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Coolest Ex-wife: She Became a Billionaire After Divorce

Coolest Ex-wife: She Became a Billionaire After Divorce



Nina had been married to Darian for three years. Three years prior, Darian had proposed that if they could sustain a marriage without intimacy for three years, he would consider officially dating her. Nina loved him, so she accepted his proposal without hesitation. However, when the day finally arrived, she was shocked by a steamy photo of Darian with his first love. Unwilling to endure any more humiliation, Nina proposed a divorce and returned to her family. Her brothers showered her with affection, and her father gave her a black card with no spending limit. Who cares about love? It was time to embrace her role as a wealthy heiress!

Nina Carroll had already fallen asleep. In her daze, she felt a man gently pressing down on her.

His moist lips were kissing her earlobe, cheek, and neck.

"Nina... my darling..." His low voice carried a mysterious allure, making her immersed in it.

Nina could barely believe her ears. Her indifferent husband was actually treating her so tenderly.

She was so excited that her voice trembled, "Oh, Darian, baby, is that really you? That's wonderful. I've waited too long."

The clothes on her body had been completely removed by him, the two of them were tightly pressed together. She felt his firm muscles and the burning heat.

When he penetrated her, she emitted a contented moan and tightly embraced him.

While he was kissing her, he was fiercely thrusting into her, "Ah... So good..."



Nina woke up with a scream.

Oh, indeed, everything just now was a dream.

She immediately placed her hands over her flaming cheeks, her heart rate was still rapid, and the scenes from her dream were replaying in her head, as well as the sight of her husband stepping out of the bath naked that she accidentally caught this morning.

Three years into their marriage, it was the first time she saw him naked. For a fleeting moment, she thought she saw desire in Darian Crowley's eyes, but that quickly disappeared, replaced by his usual icy, stoic expression. Nina blushed at the thought of the day, wondering if he purposely let her see him naked. But Darian then grabbed a towel, cloaking his body as he strutted towards the dressing room. He was out the door in no time, all dressed up in his business casual attire.

His wet hair, sexy Adam's apple, and sturdy muscles still beaded with water droplets were just so sexy! She had thought about him all day, even dreaming of him.

But it was just a dream.

At that moment, a cool breeze drifted in through the window, and Nina found herself alone in her bed.

She quickly got up, looking at the empty expanse of their room.

Darian had not returned.

A sense of loss washed over her like a tidal wave.

Today was the third anniversary of her marriage to Darian.

Three years ago, he had said if they could survive a sexless marriage for three years, he would consider dating her officially.

Three years, over a thousand days and nights, she had waited for this day for too long.

She was deeply in love with him and yearned for his close touch.

To honor this special day, she had put on a sexy dress, prepared a delicate candlelight dinner, and sprinkled rose petals on their bed.

But, he did not come back.

Just then, her phone vibrated a few times.

The message was from Darian!

She hurriedly tidied her messy hair and picked up her phone to check.

She had expected to receive a message that he had come home, but surprisingly, she received a steamy photo!

A naked, sexy-bodied woman was sticking close to a man, their pose intimate.

There was another photo where the woman's tongue was nearly touching the nipple of the man sleeping soundly. The woman's eyes, however, were staring at the camera, her gaze provocative.

The man depicted in the photos was Darian! The woman was Linna Larson!

Oh, God!

Nina's mind went blank, her limbs went numb, and she collapsed onto the floor.

Her lover had betrayed her; it felt as if half her soul had been ripped away. She didn't want to believe what she was seeing, but the man in the photos was indeed Darian!

The message was even sent from Darian's account.

While she had never touched his mobile phone as his wife, another woman had managed to use it to take photos and send iMessages!

In this world, probably only Linna could do such a thing.

Linna was Darian's high school classmate and also his first love. She was the cheerleader's captain while he was the captain of the football team. People considered them to be a naturally compatible pair.

Before Nina fully processed all of this, several more messages came through. "The moment we reunited, he couldn't help but hug me."

"He's tall and strong and has great stamina that saw me to orgasm many times!"

"Oh, you certainly know nothing of this. After all, you've been married for three years and never made love. It's just laughable."

"Nina! Face the reality! He doesn't love you at all. His heart only belongs to me!"

Tears uncontrollably ran down from Nina's eyes. Her heart felt as if it was pierced by a steel blade.

She already knew that Darian didn't love her.

She thought that by accompanying him for three years, maybe she could warm his icy heart a little. She felt that maybe Darian held some affection for her.

However, everything shattered in front of her eyes.

She couldn't warm his heart!

No matter what she did, he would never love her!

Besides, there were many opportunities for Darian and Linna to sleep together. Why did he specifically choose this day to do it? Was it to deliberately humiliate her?

As Nina recalled his attitude towards her over the past three years - cold, disdainful, and utterly disrespectful.

Yet she waited for him, full of expectation, enduring him for three years and all the promises made.

Perhaps from the beginning to the end, he never considered being with her. In his eyes, she was just a fool!

The flames of fury began to blaze!

"Darian!" After her angry roar, she turned off her phone, braced herself up, and headed downstairs.

On the dining table, a delicate dinner was still set, the candle had already been extinguished.

She had started preparing for this day a month in advance.

She had specially chosen top-quality red wine and spent a lot of time learning French cuisine...

Three years of waiting and all the preparation were so ridiculous.

Nina fetched a garbage can and then quickly walked to the table. Plate by plate, the delicate dishes became trash in just a few seconds.

The sound of shattering plates echoed in the room.

After unleashing her frustration, Nina felt a little better. She wiped the tears from her face carelessly, her eyes full of determination.

Since he did not love her and trampled her dignity so ruthlessly, she didn't need him anymore!

She picked up her phone and made this important decision.

"Darian, let's get a divorce!"

The message was sent successfully.