
Let’s Read The Word

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IV. The Impact Of Her

IV. The Impact Of Her

Author:Nicole Marcina



Robert was horrified. The love of his life was taken, and there were many possible suspects. But James wouldn't be an easy person to gain as an ally. In order to solve Laura's sudden abduction, Robert had to see through other troubles at home. The pirates who ransacked their ship when he and Queen Amelia came from Middle Earth. Grandpa Ben, beaten near death when the bakery was raided. And royal guards massacred due to Robert's command of protecting Winston's Bakery. And his own family, putting their own lives at risk for what happened. Will Robert be able to push through everything and get to the bottom of each debacle? Who was Laura's abductor? Will this break his family entirely?

After Robert disappeared from my sight, the two servants and I headed to the exit with Wonder.

They then walked closer with me. One of them remarked, “It is quite amazing how the prince was able to tame the champion.”

“I agree. Even our most skilled and experienced trainers were unable to accomplish such a thing,” the other added.

The previous servant continued, “He is truly a man of skills.”

Our bright and cheerful conversation was suddenly interrupted when a pot broke from behind us. The two servants rushed over to the flower bed that was in front of a window.

“What was that?” I asked as they crouched down near the flower bed.

One of them reached out to it as I slowly walked towards them. “There is nothing to be worried about, my lady,” he said as he held a piece from the pot. “One of the flower pots just broke.”

“How is it possible that it broke? No one threw anything at it,” the other servant asked.

My heart pounded harder after that remark. Fear rose from inside of me. My eyes scoured my surroundings in a panic. My breath shook as I stepped back.

‘Someone is here,’ I thought to myself. ‘Someone is watching us.’

“Don’t be silly,” the first servant scowled at his companion. “You are thinking too much and you are scaring the lady. It can be because of old age,” he scolded his fellow servant.

Without warning, a dagger was raised to my neck. A strong grasp pinned my arms behind me.

“I dare you to scream for help. I will not hesitate to run this blade across your neck,” a deep, raspy voice spoke directly into my ear. The dagger was moved closer to my skin. The grip on my arms tightened.

One of the servants finally took notice of my situation. He was quick to stand and rushed immediately to my rescue. “My la–Oh!”

Seven men jumped out from the bushes and crowded over the two servants. Without a moment to lose, heavy punches and big kicks landed on the poor men. They tried to stand, to fight back. But the masked men never gave them that chance.

“Stop!” a scream finally came out of my mouth. But, my lips were immediately covered by another masked man. My shouts of plea were nothing but a muffled noise. I tried to break free from the man’s hold. He, however, only tightened his grip, which caused even more pain.

“Do not make this harder for us, lady,” the man growled into my ear. His voice sent shivers down my spine. “The more you resist, the more your friends will get hurt.”

I looked back to the servants and they were on the ground, almost lifeless. The only sign of life from them were their constant groaning and moaning.

Finally, I gave into the fear - the danger - of the situation. I tried to be strong. But my heart couldn't take it anymore. Especially the sight of two innocent people being beaten to death.

I closed my eyes to block the horrific view. And with it, a tear escaped my eye.

“That’s enough,” the man who held me spoke, which made his men stop, “We still have so much to do.”

“What about them?” a different voice asked, who probably pertained to the servants.

“I am certain that they learned something about not meddling with affairs that do not concern them,” the man behind me replied.

I opened my eyes. As the men walked towards us, the two servants were left to die. One was on his stomach whilst the other laid on his back. There was no shortage of blood. It was scattered everywhere; from their faces to their white clothes - now covered in red - down to the pavement.

“Now, it is time for the next part of our plan. Simon, the bag,” the man behind me continued.

A man who wore a mask that only covered his eyes appeared with a black bag in hand. Another man tied a white cloth in between my lips.

“Cooperate with us and no one else will get hurt,” the man added.

As my world plunged into darkness, I was carried away. In my mind, all I could do was to pray that my life would not end this way.

‘Robert, please. Find me,’ I thought to myself.