
Let’s Read The Word

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A girl who was maltreated by her stepmother found pity in the eyes of an angel,who in turn turned himself into a human to save her from the afflictions her stepmother inflicted on her. Now she's in love with this strange man,will she ever have him to herself?

A girl named Melissa was born into the world she came to know that she was fatherless,not that she doesn't have a father, but her mother Anne got pregnant for her father who was already married to another, leaving her to suffer in the miserable hands of her stepmother , Celine. But an angel who saw her afflictions turned himself into a man from another world to help her fight her battle,and save her from the wicked hands of her stepmother. Will she get to fall in love with him after all the help he as rendered to her,or she lets her love die within her?. "Baby,I can't take this anymore,why will you always treat me like a kid,am your husband for Christ sake we are both married,I married you into my house as my wife,for you to take care of me as a wife to her husband,even I don't have the opportunity to eat my wife's meal in this house anymore,it's either I cook or your maid cook,and you expect me to eat her meal when she is not my wife,all you know and committed is your business, don't I work as well,but I always try to create space for you,but you always turn down my advances and effort towards you",

Rick rockston spoke out emotionally and from his heart,to his wife Celine rollings.

"Darling how long will you keep complaining you know I can't be in the house for hours just to be with you, that's why I brought in a nanny to always take care of your meals and the house,I can't stay home for my money to drop ,I need to be in my business place by now",

she said, pulling her husband Rick and gave him a light little kiss on the side of his lips,Rick just watched Celine left him ,and he needed her that morning to quench his morning desires,and to taste her food,but she left him to her business.

This is a little info about the two couples.

Rick rockston and Celine rollings got married three years ago,Celine is a business woman who sells ladies accessories,like jewelries, shoes ,bags, clothes that she do import from another country to her company where she sells ladies accessories,while her husband was a police officer,but he still brought himself down to his wife Celine, but Celine was always watchful and mindful of her business than her husband,till she forgot that she had to take in for her husband as a married woman,Celine hadly cook in the house so she had to employ in a nanny,an elderly woman to cook for her husband and to take care of their house,which added more pains to her husband Rick. Anytime Rick tries to make advances towards her at night,she will always turn him down saying she was tired of the work she did in the day at her company,then she sleeps off keeping Rick to suffer his sexual desires.

This went on and on,till Rick started putting it into thought,he loves his wife so much that he is not willing to have another woman beside her,but on the other hand he needs a woman by his side,and this is almost three months he had had a good sex,he need to get laid one of this days if not,he doesn't know want will happen to his body system,he thought. There was a woman who runs a little cafe,not so big but was able to make a little sales before the night falls,beside the police station .

she was a pretty white and tall young woman,she goes about her business but she is a friendly woman,Rick has talked to her on one or two occasions and bought her coffee as well in her shop,but he did not notice her beauty until when he looked at her closely the day he went to work,then decided to get himself a cup of coffee and cream and some snacks,for breakfast before resuming his job for the day.

"Hey, good morning Anne,he said to the cafe woman, smilling with his cute and handsome face ,that can make a woman go crazy.

"Hi good morning,it's been a while since you came here last,I missed a good customer",

she said smilling while going to pour him some coffee from the coffee maker.

"Really oh, don't worry I will be coming here often from now on I promise",he said then collected the tray his coffee and snacks was placed in,then sets to eat. Anne the cafe woman stood and watched him munch on his snack,and took a sip from his coffee,in her mind

"oh what a cute young man,how wish he was mine",

she thought to her self then smiled.

Rick who was busy watching her from the corner of his eyes ,turned his neck a bit and asked still munching on his snack,

"why staring at me", then smile ,"am I so handsome that you are drooling over me",

he said hiding his smile at the side of his cheek.

"Oh no, that's not it,am thinking about something,am not even looking at you"

,she chuckled trying to hide her smile,then she turned and went inside her shop.

"rude man"

,she said

"I heard that you know",Rick said

Then she shrug her shoulder and sat at the corner of her shop, waiting for Rick to finish so she could clean up the table he ate on.

After paying for his coffee,he still left some extra tip for her,like the amount two customer's will use to buy themselves two cup of coffee and still get some change from it,then he quickly left before she could complain,she just stood there watching the most handsome man she had ever met in her life,but sadly he is married,she thought and went into her shop.