
Let’s Read The Word

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Don't You Dare!

Don't You Dare!

Author:Author JK



"I can do anything I want. You can't control me!" His eyes turned darker. "That's your misconception, kitten!" He said as he slammed his lips on hers and started kissing her roughly. Will Vish ever love him? Will Hadi ever let her go? Stay Tuned To Find Out Wether This Story Turns Out To Be A Love Story Or Not!! P.s.- Please make sure to read the Author's Declaration before starting the story.

Third Person's POV

Finally, after waiting for a pretty long time, it was Vish's turn for the security checking and on the other hand, it was Hadi's turn also but obviously in the VIP's security checking line which was on the left side of that of the staff's.

"Listen to me, I am politely telling you that I'll not remove my jacket for your fucking security checking shit!" Hadi shouted at the officer. "Please sir, I am requesting you, its the rule-", that officer tried to explain but Hadi cut off him. "Listen and listen well, If I got rid of my jacket, you will get rid of your fucking precious life. Ali, explain him." He threatened the officer motioning his bestfriend Ali, to elaborate him.

Vish was watching this all commotion from her place frowning and thinking how asshole this person is! She thought that, that officer was just doing his job but he ... he was only showing off the power of his father's reputation. She cursed him mentally and proceeded to walk towards the plane as her checking was done.

-time skip-

All the passengers were settled in the plane and it was also ready to take off that's why the signal for switching off the phones was given. But....Hadi was there, talking on the phone to someone arguing about his seat. Vish was far from him serving other passengers.

"Sir, the signal for switching off the phones has been given, please do it." Inaaya, an air hostess and also Vish's bestfriend requested to Hadi but he shouted on her. "You just mind your own business, don't interfere with my personal affairs if you love your job."

Inaaya flinched at his sudden outburst but stayed silent and went into the crew rest area. Vish followed her because she knew that Inaaya was crying. Vish went in the crew rest area and saw her crying, she consoled and gave her the idea of complaining about him.

She immediately scolded Vish and said, "Dude, don't you know who he is? He his the Governor's son. If I'll complaint against him, I'll lose my job which I can't afford."

"So what, huh??!! Even if he's the son of our governor, he can't insult anyone." Vish snapped at her angrily but Inaaya insisted on ignoring this matter and at the end, Vish also agreed with her defeatedly.

-after two hours-

Vish was serving lunch to the passengers and the very moment when she was just behind Hadi's seat, he unintentionally waved his hand in order to call someone but somehow it striked the tray which Vish was holding, causing it to fall and all its items scattered on the floor.

At first Hadi ignored her but when she sat down and began picking up the fallen items, he glanced at her figure and BOOM!!!!.....

His heart skipped a beat and he gulped hard. He was watching her without even blinking as he was mesmerised by the scene in front of his eyes.

Hadi's POV

I have never seen such a beautiful girl. She has a small, sweet and innocent face with pale skin. For a moment, I wondered if all her skin is like that- flawless. Even the skin beneath those clothes. I raked her body with a glance, my gaze lingering on her neck line which is apparently milky and smooth as fuck! Aishh!!!

Dear God, I have never seen anything or anyone like her in entire twenty seven years. Her cinnamon wavy hair with caramel and auburn balayage highlights tied to a neat bun. Deep, gorgeous, hazel doe eyes, cheeks with a tint of pink and sexy plump lips.

I controlled but couldn't help myself from touching her. I kept my left hand on her shoulder and asked, "Do you need any help, love?"

She flinched at my hot scorching touch and immediately pushed my hand away while panting deeply.

"Excuse me? No, thank you so much!" She said while frowning. She didn't liked my sensual touch and .... I fucking loved it! Because girls drool over me and die for my single glance and here I touched her...but ....she just shrugged off her shoulders. She was done with picking up the items.

"Are you sure, love?" I again asked her with a mischievous glint in my eyes and a sexy grin. She literally glared at me which I found quite hot.

"Yes, I am sure and...", she said and then whispered venomously, "stop calling me that!" I smirked at her behaviour. "Okay, babygirl."

Her eyes widened in shock and she annoyingly stomped her foot and went away disappearing behind the curtains. I laughed at her behaviour. "Cute!!" I whispered.

Vish's POV

"Arrgghh!! Damn him!"

Aish! How annoying this man is! Shameless person!!

How dare he flirted with me!

Does he thinks that I will be charmed by his flirtatious behaviour? Damn him!

I want to choke him to death. Arrgghh!!!!

"What happened Vish?" Inaaya asked me worriedly.

"Nothing dude." I frowned.

"Vish, will you tell me or not?" She asked angrily.

"Fine, I'll tell you." Then I told her everything like a tape recorder. She told me to ignore him, she said he won't bother me again.

""ding dong"" A passenger called a stewardess. Inaaya went out to the respective passenger who called her but again came inside and said something to me which on hearing I gasped and felt annoyed.

"Why me?" I asked her because she told me that....Hadi is calling me for something.

"I don't know but please just go and don't say anything to him. I don't want him to do something bad to you." She frowned.

"Don't worry! I won't say anything to him just for you." I assured her.

I hesitantly walked to him and I don't know what's with that stupid smirk on his face?!! The fuck?!

"Y-yes s-sir?" 'Yah! Vish....why are you stuttering??'

I face palmed myself mentally. His gaze was somehow very intimidating.

On hearing my stuttering, his smirk....his stupid smirk widened.

"Babygirl, can I get a pillow ,please?"