a cliff by her nasty sister because she was bound by love and because she was still carrying Feng Wumian's kid. Everyone was astonished by her unexpected arrival with a little son five years later when she unexpectedly returned to the city. She took back her possessions, fought everyone who tried to bully her, and made a fortune in her own business. By chance, Feng Wumian had to grant her a request. "Tell me what you want, as long as you ask, I can satisfy it." "Well, my child lacks a father, you can be one."

It turns out that when your heart breaks, you could literally hear the sound.

Especially when you was betrayed by your beloved one...

Before Reborn:

It was a dark, starless night with strong gusts of wind ripping through the dense forest. The branches swayed violently while two groups of men rode their horses in a wild chase.

Feng Jiu looked up at the Snowstrider Divine Horse in front of her, where Feng Wumian was riding it in plain clothes and a long robe.

Although she couldn't see his face from this position, his posture was perfect and he exuded an aura of intimidation. Feng Jiu couldn't help but be delighted when she looked at him.

She was filled with pure joy.

This was the man she had loved even if she had to hide her identity to do so.

Feng Jiu gripped the reins with one hand while she gently rested the other on her lower abdomen with a determined and gentle gaze.

When everything was over, she would tell him her name and that she was pregnant with his child. She wanted nothing more but to tell him that she had loved him for many years...

She wanted them to be honest with each other so they could have a proper relationship.

Just as Feng Jiu was deep in thought, she suddenly saw a flash of light in front of her eyes. The wind was roaring all around her and a freezing gust of wind whipped her face.

It turned out that their men had already forced the fleeing prisoners to a dead end, where there was a cliff behind them. The sound of gushing water that filled the air made everyone even more frantic.

"Don't come any closer, or I'll strangle her!"

The tall and ferocious man who threatened them was the top martial artist of Zombre, Li Huo.

Not only was he highly skilled in martial arts, but he was also very sly. If it weren't for the fact that his opponent, Feng Wumian, was smarter than him and had a powerful backer, he wouldn't have been forced to flee like this.

He had been free to do anything he wanted for many years, so how could he accept that his life had been destroyed like this?

He grabbed the throat of the weak woman and dragged her to the edge of the cliff forcefully.

The woman was sobbing uncontrollably, but her delicate beauty still shone through and she looked dazzling even though she was in such a pitiful state. 

"Wumian, I'm so scared... Save me..."

Even her voice was sweet.

She was the person that Feng Wumian and his men were tasked to save. She was the daughter of the Senior Minister of the Qi Empire, Chu Biyu, who was also known as the famous "Divine Alcemist".

Feng Jiu couldn't help but roll her eyes when she saw Chu Biyu putting on such an act.

"What do you want?" Feng Wumian asked in a chilling and indifferent tone that seemed to cut through the air.

Li Huo's body trembled slightly when he instinctively felt a sense of fear, but he still had to fulfil the purpose of this trip.

Li Huo raised a finger and his gaze fell upon Feng Jiu. He then said with a bloodthirsty smile, "I want you to hand over that ugly woman to me!" He couldn't forget how that woman had killed his right-hand man. She was extremely evil and she even ruined his plans repeatedly.

Since there was no way out for him now, he had to drag someone down with him even if he had to die!

"I'll let Miss Chu go if you give her to me."

Feng Jiu stared blankly for a moment before she heard Feng Wumian say, "Feng Jiu, go over to him."

His words were firm and decisive. He didn't even ask for her consent.

"What did you just say?" Feng Jiu's face was filled with shock as if she did not expect to hear those words.

She had always talked to him informally like this and she had never shown any respect for him. It drove him mad!

Feng Wumian turned around and looked at her with a deep gaze, "Go over to him."

Feng Jiu felt suffocated when she heard his orders. She raised her hand to cover her lower abdomen as she stared at the man's handsome and indifferent expression. Then, she gritted her teeth and took two steps back as she said coldly, "No!"

"I'm asking you to go to him!"

This time, there was a hint of anger in Feng Wumian's voice.

Feng Wumian only thought of Feng Jiu as his secret guard and she was just a mere pawn to him. What right did she have to say disobey his orders?

If she thought that she could challenge him just because he gave her a little more attention, she was making a grave mistake.

No one could ever disobey his orders!