
Let’s Read The Word

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Forbidden Forest

Forbidden Forest




Valiant is a brave woman stranded in the Forbidden Forest, she went through many trials to face the challenge of her life by staying in that forest, she met many and she was even put in danger a few times, she met Loren Dion and Zach in the forest, watch out for what other challenges will come in her life that she will stay inside. .. can she still get out? or she will be confined forever in the dark forest that she considers hell.

Valiant ignored the heavy downpour as she made his way down the dark and dense forest road. It was four o'clock in the afternoon but the atmosphere was dark due to the overcast sky and the towering trees of acacia, mahogany and other huge trees in the forest.

It was also cold because her clothes were already wet due to the heavy downpour that could not be stopped from falling. She also had a wound on her arm because her arm got caught in a sharp tree while she was walking, causing it to bleed.

The forest was quiet and only the pouring rain could be heard. The road was muddy so it was difficult for her to walk dire straight.

Wherever he landed, she researched places here in the philippines that could be visited, she always faced the computer and looked for possible places that he could go to and now the forest he was traversing was one.

She first took refuge in a large tree to rest because her wound was hurting. She leaned against the acacia tree and closed her eyes, the rain still falling, her wound hurting causing it to weaken. She took a bottled mineral out of her bag and slowly drank it. An hour later, the heavy rain stopped. It was sunny earlier and the weather was nice so she continued to travel because she thought it would not rain. She did not expect the heavy rain to catch up with her here in the forest.

It was six o'clock in the evening when he resumed walking. He turned on the flashlight in the pocket of his bag to serve as its light to walk through the dark forest again.

Half a minute later the maiden reached a place where she was carried by her feet. Although the place was frightening, it did not retreat. With narrowed eyes she continued to walk, later she stopped walking when she heard the voices of men from the other side of the forest. There were only three trees between them, from Valiant's place.

"Boss Red, Zach escaped us" a man replied, while holding a balisong, sharp if it looked and super scary if it looked. He was wearing a leather jacket and black pants, his eyes were blue and his skin was pale as if it had not been reflected.

"That man is really lucky .. Search the whole forest, his just around" said their boss. Like the other one, he was wearing it all black and also holding a sharp balisong, his eyes were red and he had a good posture. He even looked around and pretended to see what he was looking for.

Valiant hid behind a large tree as it turned to his habit, it was also sharp when looked at because of the red eye color. The girl put the flashlight in her bag so that they would not be noticed.

"I smell something, there's something strange around" replied their boss as they looked around. His companions also looked around the forest. His voice was deep and frightening to hear that sounded like a demon.

The girl peeked at the speakers, it was in the number ten and almost all of them were holding balisong. The girl thinks they are police and is looking for a criminal found in the forest. But he was not convinced that they were police because they looked scary and their weapon was not a gun.

The girl was nervous as their boss walked closer to the tree where she was hiding.

She was about to run away when suddenly a hand covered his mouth. Valiant struggled when the stranger lifted him up to cover his mouth.

"W-who are you? Take me down, let me go!" The man did not listen to her as if no one had heard it.

The girl was surprised when the man ran while he was lifting her, she even shouted but the man immediately covered her mouth so that no one could hear her.

When Red arrives at the tree where Valiant is hiding he fails to see the girl, he feels earlier that someone was spying on them while they were talking to his companion about finding Zach. He knew there was someone there so he was surprised that no one could reach him.

"Why boss?" Diego asked Red.

Red was silent before turning to Diego. "Nothing, come on,l know where Zach is located"

Diego was about to walk but Red stopped him.

"I'm the one who's going to attack Zach, go back to camp" Red replied to his companion.

"Are you sure boss? What if he's with Loren?"

Red didn't speak and started walking towards the place where Zach is now, he was sure he was home.

As if Valiant was riding a 120 -speed motor because of his speed, she was staring blankly at the mysterious man who lifted her. His eyes are gray, his nose is sharp, his eyebrows are thick and his lips are red. to the man he had seen before it was also pale.

