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BOUNDLESS: The Alpha Son's Plaything

BOUNDLESS: The Alpha Son's Plaything




The 17 year old Jowayne Pearson just wanted a peaceful school life and to be welcomed naturally as a She-wolf when she turned 18. All is well until his childhood bully returned to the neighborhood after being gone for the pass three year. The peaceful life that Jowayne hoped might become not become reality. Now Jowayne is back to square one.

Jowayne Pearson's POV

Dim streetlights illuminate the sidewalk as I walk home wobbling.

I, Jowayne Pearson is currently walking home after a night of hard partying. The sky was dark and the stars twinkle bright in the night sky. The street was quiet but not too quite to become bothersome. Who would have thought that this busy neighborhood would be this peaceful at night.

Lost in the peaceful scenery around me, I hadn't noticed someone was already in front of me. We bumped into each other which made me lose my footing making me trip then fall.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!! . . . I hope you die!!!!!" I shouted inside my mind to avoid disrupting the peace and to avoid further more commotion.

I landed hard on the concrete sidewalk, buttocks first.

I raised my head a little to glance at whoever this person might be but the streetlight made it difficult to have a clear look. His face was against the light and the streetlight blinded my tipsy eyesight.

"Hey puppy, did you miss me?" The stranger said in an awfully familiar male voice.

I was shocked by the sudden greeting since who the hell greets a stranger he ran into.

He then offered his hand then pulled me right back up to my feet. I was a bit wobbly so he grabbed me tight both shoulders. His hands were hard and rough but it was warm.

He looked me straight in the eyes then said.

"Nice meeting you puppy" He said as he let go of his grasp.

He stepped aside then just casually walk his way out of there as if nothing happened. Light shined on his face revealing his slightly tanned skin, black and hazel brown hair, and his forest green eyes.

"Who is he?" A question I asked myself as I shrug off the feeling of familiarity towards that person.

After a long walk I finally arrived home. I just opened the door then head straight up to my room. The moment I jumped in bed I was out cold as a rock.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Sweetie! Breakfast is ready!" A familiar feminine voice said as she knocks on my bedroom door.

"Coming!" I shouted.

I immediately get out of bed only to see myself in the mirror wearing my party clothes.

"Fuck!" I reacted.

With great haste I changed clothes, tidy up my room, then do laundry. Soon after I headed down to the dinning area.

"Good morning!" I cheerfully greeted as I stepped inside the room.

"Good morning, sweet pea" Step Dad greeted with a cheerful smile on his face.

I then take my seat and Mom just prepared everything for me. She's the best.

"Since you two are already here, I think it is time to spill you the news" Step Dad excitedly said.

Mom and I were immediately stopped whatever we are doing and just attentively looked at him waiting for his big new.

"Remember the entry I've sent a while back?"

"Guess what! I won and they are expecting me to make a full entry" Step Dad cheerfully announced.

Mom and I both cheered but Mom's expression shows otherwise.

"Ah! Is my lovey dovey worried about me?"

"I'll be just gone for a couple of months that's all besides we call each other 24/7" Step Dad reassuringly said.

But those mere words were not enough to shrug Mom's negative feelings.

Step Dad stood up and walked towards Mom then gave her a big tight hug behind her waist. He then places his head on top Mom's shoulder then said.

"You know we could all go together but Angela's school is on Monday. We can't just leave her alone here, right?" Step Dad said with a worried tone.

"If that's the case! You two can go, just leave everything to me"

"I am more than capable" I eagerly suggested.

Mom immediately rushed towards me then hugged me.

"No sweetie, I'll just stay here with you" Mom said.

I don't know why but I felt nothing from those words. She may have no ill intentions but still the feeling was not right for me.

I raised my head a bit and our eyes met. She's about to cry I am sure of it but she just bottled it all up, refusing to let it go.

I held both of her hands then said.

"I know you wanted to go Mom so please accept Dad's offer"

"I'll just stay here instead since classes will start soon" I said.

I then raised both of my arms and pulled her head closer. I tilted it a bit so I could whisper directly at her ear.

"You should go, Its been a while since you travelled"

"Don't worry I'll be fine" I whispered then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

- - - - - - - - - -

Same day evening

I just finished shopping and on my way home. The sky is split into two, a yellowish orange hue and a blueish indigo hue. The streets were busy this time of day so I decided to take the long route home.

As I was walking in the alley, I had this feeling that someone was following me. Our neighborhood has always been peaceful so I had nothing to worry about maybe just another passerby avoiding the busy streets.

Moments passed but I still have this suspenseful feeling that bothers me. I increased my pace as I slowly looked back and what a relief no one was following me.

I felt at ease then just shrugged the creeped out feeling off. I was about to look back but suddenly I ran into something. It was hard, like a brick wall. Then I noticed a pair of shoes in front of me as I picked up my fallen groceries.

"Oh crap a person!" I reacted.

"What should I do? Should I say sorry?" I questioned myself.

I was struck at that moment and my heart was racing.

"Just kill me already!" My subconscious self repeatedly shouted inside my head.

"It's you again" The person in front of me said.

The moment I looked up changed everything. I didn't expect that I would bump into him! My bully! Abaddon Specter!

"Out of all the people why him!"

"Why is he here of all places" I ranted to myself as I quickly picked up all my dropped groceries.

- - - - - - - - - -

Two years ago, he transferred to another school because of family issues. That was when I was finally relieved of his insults and beatings. I thought I would never meet him again but now he was in the neighborhood again.

I wanted to spend my school year peacefully since I am turning eighteen and will be finally a welcomed she-wolf naturally.

Why did he come back, right at the moment?

"Why him of all people?

"Why now?

Some questions that rattled my way of thinking.

Stunned from my current standpoint I was powerless. Leo was just standing there watching me pick up everything. Well, I can't blame him I was the one not looking.

As soon as I finished picking up my groceries I walked as fast as I could out of there.

I was about to walk past him but he grabbed my arm then pulled me to another alley. There were no lights at all and the sky is completely dark now. He grabbed the grocery bag I was holding then gently placed it aside.

"What could he possibly want with me?" A question I asked myself because at that moment I was clearly not thinking straight.

He slammed me into a wall then pressed his body against mine tightly.

"Let me go!" I shouted but my threat meant nothing to him.

His left hand then began touching my waist. His hands were rough so it felt like wood rubbing against my skin. He began to finger at my bud. I tried to resist but my body seemed to reciprocate with his moves.

"What the hell are you doing Jowayne snap out of it!" My subconscious self shouted inside my head but I was completely powerless.

I finally reached my climax so I let out a loud moan. Seeing my reaction, he sneered and decided to let me go.

I sat for a while since my legs lose all strength to stand up. My face was bright red and I could feel something dripping down on my panties. I was able to wet myself.

That was really embarrassing, to think I enjoyed being molested by my number one bully.

"See you in school tomorrow, poppy." Abaddon said with a glorious smile on his face.

I was pissed seeing that smug look on his face. Thinking he already won against me.

After a while I regained my strength back. I grabbed my shopping bag then went on my way.

"I will never walk in this alley ever again" I said to myself as I look at the wall where our body pressed each other.

Just thinking about it makes me shiver down my spine. I feel like I am going to puke.