In a flash they stopped at a large mansion covered in thick black moss. That big mansion was scary and full of mystery. There are also huge trees around the house, the mansion has no light but because of the moonlight she can see it.

"Let me go!" the girl said because he hadn't let her go yet, the girl didn't think that the young man would run so fast, she thought it was a ghost living in the mansion because he ran fast compared to just ordinary people. The young man quickly released him causing him to fall to the ground. He closes his eyes because of the force of his fall.

"Are you addicted? W-why did you released me? It's hurts!" the girl writhed in pain as she held onto his back. She looked at the young man and his face was emotionless, he remained staring at the girl while his two hands were tucked in the two pockets of his jacket.

But she is still grateful to this man for rescuing him from Red and his comrades.

"Are you a dumb? Do you live here? A-are you a ghost? Why do you run so fast? Ah maybe you used to be a runner in the Olympics, you're my idol now W-what's your name?" girl asked but the man was still silent and remained staring at the girl.

"Hey! C-can we enter inside your house now? Because there are so many mosquitoes here, do you have anyone inside? It seems a spooky house but interesting." the girl replied again while staring at the mansion.

"A human!" Valiant was surprised to see a woman next to the man he was talking to. He didn't even notice where it came from, there was an arrow stuck in the back of it tucked away in the bag. This is the weapon they use for the enemy.

Valiant hugged himself as he felt three men beside him, one behind him and two on either side of her. They were also sharp when they looked but Valiant did not have a trace of fear on his face, he still enjoyed looking at the creatures around him because in his whole life he had never encountered mysterious people like them.

Valiant looked at the woman next to him he was talking to earlier, pale, tall, with long hair, beautiful, also sharp to look at, her lips were also thin and red, like his colleagues. The eyes are green and the outfit is all black.

"How did she end up here? Did she know she entered a dangerous place, where no one can escape life" the woman approached Valiant, she was blindsided by the smell of its blood. A human blood, this is what is in the woman's mind.

Valiant turned away because of the woman's strange gesture because she could smell it.

"H-hello..Nice to meet you all, by the way I'm Valiant" Valiant held out his hand to the woman, the woman smiled before turning to her companions.

The woman would have approached her properly when Zach spoke.

"Loren! Don't make mistake of touching that mortal" Zach replied seriously.

Loren closes her eyes and backs away. "What are you going to do with her, she's not kind! So maybe she came here to kill us!" Loren returned.

Valiant was confused by what those in front of him were saying, she could not determine what kind of creature they were.

She was startled by a balisong that hit her directly on the shoulder, Valiant could not understand how she felt when he saw the sharp object pierce her right arm.

Gradually her vision blurred as Zach shouted because there was an opponent around. She finally fell to the ground because her whole body seemed to be poisoned by that sharp object in her right arm.

They didn't know, Red was at the top of the tree while he was holding a balisong, he could see below Zach and Loren and other companions, including Valiant who had now fallen to the ground.

"Put the mortal inside, don't let her die, take the cure in the basement and give her a drink" Zach ordered the three male companions. They immediately followed and carried the girl into the mansion.

Loren looked at Valiant as she lifted his body inside before turning to Zach who was now feeling the surroundings. "I'm sure Red was around, I think you would have been the one to hit but it went straight to Valiant. His life is in danger now because it wasn't just an ordinary balisong that hit her." Loren replied as she turned sesame around.

They knew that Red did that, because he once attacked the mansion, another sign of them was the poisonous balisong. It's deadly. This is the weapon of their opponents.

Red went down away from that place, he wouldn't attack first because Loren was with him. Loren is known to be a powerful vampire, brave and he can knock out a vampire in an instant.

"I think he's gone" Zach replied seriously, Zach's sense of smell was strong especially when there was an opponent around, he was also one of the good when fighting vampires. His eye is sharp even in the dark.

Zach started walking followed by Loren.